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Everything posted by Kennysplash

  1. Exactly my thoughts, the fact that I shoot cops does not mean I would get a gun and start doing the same in reality. It’s a game, he just took it too far. The police are being shot at in movies, I wonder what he has to say to that.
  2. Have we all not experienced this as kids? There was a time I missed school just to stay at home and play. Parents were out of town for a week, I woke up one morning and loaded the game instead of preparing for school. School called my parents that I was absent and I can never forget the discipline I received. That experience still being smiles to my face whenever I remember it.
  3. So you mean you are more excited now than when you were younger? That means you have a way of keeping yourself engaged and immersed, maybe that is what I actually lost. I do miss the old days though.
  4. Perhaps due to absence of responsibility, or the novelty of gaming, I would be so excited to play Prince of Persia after school, and then the next day we boys would gather together and discuss it at length. Or is it the thrill of gathering to play multiplayer games? Even the thought of having a game waiting for you can have me excited throughout the day. But I don’t get those anymore. Maybe I have grown so used to it, hence the lesser excitement. Or there are bills to sort out now. If you were to compare now to when you were a teenager, do you still get the same excitement you got then?
  5. I have really sweaty palms, it even drips when they’re folded. Usually it’s the X button on the controller that stops working, since I press it the most. I now have a towel handy when I play though.
  6. How do you treat sore thumbs? We are on break for the festive season already, so yesterday I played different games throughout. NFS, Winning Eleven, GTA… Later in the night I felt pain on my right thumb, and it’s quite sensitive. I can barely use it to do anything till this present moment. Has it happened to you before? How does it heal quickly?
  7. Perhaps if they can be connected to human brains and carry out the moves we think? Kidding. They can be made water proof. I am sweaty, and most times my consoles get damaged due to my sweat being pressed inside. Once it was even damaged by literal water. 😁
  8. I don’t understand though, so who still buy and play those 90s games for it to be worth that much? If I am to do that with games that are 12 years old now I would probably get a handshake for the pawn shop. Even if they’re kept as souvenirs, wow.
  9. I would say the original Doom. It was such a groundbreaking first-person shooter then and it pushed the boundaries of what was possible in video games. The FPS genre was made popular by doom.
  10. That is true as well. But what is the point in playing a game where you are stuck? There is this sense of achievement I get when I complete a mission or level. In that sense, if all had been going wrong the whole day that can help me feel better.
  11. There is a reason even developers seek gamers suggestions on released games. Their aim is to satisfy us. In a situation where the majority have the same complaints then they will know where they went wrong. Most times it is not about the producers or manufacturers, it is all about the end users. So developers need to work with these ones in mind and not just on what they feel is right.
  12. PCs have more processing power and can run games at higher frame rates. The drawback to it is the cost. Console is definitely cheaper, but does not have the same performance as a high end PC. If you want the best gaming experience where money is not a hinderance, PC it should be.
  13. Having to upgrade to the latest versions. I know that no one is being forced to, but subtly we have no choice. IOS smartphones from X series and below will soon no longer support WhatsApp. So we have no choice but to get the latest versions. Same with android, they would start lagging and overheating. If only I can use my device for as long as I wish.
  14. There is a clear difference between the two, you will know when you use both. Curved monitors reduces eye strain and provides a more natural field of view for the human eye. So if your pocket allows it you can go for it. You will surely get your money’s worth.
  15. I use google. Brave was introduced to me because it is an avenue to earn money as well, but I just didn’t feel it. I’m now so used to google that any other browser does not feel right.
  16. To me it is big and heavy. The bigger screen is an advantage though provided it has some sort of mini controllers on its own. But since it does not, I always say that the best thing to use iPads for is to watch movies.
  17. My palms are soft, so I feel pains when I play games for long especially on my thumbs. So I shift my thumbs to the middle, it helps me have a firm grip on the controller.
  18. Ps 5 certainly. I want to get my hands on the dual sense controllers specifically. I’ve heard a lot of stories about how unique and adaptive it is.
  19. Horizontal always, it seems as if any small movement or wind will knock it over. Can’t take that risk. Also, I move my controllers while playing, so it could be knocked over easily
  20. Wherever the mood hits me, when I am at home the computer it is. But when I’m far from home then my mobile to the rescue. There is no doubt though that the computer is more enjoyable.
  21. I suppose it is the one I have that I will choose. I don’t have the luxury of having more than one, so Play Station it is always. Besides it is more than enough for me actually.
  22. Mine was a controller. The wire was coming off so I tired to tie it back together. I ended up destroying it completely, had to get another. I actually had a good laugh at myself, never to start what I cannot finish.
  23. I never even think of it, but now that you mention it maybe I will pay attention. There are some moments that are definitely clip worthy. I just focus on my game.
  24. Multiplayer games are always interesting and exciting, whether online or offline. You know that you are competing with a human like you. The best ones are those that allows you to chat with those you are playing with, just wonderful.
  25. I suppose playing the game helps to reduce your anger? It’s wonderful that you found a way to work with that side of yours. Sometimes when I need to think critically and make a decision, I play Tetris. It refreshes my brain and allow me think effectively.
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