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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. Detective games are fun if you are very good at reading clues that are starring you in the face to make use of them to solve a problem.
  2. Of course yes, I have watched all the movie on Transporter by Jason Statham. The guy is a very good driver and if you are into racing games, you will definitely like his movies.
  3. There were times when I had to use rubber band to tie up my console wire in order to get me by playing some games then when I didn't have the money to replace them.
  4. From all my years of being a gamer since 1988, I have never seen any gamer who's enjoyed playing games that are far too easy obviously. It's a complete waste of time.
  5. I'm very sure that characters customization is something that adds a sense of connection and unique originality to gamers which is why they take it very seriously.
  6. For some reason, there are plenty people who are very rich to the extent that money isn't their problem anymore. So, it's going to be hard for them to give up gaming as they are looking at spending money to be happy and not get money to be happy.
  7. 7 months of constant usage, I'd say that it even lasted longer than expected for one who uses his console with no caution or care.
  8. Yeah, as much as I know that learning process can be that challenging, if it's made that easy, you wouldn't have the courage to face it head on.
  9. The game Psychonauts 2 looks one kind but all round, it seems like I'm going to love playing it. But how about Psychonauts 1?
  10. Seriously, I think I was lost at how the whole thing was done and didn't take note of the amount of money I'm losing already till it was already too late.
  11. Yeah, at my learning stage, the experience was really horrible for me. Sometimes when I would remember what I passed through, I would hiss all day. But getting better at it was as relief.
  12. There were 6 notable bugs and glitches that caused quite a fuss in FIFA 18 covered in this article. https://www.sportskeeda.com/amp/esports/fifa-18-6-worst-glitches-of-the-game/2
  13. Yeah, I just try as much as possible to avoid getting those cheap substandard products they make because it's quite frustrating buying something that wouldn't be durable.
  14. C. Pulusic the one that plays for Chelsea right? I used to call him Captain America 🇺🇸, although he's battling with series of injuries which isn't good for his football career.
  15. It's actually why I'm giving up on their gaming franchise lately because they seem not to be getting the message that we are tired of the bugs.
  16. Yeah, it's what I'm trying to do by finalizing all I'm supposed to do with work by this week, so that in next two weeks, nothing will hinder my movement.
  17. Yeah, it's why I said that I didn't want to sound like Trump that has got an agenda against China 🇨🇳 in all he says about them. It's true they have massive power in productivity but they also make fakes too.
  18. Boblee

    Sims Games

    Yeah, some channels are more detailed in how they make up their reviews and I believe that it's what matters so much to their subscribers.
  19. I would be visting him in two weeks time. We don't live that close, it's going to take me at 4 hours drive to get to his place.
  20. I believe so too, the bugs weren't too bad in FIFA 18, but the question is whether they can't eliminate all bugs in the game completely?
  21. You can never compare brand new products to fairly used ones unless on rare occasions where it's a new substandard quality from China most likely because they are very good at it. I don't want to sound like Trump but it's the reality.
  22. Boblee

    Sims Games

    I don't necessarily need to make my decisions from watching trailers alone but making use of credible YouTube channels to know every single thing about the game.
  23. It's an already decided thing. Whatever I'm going to do next is dependent on how the game pans out from the play at his own end.
  24. Oh dear, if I were in your shoes, I'm definitely going to look for any possible way to pay them back for making a mockery of me.
  25. I know 100% that it's not an addiction yet because if it's already an addiction, you wouldn't be worried it all and feel it's all normal.
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