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Everything posted by Yaramaki

  1. Are you talking about this thread or the last game played thread? Like i said before people seem to hopping from one game to another in a matter of days which i find strange so hence this thread? Also is the number of post so important for some people, it's something that i never understood who cares about how many posts you have. Edit looks like i have reached the magic number 666 now 😈👿 But since i'm repeating myself and we start adding games we played recently how about i chip in with what i played during the summer. Dragon quest 11 echoes of an elusive age : Currently taking a break from dragon quest, i'm right near the end of act 1 maybe about 35-40 hours in, did grind a lot tough making the game a total breeze so far. Will mostlikely resume playing next week orso. Pokemon Arceus Legends : I've beaten the main story, all i need now is to get the remaining pokemon, which no doubt will require me to look up a guide online and i can already smell you can only get certain pokemon under certain special conditions unknown until you look it up for the 35 hours i put into it i've had fun with it even if it's too easy and the side quests are boring as hell. Monopoly : my go to game when i'm staying at my gf her place, we are about 20 hours in and are still playing our first game of monopoly, unlike real monopoly you can't really cheat and nobody has to be the bank so that's a bonus. You'd be suprised how good board games can be on your tv. The Council : Man what should i add about this game, a more adult version of life is strange with more puzzles minus the strange powers. About halfway trough the game, kinda aiming to complete it by the end of the weekend as work starts again on monday after a 3 week break. Got stuck on a puzzle for 2 hours tough and by the end i had to look it up as i'd probably never figured it out anyway. Aquadine : This will mostlikly my next game i'm going to play @DC gave a code away yesterday for Aquadine trough the bids for rewards program so it would be disrespecting towards him if i woulden't touch the game. Offcourse there are older titles that i play here and there whenever i get a big box from japan but those are mostly for short burst of time and is meanly to see if the games are working before shelving them.
  2. Yeah i tend to agree with most that has been said here even tough silent protagonists that and the main character losing their memory are a stable of a lot of jrpg's , i'm currently playing trough dragon quest 11 and you know the silent protagonist or hero/luminary whatever you want to call him it would add much more dept to the character if the hero had a voice. I think nintendo is guilty with a lot of their franchises to be honest why the fuck does Link never say a word and while i'm busy let's slam the recent pokemon games why on earth aren't any pokemon games even have voice overs. Is it that hard to give the npc's a voice in the game instead of just the text we get now, it's 2022 for gods sack stop being lazy and always chosing the easy route with pokemon games. The first two fable games also had a silent protagonist if memory serves me right. While it could have add much more to the character, fable real strength was the beautiful world and humour somewhat half decent quests and story. They changed it up with the third game which many people consider the weaker entry so i don't know really. Don't know what else there is i could possible add, for older games and lower budget games it's tolerable and maybe text heavy games i could give those a pass but for games anno 2022 you would expect a little more while i don't mind playing as a silent protagonist as long the hero has a strong personality i'm fine with them not saying a word and there lies the problem it's very hard or damn near impossibe to give a silent character a likeable personality. Hell many devs fail to come up with interesting and likeable characters despite being fully voiced, let alone they could come up with good silent ones.
  3. here is my top 10 for the 2022/23 seasons, what are yours? if you can't list 10 just do a top 5 and if that isen't possible just list who will become champions. 1) Manchester City 2) Liverpool 3) Arsenal 4) Tottenham Hotspur 5) Chelsea 6) Newcastle 7) Manchester united 8 ) Aston Villa 9) West ham 10) Leicester city I think mid table will be a toss up between leicester and wolves and why not Nottingham forest. But ultimatly going with leicester in 10th place.
  4. The difference between amiibos and skylanders is that amiibos figures feature timeless classic characters, something that cannot be said about skylanders + you know it's nintendo. You just know their hardcore fanbase is going to scoop them up and want to get as much as possible. A quick ebay search trough sold listings you'll notice some have sold for a couple of hundred dollars offcourse has to be brand new. Now i know why a particulair japanese 3ds set goes for so much money apperently the amiibo included is one of the rarest out there. You know this makes you wondering why disney infinity flopped, like you couldn't possible have more iconic characters then from disney themselves or maybe i'm giving disney a bit to much credit. In the end i always stayed away from amiibos and the toy to life genre as i didn't want to start collecting even more crap and 3 rooms of my house are already full with videogames and consoles and whatever else there is. Then i haven't even talked about all the stuff that i haven't moved from my parents place yet lol. Sure i've got a few toy to life starter sets myself but i bought them all on clearance. Speaking about clearance this makes me wonder does anybody remember Starlink : battle from atlas from ubisoft that released in late 2018, i don't know who at ubisoft tought it was a good idea to release something like this when the whole toy to life trend pretty much died already?Funny thing is i still see these starter sets in toy stores all the time for as low as 10-15 bucks that is what i paid for the one i have atleast.
  5. Hunting over here isn't really the same as in America, people who hunt here are usually the upper rich class who have there own private hunting territority don't know how it's in the rest of europe but my guess is other europeans here can relate to that hunting is a rich persons hobby. The only reason i can think of is why i keep getting these hunting games is for the exploration of the map. Hiking is my second passion besides video games and collecting and i feel like walking trough these maps would give me a sense of what an American or Australian national park looks like for example. Pretty much the same @Empire said above as i too wouldn't mind just exploring the map without the hunting. Makes me wonder does anybody remember the game Africa on ps3 where you have to photgraph animals? They should make something like this but with a national park setting instead.
  6. When looking at the last game played thread i see people jumping from one game to another all the time. This makes me wonder how many games do you play simultaneously ? For me 2 games simultaneously at most because otherwise i'd never get around beating a game especially when they are story driven games if you take a break from those it's sometimes hard to remember the story. But usually i don't play anything else until i've beaten a game even if that means playing the same game for an entire month. What about you guys/girls?
  7. You know since i didn't have much else to do today, kinda wanted to go out and do a long hike since it's cooling off a bit now, low and behold it's raining the entire day. I booted up Crash bash and played it for a couple of hours and goddamn look what you made me do @Withywarlock as i was supposed to be reorganizing my collection not playing old rubbish. First of all while its not great It's not that bad either to be called a worse spin off. The first 2 hours i had genuinely fun with the game, i played trough the adventure mode and after struggling for half an hour with a minigame where you have to ride a tank and blow each other up i finally made it to the second boss fight where the game suddenly spikes in difficulty, sure i probably could beat him if it weren't for the unfair 5 seconds your frozen each time you're getting hit, may aswell give up because you're getting pushed off the platform each time anyway. I'll probably give the game another chance if my gf her son comes over as i find these type of games are much more enjoyable with 2 people. Obviously Crash bash was made to capitalise on Mario party. Considering the game is 22 years old, it was a decent enough alternative for playstation owners at the time. The only problem with the ps1 you had to get a mutitap to play with 4 people, which probably not a lot of people even owned in the first place because it wasen't the cheapest accessoiry to begin with, where with the n64 we would just bring our own controller to somebody elses place to play local multiplayer.
  8. The past couple of day i'm busy reshuffeling my game room, you know as a collector you are constantly moving things back and fourth sometimes with moderate succes. Since i'm busy putting my xbox one collection in order, i noticed damn i've got a lot of hunting games they always look interesting to me and were probably cheap enough at some point for me to pick up at some point. Now here come the ancient question has anybody played any hunting games and are they any good? here is what i have on xbox one below, pretty sure i've got older cabela titles aswell but you know, are any of these 7 games worth wasting time on or should i keep them sealed? :
  9. i'm kinda torn wheter i should get saints row right away or just hold off until it goes on sale. To me it looks like just another open world game that adds nothing new to the table and from what i have gathered from previews on various sites, the side content is just your standard uninspired open world affair. I know i'll have fun with the game no doubt but is it really worth paying full price for. Currently i'm not really feeling it maybe that will change over time but as it stands now especially after violition's previous game agents of mayhem which flopped hard, i don't have a lot of faith in violition anymore to save their flagship franchise.
  10. I feel like the ninja from the zool series deserves a shoot out, obviously a mascot that has been forgotten over the years but since i had the mega drive version of the first gam as a kid, it's a mascot i sort of have found memories off. It also served as the unofficial mascot for Chupa Chups for a while.
  11. Favourite videogame genre : God this is a hard one because i love all kinds of games. If i had to pick one genre it's probably going to be a good open world game where the player can get lost in for hours on end, doesen't matter if it's an action game or turn based jrpg. Least Favourite genre : don't know if it's a genre by itself but let's say competitive multiplayer games for the fact i don't play games online and if i would i don't have the time or lack the motivation to become good at just one game.
  12. I coulden't believe it either that lego dimensions is still going for over 100$ on the secondary market but after looking at sold listings on ebay brand new ones are like 150-200$ (just the ps4/xbox one platforms seem to be worth money as the other platforms it was released on like 360/ps3 are like little over 30 bucks for a brand new set on amazon) makes me wonder wheter i should sell the one i bought on clearance for xbox one a couple of years ago, because pretty sure i'll never get around playing it anyway. Crazy how the market changes for certain items, during their lifecycle stores coulden't get rid of these things and after a put them on clearance after a while, now these lego sets are suddenly worth almost double the price then what they were originally selling for. Offcourse lego is a timeless toy that is probably going to be relevant for pretty much ever, maybe lego collectors are skooping up these sets instead of videogame collectors. Don't know much about lego myself but i suspect quite a few of these lego figurines are exclusive to the lego dimensions video game. It's strange that only the ps4 and xbox one platforms are worth money and the ps3/360/wii u are not because one would think those platforms had a much lower print run then the ps4/xbox one versions.
  13. Kinda feel bumping this thread as somebody else here has to have an oppionion about this? Did you buy any amiibo, skylanders whatever else there is? Do you have any memories or nostalgia you like to share with us, did you love or hate the toy to life gimmick when it was a thing a decade ago?
  14. As title says What are your favourite and not so favourite videogame mascots? We have had a lot of so called gaming mascots over the years some with success others not so much so let's talk about your favourite mascots and well why not mascots that you don't like at all? My personal favourite (apart from sonic and tails) would have to be Rayman, i always enjoyed the games he featured in well not the rabbit stuff but if you leave those out all rayman games were great and needless to say Rayman has a timeless classic design that is still appealing for many years to come. Sadly kind of a forgotten franchise these days. No so favourite : for once can't seem to make up my mind so insert whatever 90 ies mascot that was an animan and were they tried way too hard with to make it look as cool as possible.
  15. I'll just quote my own post because it was kinda lame and could have added more to it instead of slamming nintendo fans because deep down inside i'm one myself lol. Remasters or remakes they have been from all times, sega in particulair has been doing it for years with rereleasing their megadrive/genesis titles and you know i keep buying these compilations as i don't mind paying 30-40 bucks for them as they are great games that stood the test of time and while i have the original cartridges for these games, it's convenience that draws me in to buy them again, pop in a disk instead, being able to rewind when you fuck and above all being able to save at any given moment. I've seen the name of Ea pass trough here a couple of times so let's use them as an example, they did an awesome job with the Mass Effect trilogy remaster not only was it priced at 60 bucks (full price) for arguable the best trilogy in gaming only for 60 bucks that is money well worth spend and hell yeah i'll pay that for over 150 hours of gameplay on top of that considering backwards compatibility that edtion can last another 10 years. Speaking of Bioware games i'd gladly pay 60 bucks for a beefed up version of the first dragon age with all it's dlc included. And that leaves us with another thing with remasters where i don't mind paying full price for them granted they are good games and are worth paying full price for is Dlc, if it means the game is preserved in it's entire package and i feel like supporting that yeah i'll gladly open my wallet for a remaster because at some point Dlc for a lot of games is going to be lost in time, many older racing titles like gt 5 and 6 and a couple of forza games have been completly wipped from digital store shelves. Take the upcoming Persona 5 royal as it's getting an xbox release, as xbox is my platform of choice and best above all it's apperently getting a physical release aswell, i'll be the first in line to spend 60 bucks on it, i already have the regulair ps4 version but never got around playing it. So here is my second chance to play it, why spend another 60 bucks on a game you already own, because i want to support these jrpg physical releases that are coming to xbox aswell as much as possible. So that is another solid reason for opening my wallet again. Like i said in my previous post i don't really mind these re-releases that much if it means somebody who wasn't old enough or missed out a game the first time around can play the game i'm fine with that if it's a game i love, i'll gladly play trough th new version a second time. But when a company is charging full price for it, it should warrant that price tag as in the bare minimum would to include all the dlc with the package and all the games. But usually remasters aren't full priced as i see them priced around the 40 euro mark, remakes are a completly different story tough they can charge full price for that imo as it's usually a completly different game. What created this thread is the last of us remaster for ps5/pc, i'd say 40-45 bucks would be a good price entry considering you can pick up the ps4 version for probably a lot less then 40$. and as a last note to come full circle this brings me back to my first post that Nintendo sucked the wii u dry of it's exclusives to release them as full priced versions on switch, nobody seemed to care or mind that, If for one is to blame for full priced remasters it's nintendo and they keep getting away with it. For the two people that read my entire post, my thanks you're absolute legends.
  16. The Blu-ray disc association are the patent holders of licensing blu-ray so let it be clear that Sony isn't the sole patent holder of the blu-ray technology, was going to react to this yesterday but it probably slipped my mind and got sidetracked along the way. It's doubtfull that sony alone would even be able to provoke microsoft their license for putting their games on blu-ray discs, besides if it were to happen nothing a big sack of cash can't solve. No with Physical media sales in decline they aren't going to stop microsoft from putting their games on blu-ray and grab whatever money they can get.
  17. Makes me wonder if i coulden't have come up with a better topic title but ohwell if you have any better suggestion please tell so i can edit the topic title, it's fucking hot out here and my balls have been cooked nearly a couple of times already today so what do you expect. So the question is what are some of your favourite video game spin-offs and if you feel like why not list some of the worst you have played? Obviously mario and sonic had way too many spin-offs some went on to become a huge succes and became their own huge franchise like mario kart, another franchise that comes to mind is square-enix their very own cash cow offcourse it's the final fantasy franchise. Maybe another that should be listed first as in being milked dry is tecmo koei's very own dynasty warriors which span off into more spin-offs then anything else. Fist of the north star, Zelda, Persona, one piece, fire emblem,berserk, gundam several other real time periods have also been featured they all got the musou threatment while arguable these are great games in their own right it's once you've played one, you played them all case. Speaking of Persona which started out as a spin-off from the shin megami tensei series which you could say is more populair then the mainline games by now had a few rhythm games, a 2d fighter and several 3d's spin offs. Before somebody points me out yes i"m aware there are also other shin megami tensei spin-offs like last bible, jack bros and and offcourse the often overlooked Tokyo Mirage Sessions FE. My personal favourite spin-off that isn't too obscure and hard to find would be 2018 Fist of the north Star : Lost Paradise which is a spin-off of the yakuza series, not only is Fist of the north star my favourite anime, lost paradise is also the best fist of the north star game out there. Offcourse a spin-off thread wouldn't be complete if the exellent judgment and lost judgment games wouldn't have been mentioned atleast once. There are more yakuza spin-offs out there with dead souls the only one released in the west seems like a game nobody really mentions anymore, while i had fun with it and the whackyness keeps it fresh it's not really a great game imo. Obviously sega should also make work of releasing the other two spin off titles on ps4 and if it's not asking too much while we are it why not include the 2 psp yakuza games in one neat package to the west. Let's end here knowing that i could add way more and will do so in the upcoming days, this is a thread that could have a lot of potential for a serious discussion so invite anybody who wants to join in on the fun go nuts.
  18. A good side quest imo should tell a good and compelling story, should reward you properly for completing them and above all should give a sense of satisfaction for taking the time to go of the beaten path . Some games that have brilliant side stories are skyrim, the witcher series, kingdom come deliverance and any bioware game just to give some recent examples. I'm personally a fan if they stretch out side stories over different quests and tell a complete story like the factions quests in skyrim or some of the witcher 3 quests. Bad quests are offcourse the fetch quests that don't really have any significance to the game and are only there to lenghten the game, offcourse ubisoft games really have a habit of doing this where you have to collect a certain amount of things only to unlock a costume that isn't anything special other then being a cosmetic item. I know i'm a sucker for this myself aslong as they are showing on the map i don't really have a problem with this myself. Rockstar is another company that is guilty of this as good as their games are, much of their side quest are just boring and frustrating as hell, collecing waste in gta 5 is boring and tedious as fuck let alone collecing the ufo parts that don't show up on the map once you start that mission, so you have either spend 100's of hours looking for them or look up a guide online. Same with rdr 2 where you have to collect bones, why can't they show up on the map, why isn't there an option to buy a map for them, whoever tought this was a good idea at rockstar i don't know fire them for my part. I've also find that a lot of jrpg's have these boring side quests, since i'm currently playing dragon quest 11 let us use that game as an example like you have to get a certain material for somebody which you can only obtain by defeating a certian monster, when you complete it you get 10 silver ores, a crafting component that is common and pretty respawns at the some locations everytime you enter a certain area. What's the point atleast give me something decent for my efforts. Alright i'm off to defeat 10 monsters in dragon quest 11 maybe that npc who gave me that quest will give me a pat on the back and will be saying good boy, you completly wasted your time here have a few herbs for your efforts.
  19. Yeah videogames (and movies) pretty much taught me English at an early age , it also helped me to think outside of the box and come up with solutions that others wouldn't probably think about in the past. As @Justin11 and @Heatman above said it also helped me with my driving skills and reacting skills when driving. I'm also from believe that gaming can be benefitial for your mental health because it's supposed to make you happy
  20. Pretty much anything that can play a Crash bandicoot and/or Spyro game j/k. I play on all kinds of platforms wheter old or new doesn't matter all that much to me a good game remains a good game, the only devices i don't play games on are pc , tablet and phone because the latter two never appealed to me as i don't like touchscreen controls and pc is just a personal choice because i rather use a console to play my games.
  21. 3 Years is kinda too young because it's doubtfull a child would even understand what is going on when they would play a videogame. Age 5-6 orso would probably be a more appropriate age, if it was my doing i would introduce gaming to kids with kinect, no controller, no bullshit to deal with, maybe a broken window or two who knows but seriously it has to be said kinect is perfect as a starter platform for kids who have no reading skills yet and no previous experience with gaming. I'm sure most kids would have a blast with some of the various kinect games avaible. Also maybe a table with some fairly simple mobile games. I'd probably hold off until they can play atleast something like crash bandicoot or spyro the dragon lol.
  22. @Nebulous we have had a pretty lengthy discussion in the past about spending money on videogames which you can read here if you want to read between all the chit chat my answer is on page 3, i was going to merge both threads together and lock this one where it not that that older thread is a cesspool especially the last few pages.
  23. Seems like i never replied to this thread but overhyped and overrated i'd call both terms equally bad for a videogame or for any product for the matter. From personal experience those terms are usually associated and used by people who have no clue what they are talking about, you know those idiots who can't form an oppinion by themselves and take every word somebody else tell them for granted. Offcourse it's way easier to jump on the bandwagon and slam a product that is selling well and becomes populair instead of trying it out for themselves and see what it is like and maybe get an oppinion of there own. Don't know where the above came from but it irritates the hell out of me, when i see somebody slamming on a game or a franchise they have barely or even never played because somebody else told them it was shit.
  24. There isn't a whole lot interesting anybody could add after @Shagger his post. He pretty much killed this thread on the spot lol, as i couldn't agree more with his entire posts and could not have a better job at phrasing it. There were days i feel like a complete loser for playing videogames all day on a free day mostly during the winter when there is not much else to do then stay inside,wondering wherest i could have done something more usefull. Take today it's too hot to do anything and since i still have vacation, so i spend the entire playing day playing dragon quest 11, right now i've got the feeling i could have done something better with my time on the other hand i enjoyed my time because it's rare that i get to play a couple of hours after one another. Anyway To the topic at hand, some people just love to call out others because they have different hobbies. It's so easy to call out an adult who watches cartoons and plays videogames and tell to them grow the fuck up, while on the other side they watch the most stupid shit imaginable on tv and are mostlikely bitter because of their own shitty life so they work their frustration out on somebody else.
  25. Call of duty is one of the biggest game franchises today, it would be stupid on microsoft their part to go exclusive with the cod franchise when there is a lot of money to be made on a competitors platform, not only that but microsoft would piss a lot of people off with on that is never a good thing. Besides the costs of making a cod game would be impossible to recoup if they would go the exclusive route. You know this is kind of a weird one, microsoft are in a strong position to negotiate a new deal for future games but you know anything goes these days. Like i wouldn't be suprised if we start seeing xbox exclusive go to playstation and vice versa if something like horizon or days gone would end up on a xbox console sooner or later or halo on a playstation console, Mlb the show is already on xbox consoles so you never know. This is an interesting quote front the article and validates my point that microsoft isn't really interested in keeping things exclusive all that much. So nah wouldn't worry too much about Cod being xbox/pc exclusive, probably won't happen as microsoft will want to start making money of their activision-blizzard aquisition.
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