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JoyFreak last won the day on January 17 2019

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About JoyFreak

  • Birthday 04/10/1992

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  1. Nice! I miss the old days when I had my handheld PSP. I would love to try this out and see what it has to offer. I wonder what games I can play on it?
  2. I've never really been 'actively' into esports but I do love the occasional Rocket League and Fifa game on the PlayStation. I'm not sure if I would ever take it seriously, like competitive seriously.
  3. Amazing! I still need to grab part 2 as I loved the first one. Although, I still have a small part to finish on part 1 first. That is a great deal however. I will check it out and I hope the sale is still on!
  4. Is VR still going? I barely hear much about VR games these days. I don't know how I'd feel about RDR2 in VR tbh. I would have to try it out first. Have they released it yet?
  5. 7/10 Love that soundtrack, miss the good old days playing FF. Heres mine!
  6. JoyFreak

    Ask DC

    If you could spend the day with a game character, would be it be and why?
  7. I can see it being a thing for e-sports. It involves physically moving and could encourage sport activities.
  8. I only played the base game, and only once. I found it good enough, I liked ME3's story more compared to the limited progress that ME2's offered, but the horrible ending and some boring sections killed my interes on the series.And the Prothean character was poorly handled IIRC, he didn't offer anything interesting story-wise. If some day EA remasters the trilogy, I''ll surely play them again with all DLC content.
  9. Pokemon Shield. I love this game, brings back so much nostalgia from the gamebody/ds era.
  10. Nathan Drake, one good looking character 😛
  11. Have you tried Farming Simulator 19? It's also like a real-life farming experience where you can crop your own plants, harvest and plot on land. It's on all devices I believe, and the value isn't all that expensive!
  12. Ask me anything and I will be as honest as possible 😛
  13. I used to use a normal HP laptop for gaming a few years back and it overheated it, it was actually described as a "gaming laptop" with AMD gfx and everything but it wasn't all that great. It was running on Windows 8.1. I felt like that had an impact on the performance. I am currently typing off a HP Omen and boy what a great laptop this is, for gaming and for other uses! Not to forget to mention, it runs off Intel, which I personally think is A LOT better than AMD!
  14. I am very much looking forward to this series since playing the first one in the franchise. I also heard the writer will be keeping Ellie as gay to spread LGBT awareness.
  15. The last game I played was Shadows of Colossus on PS4. I never tried the one one PS2 but heard some great things about it. The visuals are outstanding and the graphs is fantastic! Thanks to PS+ I can finally play this game. I'm currently on my 5th boss! 😄
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