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Everything posted by egghead

  1. Wow! How many hours do you game every 24 hours?
  2. I started playing Temple Run and Candy crush when I got my first smart phone, I absolutely liked those games
  3. Unless you have an UPS or using a laptop, power outage is also a problem in PC gaming.
  4. Minecraft also ranks number 3 in most played game category.
  5. You can stream your game on Facebook and monetize your game streaming, but facebook games are not like a twitch, these are the games that you play via facebook
  6. As a kind I was more into reading books, however, these days it is very rare to see a kid picking up books.
  7. I have read news where a kid was reported to kill his mother and sisters in a hope to emulate the game setting, and also about kids who attacked their parents because they did not allow them to play games. However, I could not find the links. I will share here once I find those articles.
  8. Don't be too much insular. Check this out https://www.newindianexpress.com/lifestyle/health/2019/jun/01/violent-video-games-dangerous-for-children-study-1984704.html https://indianexpress.com/article/india/india-others/too-much-gaming-makes-kids-aggressive-violent-survey/
  9. I started gaming in 2016, I started by playing Minecraft on PC. The first console I ever owned was PS4.
  10. I have not used PS5, however, once I used to own PS4. These days I do PC and Android phone game.
  11. Even though I can use international marketplace like ebay, I prefer local marketplaces to buy and sell items. I sold my playstation consoles through a local marketplace.
  12. I have used PS4 in the past, but these days I am using Dell gaming laptop and samsung phone.
  13. These days I am not playing any facebook games but back in the days I used to play a lot of facebook games, especially farmville and ludo.
  14. I started gaming on PC and then went ahead to buy a PlaySation 4.
  15. When it comes to Facebook, or Meta as they call themselves these days, you cannot be sure on anything. They have announced NFT marketplace and their own crypto. They might create their own consoles as well.
  16. I have no plans to buy a console, however, if I have the budget, I might consider buying a better gaming laptop.
  17. The best think I like about epic games is they give free games frequently, A little while ago I was checking my facebook feed and game to a news about epic games giving 2 games for free. However, I did not click the link because I have a hectic schedule.
  18. I have never used a VR and I have never experienced lucid dreaming. In fact, I even don't know what exactly is Lucid dreaming?
  19. My phone has Android 11, I don't know how it compares to Android 12.
  20. I don't think PC gaming is less popular, if that was true why would some games released exclusively on PC.
  21. I wish Valorant was on Playstation. It is really good game.
  22. The Witcher show is more influenced by the game than the books. Even the characters on the show are made to look like the game characters.
  23. When you are building a computer, you are basically assembling a computer, you will be using parts and equipment created by various companies, you can give it your own name. In my country, small businesses are assembling computers and selling as their own brand.
  24. Sometimes we are deeply moved into the game world, for instance we play in the virtual world but the experience can be real for instance, frustration of losing, pleasure of winning everything are real.
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