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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. If you’re just meaning that you play at night, 2 games spring to mind immediately. Zelda OoT and RDR2. There are parts of Link To The Past that are in pitch black darkness, but link also has the lamp which lights up a tiny bit until he gets to a room with light or he lights a lamp in the room he’s in. I’m sure there’s a lot more, but I’m half asleep right now and can’t think of any at the moment.

  2. RDR2 by far rewards you for searching. There is so much to discover that every time you play it you can, and most likely WILL, find something you never knew about before. Especially if you’re a n00b. For example here’s a short list of just a couple things:

    Shrunken Head
    Ancient Tomahawk
    Female Fertility Statue
    Ancient Statue puzzle
    Mountain Face carving
    White/Red Chestnut/Warped Brindle Arabian
    Tricorn Hat
    All 3 items in the Viking tomb
    Gold Shield
    the devil
    Flying Machine

    There’s also things like trinkets, that you can find. The first 4 that come to mind for me are the shark’s tooth, cat eye, hawk talon, and turtle shell trinkets. If you get the chanupah back for Rains Fall without killing anyone he will give you the owl feather trinket. If you have the special or ultimate edition then you have the eagle talon talisman and iguana scale trinket as 2 of the MANY bonuses the special/ultimate editions give you.

    This is just the first small handful of things to find. And if you want my opinion, the most obscure and hardest to find of everything in RDR2 is the fluorite and ammolite. If you don’t learn from someone who has already found them, you have literally no chance of finding them. There is nothing in the game that even slightly alludes to their mere existence.

    I have an encyclopedic knowledge of this game, and I’m still finding new shit all the time.

  3. To unwind I often hop on my NES or SNES.  Games I love and takes me back to a simpler time. Especially the original Zelda. Zelda, Blaster Master, SMB, and TMNT 1 are the ones that come to mind mostly.

    Surprising to no one, sometimes RDR2 is what the doctor calls for. But for the simple reason of relaxation, it’s usually an 30+ year old game.

  4. Is anyone else watching the playoffs? It's been a pretty good run so far. If you want my opinion, I see Boston taking home another Stanley Cup. That is unless Vancouver takes over Edmonton. Then I can't say who the victor will be. But it's gonna be a hell of a competition, that's for sure!

  5. English was my best subject. I loved the course curriculum. My worst was probably math. I still remember when I was in 6th grade my literal math score was 2% out of 100%. That's a hell of an F on your report card. Fractions were killing me. Also the teacher would give us sheets with the simplest math on it. Things like 3x8 and there would be like 50 of those. I always failed because I would get mixed up and start adding or subtracting. She mixed it up with some being multiplication, others addition, and some were subtraction. Four or five problems in I would get mixed up and start doing the wrong thing.

    Science wasn't bad for me. Biology sucked, but general science wasn't bad. Then again, in high school I tended to sleep through class. Until I dropped out, that is.

  6. A log cabin.

    Only 4 walls, a roof, and a fireplace.
    No electricity. No plumbing. It doesn't even need a floor.
    I want a table, a chair, a bed, and a nightstand beside the bed.

    The silence and stillness is absolute heaven. I could live happily there for the rest of my life.

    Maybe someday I'll get my cabin.

  7. If we're talking precious and semiprecious gem stones, I really like my birthstone which is garnet. I love the deep blood red that many specimens have. Now if we're talking in general, my absolute favorite stone is hematite. It can look like perfect steel if polished right, and can be magnetically charged, which I have never seen done with any other stone. I have several hematite stones around here. Somewhere I have a raw hematite. For those wondering, that means it's not polished or worked on in any way.

  8. A girl I worked with at Pizza Hut (20+ years ago) fell madly in love with me. I was good friends with the manager and her husband, and this girl would call their house to see if I was there. If I was there, she was in her car racing to their place. I could have made a move any time I wanted. While she was cute as hell, I just never made that move on her.

  9. A little bit of stress can make things more interesting. But too much of it can cause a myriad of health problems, both mental and physical. So no stress at all I see as a bad thing. But too much of it can be dangerous. So if we can lose 90% of our stress, but keep the last little bit, I think we would be damn close to a utopia.

  10. I'm on the fence. I love my showers, but sometimes sitting back in the water is bliss. If we're talking about getting clean, it's shower all the way. You're not washing yourself into the same water that you already made dirty. But I can easily relax under either one.

  11. On 5/3/2024 at 7:36 PM, killamch89 said:

    Most of the time, the poor animal is stressed and just charging around out of panic.

    Not so much with rodeo bulls. They're used to it and know what they're there to do. It's the cowboys that are stressed when a bull is charging.

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