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Everything posted by egghead

  1. Best thing about mobile gaming is you can play on the go, even while waiting for the plane in the airport.
  2. Do you also use discord and Twitch? I have accounts but don't use much.
  3. I think 7 out of 10 is a good rating. I will see if I can find the game. By the way, there are too wonderful games and so little time to play.
  4. If you use keyword and controller simultaneously, I think you would be good at both.
  5. VIII was the last FF game I played. I have not played other new games in the series.
  6. I will for sure. But I would like to know your personal opinion. Do you really enjoy playing this game. How do you rate in the scale of 1 to 10?
  7. I think you would also like Roblox. I have been playing this game since 2017.
  8. It depends on how good you are are gaming, and how long you play games.
  9. You shouldn't believe in these research. They take a sample form 100-200 participants and conclude. How can you make a decision based on what 100-200 people say.
  10. This is really good budget laptop for gaming, however, you can built your own computer for less than $1400 with better specs if you can find a hardware specialist.
  11. Religion was also the reason for the British to win and Indians to lose. British were united by one religion and Indians were divided into multiple religions.
  12. The topic of allowing kids to play shooting game is very controversial, yet a lot of kids play these games.
  13. It is Windows PC exclusive game. They have announced that soon they will bring the game to mobile platform.
  14. If you check freelancing sites like upwork you will see a lot of game testing jobs, even on social site like Linkedin, you can find developers looking for game tester. I think this is lucrative profession.
  15. I started playing Minecraft in 2016 and I still play this game. I play Minecraft on PC.
  16. These days I am playing online games. I have to download and install the game on my device. For paid game, I will have to purchase game pass and for free game I can start playing immediately.
  17. Depends on the games I am playing. I like playing sandbox alone, but I like playing battle royal games with friends and relatives.
  18. I am on Discord, I joined in order to keep track with gamer but I did not use if therefore I do not know about discord gaming bots.
  19. When I do something I always lose the track of the surrounding, whether it is gaming, working, listening to the music or even reading.
  20. I have used console controller as well as keyboard. If you have been using console controller for a long time, I think you will have difficulty with keyboard.
  21. I am a PC gamer and would definitely love to try this, but how much does this cost, how much is the delivery charge (to Nepal)
  22. I was playing Valorant until a few hours ago.
  23. By the way, which was your best Final Fantasy series? Mine was VIII.
  24. Have you watched The Wall, their concept Album?
  25. There are many games where you can collect NFT and hold these NFT for a long time for making profits or trade for fiat money instantly.
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