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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. For the longest portion of my life, you were never going to have the opportunity to see the top of my head. I always wore a hat. The sad thing is that there are very few women who can actually pull off wearing a hat. Sadly I’m in that boat. I look like an ass with a hat on.

  2. I would love to see a direct sequel to FF8. Seeing everyone celebrating at the end, but not knowing what happened to them after, left me wanting more. Did Rinoa and Squall get married? Did any of them turn evil for whatever reason? Did Squall and Rinoa have kids? Did they get sent to Garden, or did Squall personally train them? Did Squall become a new headmaster of Garden?

    There’s just so many questions unanswered that I really want a sequel.

  3. The whole Chris Houlihan mystery in The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past on SNES is by far my favorite. Not only is it a completely hidden treasure but it leaves the mystery of who (or what) Chris Houlihan is or means. There have been gamers offering theories, but nothing has ever been confirmed by Nintendo. Or denied for that matter.

  4. Does anyone still use guides? I keep several handy just for reference. For example, despite knowing almost EVERYTHING about the game, I keep a FF8 guide handy just for reference. Like if I’m looking for a particular item, but can’t remember which monster has it, and whether or not it’s a drop ir mug item. I have a RDR2 guide for the same reason. The only guide I have because I need it is for Zelda OoT. That’s just because no matter how many times I play it, the water temple is such a bitch that I simply cannot get through the damn thing without the guide. I have no issue with any of the other temples. Both childhood and adult.

    I haven’t played Majora’s Mask nearly as much, so I definitely have a guide for it.

    So with a rare exception of actually needing a guide, the few I have are only reference books. I prefer to find things out about a game organically rather than a book telling me where to go and what to do.

    It might be interesting to some that for a reason unknown to both of us, we actually have a guide to Skyrim.


    So do you still have any? Why do you keep them?

  5. I despise both. I want to keep myself comfortable and that requires as few people as possible. @Rain Dew is an introvert as well, but not to the same degree as me. I’m the most misanthropic bitch you’re ever going to encounter.

    Animals: Yes
    People: HELL NO


    But, if forced to pick one or the other, it would be hosting. I can easily escape to a different room and not have to have an excuse.

  6. If I wanted to kill myself I would climb your ego and jump to your IQ.

    Your family tree must be a cactus because everyone on it is a prick.

    Why do people go to your garage sale? To get their stuff back.

    You’re so ugly that when you were born the doctor threw you out the window and the window threw you back.

    Why did you opt for an extra dose if stupidity when you were a kid?

    You’re so ugly, you would turn Medusa to stone.

    I hope your flight back to Hell crashes.


    Butt Munch
    Brain Dead Monkey
    Turd Burglar


    That’s a start.

  7. I drive a 1987 Chevy Camaro Iroc-Z, and she’s a cold bitch. She’s gotten her kicks from needing to be jumped literally every damn time I turn the engine off, which then required a jump. Even if I stopped for gas or something to drink. It got to the point that I took 2 sets of keys. For example, I stopped for a drink I would take one set un with me, and leave the car running with the doors locked. I recently bought a jump box so I can give myself a jump when this shit happens.

  8. As everyone already knows, Trypophobia is the number one for me. It’s a massive bitch all the way to the point that @Rain Dew has had to come hime from work to “talk me down” so to speak. She has found me cowering under my desk screaming just from a quick glance from having the bad luck to come across an image online.

    I have a couple other more common phobias (heights and water for example) but trypophobia is by far the strangest one.

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