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Everything posted by Kyng

  1. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    FTL: Faster than Light
  2. LEGO Racers and LEGO Rock Raiders are the only ones that come to mind. I bought them twice each, because the originals just wouldn't work on our Windows XP machine!
  3. To be honest, I hardly ever have them at home... on the rare occasions when I do have them, it's at cafés and restaurants!
  4. Savoury ones as a meal; sweet ones as a dessert 😛 . (I've had sweet ones as a meal in the past, but I feel like that's a bit naughty!)
  5. With others. While I usually prefer my own company, the thought of getting into a nasty situation that I can't get out of myself, and having nobody else to help me out of it, terrifies me.
  6. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Civilization V... I had the urge to play that again 😛 . I'm playing as Greece, and it's going pretty well so far: I've got five cities, and a repelled an attempted invasion by Japan. Next, I'll try to expand onto another continent!
  7. I suspect not... those only work if you hit the sweet spot of "So bad it's good" - and that's just as difficult as making a legitimately good game. And if you miss that mark, all you have is a game that's bad in ways that aren't even funny - and it'll appeal to nobody.
  8. Yeah, TBH I think they should just stop - especially since the most recent films haven't been too well-received. There are only so many times you can make the same film over and over!
  9. Twelfth Night (6th January), since that's the tradition here!
  10. It's nice provided I don't have to drive in it 😛 . As a child, I used to enjoy building snowmen and throwing snowballs - but these days, I prefer to stay inside and admire the snow!
  11. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Some 1D Pac-Man game: https://abagames.github.io/crisp-game-lib-11-games/?pakupaku Despite the apparent simplicity, I'm finding it rather difficult!
  12. The live-action version of The Lion King. It's not all bad - there are some stunning visuals - but for me, it completely lacks the charm of the original.
  13. Kyng

    NYE Plans?

    Pretty much this again, to be honest!
  14. Well, there's that unofficial "Crab Game", but until this comes out, I guess this is the closest we'll get 😛 . One thing I'm curious about is: how will the alliances and betrayal, which are so much a part of the Netflix show, translate into this game? If it's a massively multi-player game, then they'll translate pretty naturally - but if it's a single-player game, then I'm not sure what they'll do.
  15. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Railgrade. Managed to get the gold on one of the bonus scenarios, on the third attempt 😄 !
  16. No surprise, TBH: it's been declining for years, and when they cancelled the 2023 show (at a time when they really needed to regain their momentum after the COVID disruption), I thought that was the death knell. Still, rather sad to see, given how influential it used to be.
  17. Not massively important... good graphics are certainly nice to have, but they can't save a game with bad gameplay (and likewise, poor graphics are unlikely to ruin a good game for me - unless they actively interfere with my ability to play the game; for example, by suggesting that the hit boxes are smaller or larger than they actually are!
  18. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    Unsurprisingly, it's The Sims 4... I should probably play some other games 😛 .
  19. Of course it is. It's never going to be dominating the headlines (in the way that the next Elder Scrolls game will) - but, it's a timeless classic that can be played by just about anyone. There aren't a lot of current games that are likely to still be played in 50 years' time - but IMO, Tetris is a pretty safe bet.
  20. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    The Sims 4 (after a brief time when I was into Victoria 3, I'm back to that now 😛 )
  21. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    The Sims 4. Had a birthday party for a couple of my Sims, but nothing too exciting 😛 .
  22. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    An old Flash game called Acid Factory 😛 .
  23. Chess... even as an avid player, I don't think it's physical enough to qualify.
  24. It can be. But when it goes wrong, it can just make things even worse! Thus, when I game for stress relief, I usually play things like construction games, or revisit old nostalgic games that I know how to beat 😛 .
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