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Everything posted by skyfire

  1. Launch with gameplay would be ideal. And thread with that gameplay even better.
  2. I didn't play ARMA's mod. I heard some good opinions on youtube about it though.
  3. Yeah running upto me part needs a better placement too. Like if you stay in the middle of map that's inviting death. But setting up higher ground and corner improves chances.
  4. Even better then. Because if it keeps you engaged then that is surely fun to play with and try as well.
  5. Imagine if they include this in movie.
  6. I also think that when league of legends comes on simple devices that would increase the competition on the mobile market for similar games.
  7. If the game is free, company earns from skins and themes and characters, I am fine by that. If the game is paid, company wants to eat more money on levels, skins, characters and the crate. Then no not in favor.
  8. That is the amount of money that people get for retirement. Even less than that. The thing is that some rich gamers are just too much trolling.
  9. I wonder where it ends though, if they side with public but internally continue to do the crap they do as govt expects them to. It'd not be good end.
  10. Yeah plus the testing for that platform is another thing when it comes to updates.
  11. I guess Australian local rules seems to be pretty good. I guess that is 1 to gamers and 0 to bethesda.
  12. Yeah and even worst part that tencent being top publisher of such games, they may even limit indie games to have freedom of speech.
  13. Yes lot of respawns even if you are not dead. You tend to start from the position where you started running. So kind of buggy game.
  14. I think android version had the global release. So I am sure it must be out there this week atleast.
  15. Kinemaster seems to be fitting my needs. Though it does catch a lot of background noise too. I am guessing this is because of limitation on device and android.
  16. With Blizzard, Tencent going this bad. I wonder where the gaming industry is going when it comes to freedom of speech.
  17. Blizzard needs to feel the damage now. Because that is how people should react when a country and it's business try to dictate the rules for rest of the world.
  18. I just can't imagine the level of dumbness. I mean if you don't have money then you realize value. And in case of the 150k like that? Cant imagine.
  19. All hail Knuckles. Nobody realized potential of lord and savior knuckles. XD
  20. Yeah side scrolling games can be pain if they lack story. But if they have managed the rooms and time per room in level then I guess it won't be a bad game in such case.
  21. That looks like superman in god mode with going through objects. Bad programming example.
  22. I mostly check out the facebook games area to find new games. I think that and Twitch can be a good place to discover a lot of mobile games. Though finding the right game for yourself is a task.
  23. They have pushed no updates in a month as of yet. I thought they would have fixed bugs and also made the download smaller. No such changes and update news as of yet.
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