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Everything posted by Empire

  1. The Forest is the only interesting one for me, and that's because of the co-op. I'm to much of a scaredy cat to play these games solo!
  2. I think it mostly depends on the game. Blind playthroughs work better for games that have lots of surprises or open-ended choices for each player to make. Maybe like an Elder Scrolls game. This is also why so many hundreds of people have LPed games like IWBTG.
  3. I don't even think this will be ever added in my option, I mean is it that important. Well maybe for some.
  4. I'm very skeptical that Nintendo will reach for 4K. I would understand them enhancing the display on the Switch unit itself, and adding new, innovative ways to play, but they have never pursued pure hardware power. Not that I don't wish for it, but I'm going to be cautious about getting my hopes high. Given that their games as much less demanding to start with, running original switch games at much higher resolutions isn't farfetched. I still think it's a bit of a fad for Nintendo to chase 4k. Maybe 1440p with DLSS to 4k to compete with upcoming next gen consoles verbiage.
  5. Never even would thought of that, I think in terms of any platform it be the same level 🙂 the game and gameplay will be and always be the same. GTA is 🙂 most games that I play are the same 🙂 I mean why wouldn't they?
  6. Lucky to not to loss any progress in most game since I save the backup game files. But one point I did lost a mission on halo one and it bypass it. It's not like 2005 where all game saved files are stored on your C drive. Nowadays most games are saved to the cloud.
  7. Playing a new game and at times only interested in the storyline rather then how hard that game is setup. Battlefront 2 for example that I got for free, doing the story and only interested about the story then how hard the game is to play. If I did the story 6 times LOL then maybe hard mod is the option.
  8. But I think the problem isn't that A. I cant see or hear as well as a human should, but rather their response to situations are very basic and outdated. Enemies will quickly forget you exist after they have spotted you in most stealth games for example. I think by having A. I that responds realistically to your actions games can be a lot more dynamic and fun. But yes i can see how them being able to see and hear more realistically would lead to tedious and frustrating gameplay.
  9. Don't care really. Makes sense games would feature more guy lead roles but its nice to have girls too. (Horizon was kind of cool to have a female lead) big boobs are overrated if you ask me. I don't care about what gender or race is in what place. What I do hate is putting a different gender or race into a existing character for the sake of equality, people getting angry about races being zombies etc when its set in Africa, people get upset when guys are the main protagonist a lot cause guys are the predominate consumer, or when the media freaks put over things in games they have no idea of what there talking about.
  10. Well, they will always misleads ads to get people to buy LOL allot of reviewers hype it up for pointless results to earn.
  11. Asus and Lenovo are rocking it, they always are 🙂 they are giving the consumers exactly what they need. HP are making models with new Ryzen CPUs. There are two versions are available for pre-orderI hear that they have a 3070 with Ryzen 7 5800H and 3070 with Ryzen 9 5900H. However I stick with ASUS 🙂 YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
  12. It's all crap, I mean I'm not a fan of any designs at all. I say the last design that they approved is so far better then the others. Who idea was to came up with the first lot LOL
  13. Arcade racing games (and racing games in general, perhaps) peaked in the PS2 era, and the good ones all ran at 60fps. Many happy hours were had with the Burnout series, and with Outrun 2. Racing games kind of died when 60fps was no longer the target. These games just don't work at 30fps, they feel all wrong. And the last 2.5 console generations have been about 'more pixels!' (and fancy shaders+postprocessing) at the expense of framerate. Distance, Horizon Chase Turbo and Redout were excellent. In fact, Distance very well may be my favorite arcade racer ever made. GRID 1/2 were pretty good too if you count semi-realistic ones.Things could be better of course. The biggest disappointment for me was that GRIP failed on its promise to deliver a worthy successor to Rollcage.
  14. The first time I saw this game was at a Gamestop bargain bin. Reading the description I thought it sounded amazing but seeing it on bargain and never hearing about it before I figure it was probably terrible and not living up to the concept. I remember seeing a LOT of crap on the shelves during the days of the Wii, this certainly could have been released. Inscrutable as always, Nintendo.
  15. This is unbelievable I always knew laptop GPUs were slower than their desktop counterparts but I thought it was a 10 to 20% difference but in some cases it's up to 38% which is incredibly misleading, will definitely keep this in mind next time when buying a laptop for gaming. But then again Desktop is the way to go then Laptop.
  16. It be the game that I already played like GTA and Halo 🙂 I mean that's what I do and so that's what I shell do 🙂 But more of A PC gamer person so.
  17. Games that I really do not play that's on my list is fortnite 🥵 kids play it and yet it's something that just never suited me. Yeah, had many say to me get the damn game and play it your nut head and well, nope. 🙂 Love that game, age of empires 2 is what I play allot. A game that that got me started with my username and also a game that I played allot at high school lunch time or at college. something that I had on my stick (USB) that was easy to run on the slowest PC. The Rocket league, fun to do with other people to match each other on the winning side but that's another game that I do not do much unless we all going to play it. Been two years since I last played it and still got the game installed.
  18. Not just games that makes me say WTF, multiplayer games so where we tend to see and say WTF more than anything else. Well, I think so anyway. Last night trucking in truckersMP and seeing silly and crazy peritectic drivings on the server, and many times you just get rammed or crashed to getting ban for no point but being a nut. So more than saying WTF in my case. Just think about what you would be doing or saying lol Other people in multiplayer games what makes as insane
  19. Looks interesting, but I just hope they improve the running gameplay more. Native Americans they didn't mount animals, they ran instead by themselves, so this game, in my opinion needs the best running simulation animations out there, like when we play we would wanna run around and run around more and more. Personally a bit of camera movement, while running would be nice and a bit more of torso movement for the character. My humble opinion.
  20. From what M76 is saying most of us or people already got the brands of all hype and best tech that you can get out hands-on. But they not worth in the long run. Always new and improved tech comes out each year and the last-gen is outdated and not worth anything anymore. exclusive to me when you have a item that worth more if you hold it, brands that makes or no longer around and so that item is double what's worth. like watches of Rolex and other great known brands 🙂
  21. Session controls are clearly more in-depth, more realistic, and allow much better options than Skater XL's. However, I find that Skater XL is more fun as just a casual, turn on my music and turn off my brain game. Session requires too much focus for me to just relax. Session is a way better simulation with way more options, features, and just more space to skate, but realism isn't what makes a game fun. There's definitely a place for both in my library, but Session frustrates me too much when trying to do something as simple as trying to ollie onto a rail.
  22. War Of The Monsters was a good Kaiju fighting game. It also didn't have just Bipeds, like the Preying Mantis, or the Dragon, maybe even the Gorilla if we want to get technical. SOmething to google about and look at 🙂
  23. Same I use a Asus gaming monitor that has cost me £700 🙂 It has all the tech and gaming needs for the cost factor. Any good secound Monitor option to go with a two setup.
  24. People are comparing this phone to iPhone 12 without realising that it is a huge downgrade from last year lol. They even removed the charger after mocking apple. Expensive or more expensive each year, offering less. I will pass buying a Samsung phone it seems. I mean the phones are beautiful but c'mon, no QHD resolution, no SD card slot, 8GB RAM, and plastic back on the base model? You can do better Samsung. Disappointed.
  25. When I was 16, I bought Ultima IV, for the Commodore 64. It was the first time I had played a game like that. The Ultima series had broken new ground, making open world interaction a thing (think Red Dead Redemption.) I played it for months. I had a notebook full of notes on the game. Snippets of conversation from NPCs, clues to advance down the story line. I spent months of swapping 5.25" floppies, then waiting a couple of minutes for the next map to load, and usually cause I accidently went the wrong way, so I would have to swap floppies, then wait again for the other map to load. I thought about it all the time. I loved those moments when I could sit down and play it for 2 or 3 hours straight. Then, suddenly, it was over. I beat the game. I was the Avatar. There literally was nothing else remotely like it on the market. It was depressing.
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