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  1. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 in Bugsnax   
    Is anyone going to pick this game up? It's coming out on the PS4, PS5 and PC on November 12th and it's already getting some great reviews. I don't know if this is a game for me, but maybe my mind can be changed.
  2. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to m76 in Anyone played Watch Dogs Legion yet?   
    I only started playing this, but so far I'm liking it much more than expected. Seems strange for ubisotf to release two high profile titles within a few days of each other. I've been spending most of my time on valhalla
  3. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Anyone played Watch Dogs Legion yet?   
    I completely forgot I had the Uplay launcher for some reason. It must be due to the fact that I haven't played any of the Ghost Reacon games in quite some time. Anyways, I'm also waiting on a deal so I can get this game at an affordable price.
  4. Haha
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    I just can't ignore the settlement building though as I can establish my own military might. I can channel my inner Napoleon...
  5. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from killamch89 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    This kind of reminds me of my complaints about DA Inquisition's million fetch quests. They really disrupt the flow of the game, but I know on my next playthrough I'll just ignore most of them and the game will be much more enjoyable.
  6. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from Crazycrab in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    This kind of reminds me of my complaints about DA Inquisition's million fetch quests. They really disrupt the flow of the game, but I know on my next playthrough I'll just ignore most of them and the game will be much more enjoyable.
  7. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to m76 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    You are not forced to do any of those things. Settlement building is optional apart from some very minimal tutorial tasks. And you can always ask vendors to repair your stuff for caps. Or simply throw away them and switch to another weapon. That's the best part of RPGs, that you can choose how you approach things.
  8. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Empire in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    Yes! If you love the Fallout series and games that allow you to explore it's a great game. The story may not be as good as previous games but it still lives up to the standard. The companions are great and their story lines really add to the game as well as some of the side quests like the Silver Shroud. I've played over 200 hours and it still keeps me interested. 
    If you are going to get the dlc I would go with Far Harbor because it has one of the best storylines (maybe even better than the base game) and if you want to try your hand at building settlements I would go with wasteland workshop.
  9. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Crazycrab in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    It's ideas are great and a technical step up... in theory, but they just don't work all that well in actual gameplay.  I think a lot of that comes down to it's aging engine that is struggling more and more to keep up with current gaming technology.  So good ideas like a new speech system with fully voiced player character, more loot, a new settlement management aspect, improved mechanics for things like Power Armour and a full crafting system just don't work as well as you might think.  In fact they are often so often distractioing that you barely even focus on the main story at all..
    You spend WAY more time doing tedious busy work like gathering crafting supplies and maintaining your weapoms and armour, the new dialogue system actually gives you less choices and the building system is a nightmare that makes it almost impossible to get things lined up exactly how you want them.  Good intentions but just not as good in terms of execution.
  10. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    It's a pretty awesome game although it does have its bugs. I'd say Fallout 3 and New Vegas were better games in terms of story but it's still a great release nonetheless.
  11. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Empire in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    I enjoyed dying lights take on open world quite a bit. You really felt like you were in the slums of some poor country when you were exploring the first large map. The map flow was very good as well, you were basically just running from one side of the map to the next hitting zombies with weapons but it never felt boring because you could do it in different ways each time.
    The movement system that game offered made it feel very organic when you traversed the world. And the world complemented that by being set in the middle of a south american city, whose types of cities are generally have building very close together. Not to mention that artistically it fit. You felt like you were in the slums, and you felt like you were in the rich district in the second area in comparison.
    Dying light was really overlooked in a year of the witcher 3, but it was very solid and had it had a better story would have been serious competition.
  12. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    I learned from Elder Scrolls books about Tonal Magic which derived many magical skills that didn't requite magicka such as the Thu'um, Sword singing especially the Pakratosword technique which sank Yokuda (the original land of the Redguards and this forced them to migrate to Hammerfell). The techniques from this kind of magic are powerful enough to bend the universe to its users will.
  13. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    My personal pick is between the Elder Scrolls and Fallout. There is so much depth and lore to both worlds, it's absolutely ridiculous. Once you start roaming around the worlds, reading the books in-game, you tend to learn a lot more about the lore from previous titles in each series as well.
  14. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure in What are your favorite open worlds?   
    I love apocalypse environments with cities or towns destroyed. I can't get enough of it. And when my mood changes, I enjoy ancient civilization type settings. RDR2 has that unique western environment which I think is a stand alone in the gaming world. I played Gun on ps2, which was ok (Native American controversies). A good space and planets type environment is also good. I've recently been giving Mass Effect 2 another try. Don't know why I stopped first time around. Top 2 would be apocalypse and ancient civilization. 
  15. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to killamch89 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    Can't recommend Fallout 4 enough. Very fun game with settlement building, fun missions and a lot of things to do.
  16. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 in Fallout 4 - Worth Getting?   
    Fallout 4 is a great game imo. I didn't play it all the way through, but the time I had with it was fun! It's probably pretty cheap at this point too, considering it's a 5 year old game. You could probably get it used for even cheaper.
    Anyway, it's a fun RPG/Action game, that I'd recommend playing.
    I don't remember there being city building. Wasn't it more like settlements you could build? I don't recall there being a full on city builder. But I could be wrong. 
  17. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Are video games art?   
    Yes it's art. It's no different than music or movies. It's a medium that people use to show their artistic side. Some do other things. My art is the written word. I've written 2 novels, several short stories, and a hell of a lot of unconventional poetry. Some prefer a brush. Some prefer a saw and hammer.
    It's art from those that have the drive and knowledge to create it. There are games I personally just aren't into all the way to others that I despise. But my feeling on those games does not negate the fact that they are still art.
  18. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Kane99 in Is there a game you keep discovering deeper layers of meaning in?   
    Yeah, that's the brilliance of Spec Ops: The Line. It's meant to be about the horrors of war and how it can effect people's minds. It's one of my favorite games, because it shows war as extremely awful. 
    Anyway, as for other games, there are a lot of games that try to hide meaning into their games. Sometimes it's over-looked by fans, or completely missed. 
    I think Silent Hill 2 (spoilers ahead) has a lot of symbolism and hidden meaning. The whole point of the game is that James is kind of an awful person. He fantasized about other women as his wife was dying in a hospital bed, but he was also responsible for ending her life sooner. I heard Pyramid head is a symbol of James. 
  19. Like
    StaceyPowers got a reaction from Reality vs Adventure in Amazing Details in Game Environments   
    In Skyrim last night, I realized I was “going through the motions” rather mindlessly on a quest, and that the experience was becoming repetitious. So, I randomly looked at a tree stump and thought, “playthroughs don’t have to be repetitious; I can stroll over and examine this tree stump right now.” So I did, and was quite startled when I saw ants moving all over it. I never noticed ants crawling on stumps on any previous playthroughs, and I’ve been playing this game monthly for years. It was a cool moment.
    What are some small details like these which you have spotted only after a long time in a game environment?
    @kingpotato @killamch89 @skyfire @The Blackangel @Alyxx @DylanC
  20. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Most heartbreaking moment in a video game?   
    They say bad seed never dies. Every now and then, one falls through the cracks. There's a lot of abusive fuckers out there that need to fall through those cracks. 
  21. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Reality vs Adventure in Most heartbreaking moment in a video game?   
    AC Odyssey, I had a lion who fought with me through everything. Major battles, skirmishes, skilled mercenaries, and went on travels with me. It was always there. All them pics I took. All the moments together. Then I was on some castle walls up in a mountain. I jumped off and the lion jumped after me and died. After all that, I wanted it to have a glorious death, but followed me off the edge. I was heartbroken. I don't know if I can ever love such a wonderful beast again. 
  22. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in Most heartbreaking moment in a video game?   
    Yes there was something in RDR2 that broke my heart. I'm not going to say what, as I hate spoilers just as much as everyone else here. But suffice it to say, it was completely devastating.
    Maybe the fact that everyone in the game felt like actual family for me played a part. I know when I finished the game I felt like I had lost the only family I had ever known, and like I had lost someone I loved. So maybe I was too emotionally invested in the game.
  23. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to ARx182 in What game will you never play again?   
    Every FIFA game prior to the release of FIFA 21. I usually throw away old FIFA games once the new one is released, it improves (even if it's minor) every year so why play the old ones again. 😝
  24. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to The Blackangel in What game will you never play again?   
    Goblin Sword is one for me. It didn't end, it just stopped. I cleared every area, collected every armor, relic, and collectible, and it stopped. There was no climactic end to the game. Just a stop. It was fun as hell up until that point. I beat every boss in the game, and it just stopped. It feels like the developers lost interest when they were making the game, and just said "fuck it, we're done". I haven't played it in forever.
  25. Like
    StaceyPowers reacted to Shagger in Ask Shagger   

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