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Everything posted by MegaphoneStallone

  1. I wanna circle back to this, and also, this one... So, is Norwegian law actually based on Christian law? Are you comfortable with 'them' running the country?
  2. I've seen this topic come up - along with the stereotype that a lot of people on forums got bullied, or are a bit socially weird (totally untrue, I will say.) Personally I wasn't bullied. Unfortunately, I will say I was maybe among the bullies - which looking back fills my school days with some regrets and really kind of sucks... That said, the few kids I targeted have forgiven and while I still think they're weird and a bit dweeby. I now see them as good and functional people trying their best. When I'm back in my home town to visit, if I see them I'll stop and have a chat.
  3. Am I allowed to say Super Smash. I'm going to say Super Smash. I really haven't played many Battle Royale style games.
  4. Where in the world are you from? 🙂
  5. I feel if you're an adult you should have your freedom no matter who you live with. If I didn't, that's certainly a situation I would want to leave quick smart - even if it means living on my lonesome.
  6. I know, this is a one of these things is not like the other ones kind of thing. But I'm listening to Mister Maker, which my kids are watching lol.
  7. Some people (I'm speaking for me) don't even think graphics have improved, from a subjective standpoint at least. Sure, they're more impressive in that they are more intricate and realistic. But is that really what we even want from gaming? Personally I like being able to distinguish very clearly what a game looks like and what life looks life.
  8. I would need to know what an FPS game is before I can answer this, tbh.
  9. Not buying. Ever. Really none of these, or at least the couple I know, stand out to me at all.
  10. The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker I was expecting to like it sooooo much more at the time. Also wasn't big on Aggressive Inline.
  11. All games should financially compensate users if they force you to connect to the internet and continue to profit from exploitation of your data. They also should offer an absolute and transparent opt-out option, to all paying customers.
  12. Also no data mining. Needing to have people actually with you to play multiplayer, and no need for internet connectivity so the company can exploit you. Amazing time. The 90's was better in every single cultural way than today.
  13. Fair enough. I actually forgot my tame question - so I'll make up a new one. Tell me about genuine Norwegian food?
  14. Jeopardy! World Tour is my favorite. I also like Cooking Craze. 🙂
  15. I'm looking at maybe a headline news kind of section. I'm putting such topics in debates, but it seems out of place for sure.
  16. I don't weigh anything. I play N64 primarily, so I buy games based on how well I remember them and how fun I remember them being. Though, now that I'm looking at maybe getting a Nintendo Switch and I was in store yesterday - every second game looked cool to me.
  17. I'd make a cheap, crappy Tetris style, whatever nothing game and run away with the rest of the cash. 😉
  18. Okay. So what's with your sentancing laws? How exactly did Anders Breivik get off so darn lightly? 😛 (I have a more tame Norway question lined up next.)
  19. What text based game would you recommend?
  20. From Melbourne, right? Where in Melbourne are you located? @fantanoice
  21. Haha, to be real I had no idea that this is a thing. How ridiculous! Gambling in general, that is. If I wanted to burn money I'd go out to fancy dinners more. 😉
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