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Posts posted by Techno

  1. While everyone else chooses more modern and recent years I'm gonna go with 1972, because it's really is when video games became mainstream enough to get seen as profitable. 1972 was when Pong released which really was the start of the video game market. Sure stuff like Table For Two was around but it didn't get all that popular. Pong is the first big hit in the gaming market, which helped establish a market that lead to all the other classics. Another big arcade cabinet game called Computer Space also released around that time.


    Also in 1972 was the Madavox Odduesy which was the first ever console to be released. It paved the way for Atari and Intelvision to enter the console market.

    Basically 1972 is when gaming became an actual market. Which is why I'd call it the greatest.

  2. Psychonauts, it's one of the most creative, thoughtful, and funny games Ive ever played but it's certainly has its problems. For example, the game has some very bland and uninteresting combat, especially compared to the sequel. And the figment are poorly colored making them hard to see. And the progression system makes you grind which gets really tedious. Basically it had the early 2000s design which haven't aged well.

  3. 9 hours ago, DC said:

    @Techno been a while since we've seen you on VGR. What have you been up to? How is your forum doing?

    Honestly I've just fallen out of here. Forums just lost the spark for me. They just feel so much less personal. I don't know what it is but they've just felt empty. Maybe when I hit school again I'll get back into sprit.

  4. What on earth is that artsyle? It looks too cartoonish for a tomb raider game. I mean sure the game's never had that much realism, but they at least looked like a real place. It litterly looks like Disney Infinity's artsyle.

  5. Just now, ShipmateMoon said:

    To manipulate the noosphere, of course. But yeah it does seem really weird.

    Now that my brain cell turned into two, I might have a actual explanation. There are likely some remaining material that would be very good for nuclear bombs. Nuclear bombs which Russia seems to be very interested in.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Yaramaki said:

    The xbox one x was barely 2 years on the market before they lauched series x/s, ps4 pro like what 3 years, so surely both consoles could have lasted atleast 2 more years.

    True, I understand that there were console upgrades they could just push, but it was time for a change. It has been seven to eight years, the time was ripe for change.

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