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Everything posted by kingpotato

  1. Not really purchased but I modded my Nintendo 2DS over the weekend, I installed about 40 3ds games into it, I'm still checking each one to make sure that they run properly. I never paid much attention to this console, I only had 2 games for it and I only purchased this handheld console because I wanted to play Ocarina on a trip.
  2. I mostly play Burnout Paradise, I'm a bad driver so this game fits me perfectly.
  3. Well if we are referring to bags for groceries, because of a new law in my city supermarkets and basically or type of business or establishment can no longer provide plastic bags, they now either provide paper bags or they will sell you a fabric bag. If we are talking about credit cards or cash I only do cash, I hate using my debit card unless I really have to.
  4. Dont have one, dont plan to have one in the near future, but maybe eventually once I reach my 30's.
  5. I never played the original one, I might give it a try while I save enough money to buy me a Switch and this new remake.
  6. I was thinking a lot about this question , but in retrospective I dont think I'm loyal to any video game franchise, for most franchises I have few of each but not all of them.
  7. I dont buy DLC's separately, either I get the full the game with all its DLC's or I dont get them at all.
  8. Why will people get rid of their portable console right away ? Portable consoles have never actually fade off.
  9. Did they patch the horrible expressions and the bad makeup on the npcs ?🤣
  10. Borderlands 2, I will try to finish the Main-quest, I've been drifting a lot doing exploration and sidequests
  11. I heard that one before , in my experience crunch can happen anywhere so I dont think any company is safe from it , but as well its an issue that can always be fixed and its also less likely to appear in other jobs.
  12. xD I had the game for more than 5 years now and I never heard about that, Well I never did cared for the DLC or micro transactions. Upon double checking the game last night yeah you are right there is a whole bunch of DLC's cosmetics.
  13. I miss CJ from GTA San Andreas, I spent countless of hours on my ps2 and I remember I always had him in shape and well dressed xD
  14. In what context ? If this is for toilet paper I dont want to know what kind of monster uses plastic xD
  15. I dont play online games because I cant afford the PS plus subscription xD, and also because I'm more of a single player gamer.
  16. I too suffer from a motor disability, but I can walk and run, I'm to lazy to exercise but I'm still somehow active, I'm always moving around the city doing my errands and sometimes I go out with my girlfriend and we travel a couple of times a year, the only down side is that I cant walk barefoot in the sand without my legbraces so thats why I dont go to the beach that often. Somehow I'm still in good shape but I gained some weight in the last year xD
  17. Probably about 10 hours several times, back when I used to play Halo 3 on the online multiplayer.
  18. It will depend on the game but if I had to choose an option it will be number 2, I prefer a review that goes straight to the point focusing on the important aspects of the game, such as gameplay, graphics and mechanics.
  19. Yeah this is just a awful and a waste of time, they started to do this on the FIFA 19 for the Xbox 360 which it was an exact remake of the 18 version, at that point it wasnt really an issue since it was an old console. If they are not willing to even port the game to Switch why just not add a DLC to the preexisting 18 version instead of charging 60 dollars for a game that is the exact same shit as last year. I mean we always joked that every FIFA game was basically the same every year which at some point they are, But this is just ridiculous they just copy pasted the code from last years and put a 19 stamp on it.
  20. I'm in that stage where I dont know what to play, I spent the whole month of September playing The Witcher mostly. Now that its "over" I dont know what to play so I'm going back and forth between all the FPS games that I have.
  21. This is for Likes and comments on Youtube or only for comments ?
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