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Everything posted by Empire

  1. I really like amazing spider man 2 the only problem I had was I would swing into a wall and freeze for about five minutes and would get right back into the action so I didn’t have any problems with the game. Like any other games that they do fix patches but as long s the game still supported then all good- You think?
  2. Seeing this just makes me more frustrated with what this game could have been. There are so many fundamental issues that I don't think dlc and patches can fix it. It's a shame. They said it themselves: "This city always has a promise for you. Might be a lie, an illusion. But it's there, just around the corner, and it keeps you going."
  3. It is happening and we all know this will happen at some point. A guy who runs 3 game shops, selling mostly Retro, and he bought a thousand CyberPunk copies for each of his stores in the hopes it would make his store profits for the end of the year. He has had to give refunds and has thousands of copies he bought he is stuck with. Multiply his plight times every retailer who is experiencing this and you can see that CD Projekt Red is toast. You have injured parties everywhere. HAHA- Funny how all the YouTubers that got early access said this was such a good game before it came out lol
  4. I remember seeing in some old StarTrek episode where they did used some rollable tablet/scanned which extended sideways and now it is coming reality. NICE! I want one asap πŸ˜›
  5. As a full time streamer and only income that you got then yes it's hard work. I mean full time streamers have to stream more hours than a normal day to day job. Twitch/amazon is money making for themselves and so whatever you do twitch will try it's hardest to take half. In the UK it's 50% Twitch takes half of what you earn. So $10 take away 50% you get $5, however since I'm in GPB I get £3.68 😞 SHOCKING
  6. I will confess, I like anthem, and still do. will not deny it needed work, but the feeling of flying through a alien world, and steamrolling mobs with my shield as a giant robo-tank was an awesome feeling. if anthem gets the update it deserves, ill totally come back, Not all are bad or good. I say games on the list can improve if they work on the game.
  7. Very convenient feature πŸ˜‰ And yes I do πŸ˜‰ if it was bugged and not working then I have it disabled but end of the day I always still like to save it myself so that I know it's saved perfect. There are many games that are like that when playing then it freeze for one little sec as it's saves and then moves on as you ongoing playing. I don't like when the game only has autosave and no other manual save option.
  8. I think it's just a stigma. When people think about video games, they think of overweight, greasy gamers who spend their days half-naked and languishing in bed, surrounded by fries and week-old chips. They think it is noneducational, they think it is a waste of time, they think that it requires no skill and that there is no use of it in "the real world". They do not think about the actual skill, comprehension, fluency, intricate puzzles and problems, mental processing and reactions. They do not think about the absolute beauty that video games has become, they don't think about that flight sims are methods on real life learnings.
  9. The 'penalty' is losing all the time & resources you've invested so far, and not getting any reward for it, even if your team ends up finishing the map in your absence.What games we talking about here though, in gen. Punishment for this seems odd, what if someone has to leave because of a real life emergency? Fire.. a child.. a devastating phone call... you name it? I say that nope, not a good idea. I had that one point. In a Roleplaying Clan, I had to leave my PC as I was being sent down real fast to do something, when I got back I was ban for 24 hours for being AFK 😞 also what's worse I was able to get back RPing again a week later.
  10. You don't see a whole lot of video game stories feature a romantic love build. Most couples are already together at the start. Final Fantasy X was also the first thought that came to my mind. The slow burn between the two in that game was done so amazingly well. From painful introductions to the awkward tension breaking scenes like that laugh. The scene in the forest lake, the 'wedding' and reactions to it, it all just flows so well together.
  11. That's good to hear, that 2018 models are still be updated supported. Well, OS will be since most all new and old devices will use the same OS. But the hardware, Hmm nope. It's like my old phone that had Windows 8 then years later added windows 10 πŸ™‚ Why need the new when the old can last such a good amount of time.
  12. Battlefield three. I like to play BF2 then any other game. BF1 is also good based in world war one times.
  13. When it comes to streaming you won't expect to get much, unless you have a good follow base and good viewers with gifts bits and subs, twitch takes half of that anyway.
  14. Saw the other post with this question for movies, was curious what people had for video games. For me it's or has to be Halo Reach series, FIrst one in mind that I liked that game a fair bit, thought it did the thing it was aiming for really well. Was unfortunate six was effectively killed for sure, but would've ruined the impact if he wasn't. BF3 has a crap story and ended BADLY, shocking for that game story.
  15. Wait more years and windows will have windows 11 πŸ™‚ WIndows 10 won't last and go on forever, we all known that the fact that it will last us 10 years of good use before the new comes.
  16. I own a pair of beats headphones still πŸ™‚ it's broken though but I do remember them. Never thought I would be ever interested in hearing headphones history, but I was completely engrossed, lol - Well that's that then.
  17. I think that the mini 6 won’t get the smart connector, after all what’s the point of getting the Air then? Also I believe the mini has always been the most β€œiPad” of all the iPads, being mainly an iPad rather than a potential laptop replacement/alternative. Then with iPad Pro was last released in 2020, there will not be another release for 18 months. Seems tat telling every tech reviewer that last time you all went batshit crazy for an iPad Pro release and none of you (not all specifically) listened, just brushed it under the carpet blaming leakers.
  18. Well, why Facebook stopped doing games? Another question to say. Facebook games left a big mark on the games industry, albeit being somewhat short lived. Ever wondered how King Digital got big? (Makers of candy crush) They made a proprietary game engine that runs on all major mobile/desktop OSes + Adobe Flash. (Written in C++) The adobe flash version is used for facebook at the time, But not now however. Facebook years ago had games that we can do and it was big back then. People learned about their games via facebook and then got the mobile version to continue their progress on-the-go. Zynga failed badly at doing this (the mobile part) which is probably why they haven't been doing well for years. King on the other hand has kept their games super consistent cross platform. So why have Facebook games been short lived? Facebook lowered the effectiveness of social games on their platform since they no longer show game posts in your feed. This prospect has essentially eliminated facebook games from going viral. I don't remember what year facebook did this, but you could probably get an idea from google searches about farmville spam.
  19. Amazon can afford it, I mean they are the richest and biggest company. Te owner πŸ˜› gets so much money a day that would take a normal person a lifetime to get. They will run and do everything one day. Take over other stores and also be so much in power.
  20. Never brought any items from them anyway LOL
  21. Real shame driver 3 was released before it was finished, when you play the game it's clear it had potential but it was an unfinished mess. Impressive yet empty stages like the hotel on the first stage, no idea how it would of played into the story. I really think had it more time that driver and gta would be neck and neck right now the follow up parallel lines had fantastic gameplay but a dull map driver the 3 had shit gameplay and a fantastic maps.
  22. No extra cost then so be πŸ™‚ might have fans buying it. I don't dislike the controller but the main device looks weird.
  23. If I had a choice to go out and buy a game or whatever the case, no matter what I buy I always support the family-owned business and keep them going πŸ™‚ Big main company has far more life and able to live, well maybe not after the covid. However digital downloads are killing them both. cheap, fast and get the game downloaded.
  24. Why would you think it's not? WoW is definitely the biggest. Some might have more players, some might be newer and shinier, but WoW has the legacy, player base and money to keep going. MMORPG itself is a dying genre right, WoW, FFXIV, ESO, GW2, and a handful of other Korean MMOs are only ones active in NA/EU. Asian markets have strong mobile MMOs but are ridiculously P2W where core users literally spend millions of dollars per year.
  25. Known for years that they are fading out very slowly. HTML5 has been around for years and most websites been using it for years. Seen that YouTube and twitch go down and up this month so seems that they have not been fully ready. Shame to see them go started many 100s of years ago πŸ˜› and ended its life. They had an option to keep it updated but HTML5 is the new of all new. I mean online games on browser used them but who plays them and many those sites ended. Glad that another software runtime is off my PC.
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