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Everything posted by Ajibusu

  1. The drive to make quick money from those poorly built games is high. I wait a while to read reviews on Playstore before going ahead to download any of the games that I've played in the past.
  2. I read it from a mobile device. I think I should have to switch it up to a desktop version so as to be able to get a look on what they are talking about.
  3. The gaming companies ought to spend more. The player base generates a lot of revenues from sales and deserves getting support from these developers of the games that they play.
  4. I will definitely check out the Finals. The graphics are dope and it reminds me of when I started playing COD. With that being said, I would want to know if the game is coming on mobile anytime soon?
  5. Hades is one game where you would have to do more in order to get to the finishing line. It has won a couple of awards that proves that most of those that played it enjoyed doing so.
  6. This cracked me up. Well, if that is the story of how the GTA 6 got leaked, then I think it is just like what always happen in the gaming industry. Many are now talking more about the game coming up in a couple of months.
  7. Google Stadia couldn't compete in the gaming industry as a result of not spending much on getting the best business development managers on board. I mean, see how Sony sell most of their products fast and you will understand that Google underestimating the power of marketing was a wrong move.
  8. The GTA 6 leaks were embarrassing to me as a gamer. They shouldn't have let that kind of thing occur in the first place, but here we are.
  9. The challenge here is to be sure that this guy can also share with his friends too. 20 dollars is little, but much when we put into considerations what comes with being at receiving end every month 😂
  10. Ihave been told a couple of times how exciting it is to play the Hunter: Call of the Wild and while I don't feel excited about playing it now, I think it is a game that I should look forward to playing in the future.
  11. I learnt a lot about how to play Skyrim better from watching their game analysis. I would say that they always do better with explaining little details that can make the game fun for anyone.
  12. The developers made an attempt in tapping in the new oil of Microtransactions in the gaming industry and it's unfortunate that it didn't work out as they planned.
  13. Vergil and Dante had a lot of iconic moments on Devil May Cry (DMC) 3. You get to feel the power when you play this game and although I didn't see much of that in the DMC 5, I still like what they did.
  14. That us how that series is meant to be. You are a thief that is meant to steal in silence and not do things that will make a lot of people around take notice of your presence.
  15. I found out about discovering Easter eggs as early as when I started playing the game. That is one of the advantages that I have with having a brother that plays most games too.
  16. Surely, there should be an option to switch it off. That kind of Feature will take long for gamers to adjust to it as it is one that has to do with our connections to the game.
  17. Activating 2 Factor verifications on most of our gaming accounts is very important as hackers are always out there looking for players' accounts that they will mess up and that's not funny anymore.
  18. I use my PC to play more games instead of watching movies. I like to go to the cinemas to see some movies by the way. That is one of the ways that I get to enjoy most movies that I desire to watch. I feel the TV is now becoming a means where I see most football games.
  19. This is a huge achievement! For how long have you played this game? That is one of those games that I play on and off because of my work schedules.
  20. Well, having toxic players even began from the gaming house. I got involved in a lot of fights growing up all because some of my friends tried to bully me at the gaming house. So, growing up, I developed a tough skin to face all challenges on gaming.
  21. Reading a thread about top 10 games that one can play on the Playstation 2 made me try Tekken 5 once more. It is one of those fighting games that doesn't get old with time.
  22. Tekken 5 remains one of the best series from the Tekken series. The fighting game has a lot of characters that you can use while fighting a rival. I played it last week as well.
  23. Some gamers that had a similar issue with lagging made considerable success managing those things as well. I like how the video was able to explain everything in smaller details.
  24. It is a Beta version (Testing stage). So, Sony is observing to see the lapses that they will need to correct before they start giving individual gamers the opportunity to start their tournaments. I like this innovation and hope it becomes a success in the near future.
  25. I have made some attempts on some of those games and believe me, I had big time regrets doing so. I can't even think of the time wasted. So, to me, I feel that it is a total distraction as you won't achieve anything at the end of the day.
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