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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. 9 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    I wouldn't say I was amazing at any of them but funny enough, snowboarding would be the best one of the lot for me.

    With a little more time and practice, I could have gone pro. But life got in the way, and I wasn’t able to keep up with it.

  2. I went so far as to get a few PocketStation’s from Japan since they were never released here in the states. I saw in the guide that a Ribbon teaches the GF the Ribbon ability. There was no context in the guide or anywhere I looked online. So I started thinking that the GF gets a part time job at the mall wrapping fucking Xmas presents.

  3. Family Guy and American Dad break the fourth wall a lot, and it’s always hilarious. My favorite from Family Guy is when Peter lays down on top of Connie after she gets knocked out at a party, then after a few seconds looks up at the camera and says “What are you looking at, it’s a cartoon.”

    ‘My favorite in American Dad is really gross, so I’m not going into detail. 

  4. 2 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Skyrim, Fallout 4, GTA 5, FF8, Metal Gear Solid and DMC 5. Those are the games that I could write whole lectures on.

    I can concur with FF8. So far the only thing I have never done in FF8 is find a Mogs Amulet. Even in the remaster on Switch and PC. I’ve seen a lot of YouTube videos about finding one, but their methods have never once worked for me.

  5. We all have one game that we have played more than any other. One that you’ve logged thousands of hours playing. Something that you may not know everything about, but you’re an encyclopedia on. Something that you’ve mastered. Would you call yourself a professional when it comes to the game?

    With me, there are only 2 games that I could possibly call myself a professional at. One is Link To The Past on SNES. I can tell you absolutely everything you could want to know about it. Even which bee you want. Or how to find Chris Houlihan’s room. I literally know everything about the gameplay.

    The second is a gray area. It would obviously be RDR2. I’m not saying I know everything about the game. But I’ve played it so much that I can show you things you never would have known without someone showing you. I’ve logged at least 10,000 hours at the bare minimum. I sometimes think I know too much about it. But I love the game so I’ll just let others decide if I could be referred to as a professional or not.

  6. ^^^^FACTS^^^^

    It honestly depends on what the end goal is for the devs on the game. Entirely historical accuracy makes it seem more like an educational game. I wouldn’t be interested in a game that was accurately designed to be factual about the American Revolution or American Civil War. I doubt that @Shagger would have a lot of interest in a game that was entirely historically accurate about William Wallace. Video games need creativity mixed in with the historical context of a game. But too much is an insult to the history. For example, The Patriot is a complete load of bullshit about the Revolution. Braveheart is a complete load of bullshit about Scottish history. Add in SOME fiction to your historical games, but don’t take a name and create complete bullshit around that name.

  7. It’s sometimes a great thing, if you want extra challenge. Especially if it’s a game you have already mastered

    I often go hero mode on the Switch version of Links Awakening. I played the game for years on the Game Boy and mastered it back then. There is a bit of a different kind of challenge on the Switch, but I’m always down for a challenge.

  8. If we’re talking games that require either a console or a PC, it would easily be RDR2. If we’re talking goofy iPad games, then it would be Eatventure. It’s simple and relaxing, which is what I mostly prefer at my age.

  9. Damn this is a hard one. Everyone knows I’m passionate about RDR2. But the thought of giving up my classic systems is something I don’t think I could ever do. But if you were to put a gun to my head, I’m thinking it would be a Zelda title. Which one, I have absolutely no clue. If I was to go with OoT, maybe I could get to a point where I no longer needed a goddamn guide just to get through the fucking water temple.

  10. I can’t specifically give a yes or a no, but here’s hoping. It would be most likely MMO’s iat first. Hopefully, that would lead to single player games for those of us who despise online gaming. As you all know, the mere thought of online gaming makes me literally sick to my stomach. I get physically sick. And, as I’ve said every time the subject has come up, if online gaming is your thing, then more power to you. But it’s absolutely not mine.

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