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Everything posted by Kyng

  1. Probably Skyrim... I have almost 150 hours on the game (across three different playthroughs), and I've never finished the main storyline. I keep getting distracted by the side quests!
  2. I've never liked playing survival Minecraft in single player TBH... it just feels kinda lonely. I much prefer multiplayer (pretty much the only time I'll play single-player Minecraft is in Creative). On the other hand, I enjoy playing strategy games (like Civilization and the Paradox games) single-player.
  3. Well, I do form a first impression - but whatever the person says and does subsequently will usually override that 😛 .
  4. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Played Oxygen Not Included again. My base is slowly expanding... I have eight guys working there, but I am struggling to generate enough oxygen for all of them 😛 !
  5. Definitely a PC... I find phones to be rather clunky, and inherently limited by their small screen size. If an affordable, reliable folding phone ever makes it to market, then I might feel differently - but for now, I only use my phone for quick stuff on the go.
  6. Ermmm, no... it'd completely kill gaming as an enjoyable hobby for me. For the same reason that chefs often eat junk food because cooking is the last thing they feel like doing when they get home, I just wouldn't play video games in my spare time if I spent all of my working hours testing them. And besides, it'd probably open my eyes to just how buggy some of my favourite games are 😞 !
  7. For me personally, 2022 was a pretty decent year. Probably the best times were the days I spent with my girlfriend, including our first stayover away from home (when the two of us went to visit Ludlow). Another highlight was getting back into chess, after some 13 years away from the game (although I have made some silly blunders that lost me games I should have won, so it's a bit of a double-edged sword!) Having COVID over Christmas kinda sucked, though 😞 . As did the takeover of the company I work for, and the uncertainty that followed... although, that all seems to be stabilising a bit, at least 🙂 .
  8. I didn't get very far into Outlast... to be honest, I'm not entirely sure why I even bought it, since I'm not really into horror games to begin with 😛 . (I think I only got it because a friend recommended it to me - and then, she hated it too!)
  9. Ermm, no... I mostly play strategy games, so trying to play two at once would just be a recipe for disaster!
  10. Well, they're so long that I'd have to really like a game in order to do this 😛 . I usually only do it with nostalgic games from my childhood (e.g. the Mata Nui Online games and the first three Harry Potter games).
  11. Yeah, to be honest, the concept feels pretty outdated these days. I guess it made more sense in the days of "one computer per household", but now that each person has multiple devices on which games can be played, it feels like it's lost much of its purpose.
  12. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Oxygen Not Included I picked it up in the Steam sale. It's one of those base-building games, where you start with a team of people who are trapped underground, and have to help them to survive. At the moment, my base isn't very spectacular: it has the bare essentials for human survival (e.g. food) and a couple of the most basic amenities (e.g. beds and a wash basin), but that's it. Of course, it's likely to expand from there 😛 .
  13. The only thing I got for myself was a base-building strategy game called Oxygen Not Included. It sounds like it's right up my street, so I've had my eye on it for a while! (I did also get something as a prize for an auction winner, but that's different 😛 )
  14. Yeah... while I never played FIFA, I did play Formula One games, which were often several years out of date 😛 . In the end, when I decided I wanted the latest year's cars, I just downloaded a mod for them!
  15. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    The Sims 4, although I didn't do much on it. I just re-named one of my Sims, who had been assigned the wrong name on birth 😛 .
  16. No, although it sounds like the kind of thing I would have done if I had been into console gaming at a young age!!!
  17. Kyng

    NYE Plans?

    Not a whole lot... will probably stay up to watch the countdown, because that's just tradition now 😛 .
  18. Not at all... gaming can be a very sociable activity! Especially if it's an MMORPG where players naturally form clans and alliances, which will often become tight-knit and lead to long-lasting friendships. (For example, I'm still friends with people I met on CyberNations, even though I quit that game over a decade ago) Admittedly, single-player games (and competitive multiplayer games in which every player plays for themselves) can be lonelier - but even then, players will often be able to talk about the game with each other online!
  19. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    The Sims 4... didn't play very much, was just taking a couple of screenshots!
  20. I haven't read them yet - but maybe I'll have to one day!
  21. Your wish has been granted, because series 2 is out now! I've only seen the first episode of series 2 so far - and it honestly seems even crazier than series 1 😛 . Looking forward to the rest!
  22. Definitely 'Mum' for me, since I'm from the UK.
  23. These days, not a whole lot... often only an hour, if I play any at all. The only time I might have longer gaming sessions is during the weekends.
  24. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Civilization VI. My sister and I won our game with a Religious Victory 😄 !
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