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Everything posted by Shortie

  1. The last I heard anything about third party controllers was that certain ones would no longer work on Xbox when you plugged them in to use. We have one third party controller that we use at the moment which still seems to work but I know some will no longer work if the update went through like it was supposed to a few weeks ago. Have you been affected by the change made to third party controllers on Xbox?
  2. One of the games that I know for sure has 3D sound options is Fortnite which I know many tend to use when they play the game. I myself tend to use the visual option for sound on Fortnite unless I use a headset in which case, I don't mind using the 3D sound option. Do you use the 3D sound option in video games if it is available? What games do you tend to use it on if you do?
  3. Smart watches are something that have become popular over time and now I see most who have one and have found them reliable and a convenience. My mum has a smart watch and she finds it super convenient being out and about, especially if my dad has to contact her when she is out with her being his carer at the moment. Do you own a smart watch? Would you say they are worth having?
  4. Something I have been doing for a while now is using my mobile phone to track how many steps I achieve per day. Sometimes I am able to hit my target of 10,000 steps and other times I get close but not quite there. It is nice to be able to track them and see how well you do in terms of activity each day. Do you track your daily steps on your phone when walking?
  5. Pokémon Go was a game I used to play years back when it was first released and super popular. I believe 2018 was the last time I played it before I installed it again this year after I heard about an update that had come to the game and now I play it on and off when I am out and about. Do you still play Pokémon Go?
  6. I just recently have been uploading video game clips I have from live streams and also just from playing video games in my spare time to YouTube Shorts and TikTok and have been amazed at the views and interaction they have gotten on each platform. I tend to now when I have new clips, upload them to both places and just leave them to see how things go. Do you upload video game clips to YouTube Shorts and TikTok?
  7. YouTube is another place I love watching video game content creators. Some of them tend to release videos and go live on YouTube and others just tend to release videos. My favourite YouTubers at the moment would have to be CourageJD TimtheTatMan LazarBeam Daz Black (DazGames) Do you enjoy watching any video game YouTubers?
  8. The last game I played was Team Rumble on Fortnite. Slowly making my way through the current battle pass before it goes away on 2nd December, I believe I will get there just going to take some time 🙂
  9. I never used to do a whole lot of watching live streamers and content creators on Twitch until just over a year ago when I started watching NickEh30 and also Crayator on Twitch. Through watching both of these on Twitch when I am able to, I have been able to find a lot more content creators I enjoy watching on Twitch. When it comes to Twitch I enjoy watching: NickEh30 Ninja Crayator Sancho West LoserFruit Do you enjoy watching any video game live streamers on Twitch?
  10. The first time I made it, I won't deny, I was worried it wouldn't turn out well but it did and it goes down a treat in my house. I always use smoked bacon as that adds to the flavour 🙂 I last ate some toast with jam, was feeling a little hungry but my appetite was not fully there.
  11. This is what I like about Nintendo, they never usually tend to let on that they have something planned or ready to be announced, it is a surprise and a pleasant one at that, especially when you have been waiting so long to hear something from Nintendo.
  12. Iced coffee is good 🙂 I never used to be a lover of coffee as I could never get past the bitter taste no matter how differently I made it, that was until I found coffee syrup and now I am able to drink coffee and iced coffee without the bitterness 🙂 I was not aware of this! When I think about it though, it does seem like it would be better to eat smaller meals and increase how many than it would be to have bigger portions three times a day. That is quite interesting and something to think about 🙂 I last at a home made pasta dish I like to make for my family which is bacon pasta. It is pasta mixed with passatta that is seasoned with garlic powder, onion powder and oregano with smoked bacon pieces added in which gives it an awesome flavour.
  13. The last game I played was Fortnite around Sunday. I have been so busy this week so have not played as much as I would normally. Hoping this weekend will be a little more chill so I can play more. Feel like I have missed out a lot of the Fortnite OG season which is a shame.
  14. I have been playing a lot of Fortnite due to how short the Fortnite OG season is at the moment. With only two weeks to go, I am not quite halfway through the battle pass yet so playing as much as I can to get through that.
  15. If you have an Xbox or you regularly use an Xbox, you will be aware of the live stream feature where you can go live to your Discord server directly from your Xbox. I have as of yet, no tried this way of live streaming from the Xbox yet even though I have a Discord server but it is something I do plan on trying when I have the time to. Have you live streamed through Xbox to your Discord server yet? How did you find it?
  16. The last game I played was Fortnite yesterday for a few hours. Really enjoying the OG season and can't wait for Season 7 from OG Fortnite to drop in a few days!
  17. I always remember when Farmville released on Facebook when they had games that were playable through Facebook and I used to spend hours on the game. I was very happy to see that there is now a Farmville 3 mobile game and I have been playing it for the last few weeks and really enjoying it to help me wind down and chill on a night. Have you played Farmville 3 on mobile yet?
  18. I was browsing the games on the Apple Store the other day and came across a rhythm game but it has country music and is a game related to all things country music. I downloaded it being that I am a country music fan and spent around an hour playing and had a lot of fun. I need to get back on the game when I have the time to be able to unlock more but it's a fun game to chill out on. Have you played Country Star on mobile?
  19. I have not played much of Call of Duty since the Black Ops 3 days due to many of the releases after that release not being as great as I had once experienced with Black Ops 3. I do know that they do some kind of tournaments but unsure if they are tournaments everyone can participate in or whether it is only for specific players. Do you know of any tournaments coming to MW3? Will you be playing in any?
  20. Fortnite is one of the very few games that offers tournaments not just for those who are really good at the game but for everyone to be able to take part and achieve something even if it is in-game items. I and my daughter played one the other day which was a solo one and we had to reach 75 points for a glider which was a really good glider. I managed to reach 102 points locking me in for the glider and it was a lot of fun being able to take part in the tournament. I and my daughter are now waiting for the duos tournament to be able to get a further 75 points for an umbrella glider. Will you be taking part in any Fortnite tournaments soon?
  21. iPhone is the one I find overheats more when it comes to me playing games on my mobile. I used to have an Android that was a Huawei P30 Pro until I dropped the phone and cracked the screen and as much as that used to get warm, it never got so warm it felt like it was overheating.
  22. I was shocked today to hear that David Cameron is back in the government and has been given the position of foreign secretary as of today. I will not lie, I was not expecting David Cameron to want to be so heavily involved in politics like he used to be but it seems I was proved wrong. What are your thoughts regarding David Cameron being back in government?
  23. Each year everyone has a specific time of the year that they either start decorating their house for Christmas which includes putting up the Christmas tree. Some people like to do it the day after Halloween which is the 1st November others prefer to decorate just before Thanksgiving if they celebrate or just after Thanksgiving whilst some tend to wait until December. If you decorate for Christmas, when do you tend to start decorating? Do you have a set date or decorate when you feel ready to?
  24. Thanksgiving is a time for spending with family but I do know that some families tend to give gifts on Thanksgiving as well much like you do at Christmas. If you are celebrating Thanksgiving with your family and friends, will you be giving out gifts or expecting to receive any this year?
  25. Thanksgiving is not something we celebrate in the UK but I know it is something that is heavily celebrated in the US on the last Thursday in November. For those of you who are celebrating Thanksgiving this year, what plans do you have for it?
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