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Everything posted by Dismal_Bliss

  1. I currently do not, and least not that I can think of at the moment. However, every year at Gen Con I see this real life replica of Cloud's Sword from Final Fantasy 7 and I will admit to being a bit tempted by it, but I can't justify dropping the money they want for it, lol.
  2. I don't play much during the summer. But now that it is starting to get cold and dark early I am getting that itch to return to video games. In May, I was down with a broken ankle and started up Final Fantasy 16. I think I'm about to restart it and see it though to completion.
  3. I only ever had the original Game Boy back when I was an 80's kid. It was grey and the screen was black and white, kinda like cell phones were 20 years ago.
  4. I'm sure they're cookin' up something. And usually it's not very predictable, but ends up being a pleasant surprise.
  5. I'm a latest and greatest kinda guy. I love the appearance of my PS5. It looks like a computer tower wearing a tux, lol.
  6. I agree that this is weird. Where can you get an Atari these days?
  7. Ya know, this is a good question. I can't think of a Playstation mascot. My PS5 came with Astro built in, lol. It was a cute fun game but was absolutely new. I don't think Astro existed before PS5.
  8. I had a friend who had ColecoVision and I loved going to his house to play it. My first console was an Intellivision. While most of my friends had the Atari 2600 or 7800, I thought I was something special showing them up with my Intellivision, lol 😄
  9. Lol! I don't know if I have ever "rage quit" a game. I have gotten bored, or sometimes even burned out trying to get past a certain point. Returnal annoys me. As soon as you die, you have to start it all over. There is no saving your progress. I lost interest real quick, which is a shame because I thought it was going to be a great game.
  10. I would have to differentiate between "leaks" and "spoilers" here. I don't mind leaks, as in sneak peeks, some gameplay footage, screencaps, news etc. On the other hand, I absoutely hate spoilers. If I plan on playing a game, I don't want to know anything about the story/campaign. Just let me enjoy it as I play along.
  11. I have an LG CX OLED 4K 120Hz in my living room that I have my PS5 hooked up to. The wife has her Xbox connected (although she's gonna sell it) and the kids dock their Nintendo Switch on it and play on the big screen too. We absolutely love it.
  12. I am currently working my way through Final Fantasy 16
  13. Well, they will learn and adapt. I will say personally that I absolutely love FF16!
  14. Tetris is a classic that will always be around. I will still play it once in a while. It's popularity and notoriety have waned, which happens with age. But like Pac-Man, it's a permanent part of our culture.
  15. Yeah, Nintendo is getting due for a new console soon. I'm always curious what they are going to bring to the table. They are kind of in their own little world. They don't care about the competition, competing specs, etc. They just do their own thing, innovate, and make great games.
  16. I had the original NES, which was a major upgrade to home video games. Previous to that, I had Intellivision and my friend had Atari. When the NES came out, it felt like we had the power of arcade games right in our living room. I was an instant fan, and in the years that followed moved onto Super Nintendo, and then the N64. Then adulting and other interestes took over and I completely missed the Game Cube years. But I had kids when the Wii came out and we did purchase that. We skipped the Wii U. My kids have Switches, but I haven't played much on those.
  17. The question is, which one? I have very little experience with VR, but the times I've tried it I thought it was absolutely cool! I've played a little bit on my friends Meta Quest, and another friends Samsung VR that you snap the phone into. They were neat, but the games that they had loaded up were pretty basic. I'm a PlayStation fan, so I am seriously considering dropping some cash on the PSVR2. The games I've seen in their previews look amazing. But admittedly, I really only pay close attention to news surrounding PlayStation, so I might have some tunnel vision and could be missing out. Is the PSVR2 a good entry point for VR?
  18. I got the one with the disc drive, because I like options. Admittedly though, I buy most stuff digitally from the PlayStation store. The only downside is when you're done and have no interest in playing them anymore, you can sell them for some cash or take them to the Game Exchange, lol.
  19. My neighbor had a PS1 back in the 90's. I tinkered with it once and don't remember what the game was. Possibly the first Tomb Raider. I was a Nintendo fanboy back then so I was disinterested in PlayStation. Street Fighter was popular, and so was Mortal Kombat, and if I recall the boys next door were into Tekken and I may have gave that a try also. I took a break from games for a long time (adulting) and when I returned to the scene I did my research and bought a PS4 and I've been in love since. My first ever "modern" game I played was The Last of Us. Today's games are a much different experience from those of the 90's, lol.
  20. I've been a PS Plus subscriber since I got my first Playstation 4 nearly 10 years ago. I have a PS5 currently, and now that they offer 3 tiers I actually upgraded to the mid-tier which gives me access to a large catalog of games. The monthly offers have been decent. I don't always add them to my library. But each month there is at least one that I think is worth claiming.
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