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Everything posted by Kyng

  1. To me: not at all. I mostly play strategy games - but they require mental energy, and sometimes, I don't have that. In these cases, I'd much rather sit down in front of the TV 😛 . Besides, a narrative you can control is rarely going to be as compelling as a narrative from a well-made film or TV show!
  2. Kinda sad from a "loss of historical value" perspective - but, I assume this would only be done on ones that currently aren't valuable anyway. (And sure, they might be valuable in 10 or 20 years... but, destruction of most of them is the process by which the remaining few become valuable in the first place 😛 ) And, if it makes them work better... that has to be better than them sitting unused, or being thrown out and recycled.
  3. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Transport Fever, which I played yesterday.
  4. Kyng

    Is RGB important?

    Yeah, at that point, it just looks really tacky 😛 . Admittedly, my current laptop has it - but it was a complete non-factor in my decision to get that specific laptop.
  5. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Transport Fever... only did a couple of in-game years, but it took me about two hours!
  6. Yeah... I think "All books should be free" is hopelessly idealistic. Implement that, and you'll find that far fewer books get written (and the quality of those that [i]do[/i] get written will likely go down). As for whether all books should be on the internet... if publishers have the means to digitise them, then I'd like to see them doing so. The more accessible they are, the better!
  7. Yeah, can't say I'd be too enthusiastic about adding ketchup to a PB&J either. Ketchup has its place, and PB&Js have their place... but their place is not together.
  8. Yeah, the only time I've had cereal with orange juice was when I ran out of milk, and couldn't be bothered getting more before breakfast 😛 . It... wasn't nice. I've never had ketchup on a sandwich, so I guess I'd take a chance on that 😛 .
  9. Yeah, I think I'm on the octopus's side on this one... it was only trying to protect itself from being eaten (and not just eaten, but eaten alive!) Myself, I don't even consider poisonous mushrooms to be food, so I'd take a chance on the raw octopus... although I would do everything in my power to stop it from fighting!
  10. I never fully missed an era - but, I didn't get any games from the late 1990s when they were new, because we still had an old computer with a 100MHz processor that couldn't run them. I did get a few of those games later on, after we'd upgraded our computer - but this was in the 2000s (by which point they were no longer new).
  11. Kyng

    Is RGB important?

    Not really... it's nice to have, I guess - but I'm certainly not going to pay extra just to get it.
  12. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    The Sims 4... something other than Transport Fever, at long last!
  13. Not a massive amount, really. I mostly grow up with music from the 1960s and 1980s, so that's what my favourites have always been. I used to hate modern pop music - but now, I merely think it's 'meh' 😛 . (I'm still not a fan of hip-hop, though... I've never liked it!)
  14. If someone was trying to rape a female family member, and the only way I could stop them would be by killing the would-be rapist... I would do it in a heartbeat. However, I do not believe that killing them would be a good thing to do, or even an okay thing to do. I just believe it would be a necessary thing to do. The defence rests entirely on the fact that it's the only way to stop an innocent person from coming to serious harm. If there was some other, non-lethal, means of achieving the same result, then I would be morally obliged to use the non-lethal means instead. A necessary evil, without the necessity, just becomes plain evil.
  15. Welcome aboard, Sean! I hope you enjoy this place 🙂 .
  16. Let's go with the Medic from Team Fortress 2. Yes, I know the guy would be an absolutely horrible doctor: I certainly wouldn't want him playing tricks with my internal organs. But his Medi Gun would be insanely useful, if we could just get it into someone else's hands!!!
  17. Civilization: Beyond Earth was quite a let-down for me. I'd always enjoyed Civilization V, and I'd heard good things about Alpha Centauri - so, when I heard there was going to be a modern sci-fi-based Civilization game, I hoped it would combine the best bits of those two games. Unfortunately, it didn't really do that: it didn't depart too much from the Civ 5 formula; the sci-fi elements were pretty shallow; and the game itself was very unbalanced (trade route spam was the way to win). To be fair, things did get better: a series of patches fixed the balance issues, and then the [i]Rising Tide[/i] expansion helped it to feel more like its own game. But by that point, it was too late: most of the player base had abandoned it, and there were no further expansions.
  18. Kyng


    Welcome aboard, Progrumz! I hope you enjoy this place 🙂 .
  19. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Transport Fever - although that was yesterday.
  20. One of my model trains had stopped running. When I investigated, I discovered that the motor was missing one of its carbon brushes. I didn't have a spare - so, instead, I just shoved a piece of pencil lead inside there. It actually worked.
  21. I'm in the UK. The other drivers aren't *too* bad here, but TBH, I'm probably one of the bad ones! (I try not to be, but still...)
  22. Right now, my laptop has 684GB of space remaining. But you'd expect it to have a lot, since I've had it for less than a month 😛 !
  23. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Transport Fever, which I played earlier this evening.
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