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Everything posted by Shagger

  1. Dog years and cat years. This is a concept created for the truly stupid. The year itself doesn't change just because it's from the prospect of a different animal. Time is a constant. Different organisms have written in thier DNA a great many things. How they grow, thier instincts, thier appearance, everything including thier lifespan. These genetic codes vary, so the lifespan varies as well. No two people are actually generically coded to live for the same amount of time, never two species. These dog and cat years are for people who understand the basics of life. Dogs and cat's don't live as long as people, it's that simple. Seriously, how stupid do have to be not get that 13 year old dog is quite old just a because a 13 year old human isn't considered old? Still, if people insist they this metaphor to understand this incredibly simple premise, then I say why stop with just Dogs and Cats? How about Redwood year or Giant Tortoise year. Or on the other end of the scale, how an Apply year or a house fly year? Or maybe it would actually be easer to just understand that the human lifespan is a not fucking calendrer.
  2. It's not something I would consider to be that important, but nice to have. Maybe I'm crazy, but I don't buy a band new generation of console to play old games on it. I will say though that with modern consoles there really isn't an excuse to not include backwards compatibility given the way the hardware works. So whilst I do not consider that important, for modern console there is no excuse to not have it, and with digital distribution and games being tied to an online account, it is more important now hat it has been in the past.
  3. So they got Ben Stiller, LeBron James and John Travolta into this bizarre God of War: Ragnarök commercial...
  4. Trick or treat, post a tweet, see if Elon Musk agrees.
  5. Shagger

    The Game Awards 2022


    Given the venue for this years event, is it safe to assume Xbox are going to do surprisingly well this year?
  6. 6/10 Yes, I know it's a classic game and a decent tune, especially for 8-bit, but is the theme song actually that memorable? Listen to the song, do something else for a few minutes and then see if you actually remember it. You could ask anyone on the street to recite the Mario theme and they would probably get it right, but few people would be able to recite this. It's also something of a slow starter for me, but it is great when it does get going. Here's my choice; I know, it's a little bit of cheating as it's an adaptation of a movie theme, but I genuinely believe this is one of the very renditions of the this theme that there has ever been in any media.
  7. First off, thanks for the feedback. I didn't want to say it in the review as it is a little bit of a story spoiler, but it's through Hugo that you take control of the rats, so that's technically his ability. I'll not say more on that so as not to go deeper into spoiler territory.
  8. Well, I am a big fan of KFC, and that's exactly why this controller is last thing I need in my life, and not just because the controller is hideous. I can't be trying to play a game and have a voice in my head scream "3-piece" every time I look at the controller. It would drive me mad.
  9. I was actually getting more of an "Until Dawn" feel from it, but I can see what where you're coming from.
  10. Trick or treat, a kid is neat, until you bed it then beg it to...
  11. I appreciate than and I'm glad you found it helpful. And both games are well worth picking up.
  12. As long they ditched the stupid DRM that slows the game to a crawl on PC, I'm sure it would work fine. On PC I had to instal graphic modifying framework software to launch the game through just to get it to run properly. It is a fairly old game at this point, so I see no reason the switch wouldn't be able to run it just fine with the right optimisation. Remember this was made by Platinum Games, the same company behind Beyonetta, so the know how to optimise games for the Switch.
  13. I an Scottish and this is literally the first time I've even heard of this. Shows you how much of a big deal this wasn't. I know, I'm being mean, and well done to both the winners and the organisers for making this happen. It's great to see talent from my small nation be put on a pedestal and recognised. And I agree @Kane99, Cloudpunk does indeed look dope, but the fact they had to offer no less than three awards (including the top award) to a two year old game makes me wonder what the point was.
  14. I will never deny myself a chance to tell the world how much I hate EA...
  15. OK, here's my entry. I've twisted the rules a little bit by having including a piece of paper with my forum handle and the letters VGR in the image rather than carving VGR into the pumpkin mosly because I want the pumpkin to make some sense when displayed outside my house. I hope that will suffice @DC. I also have to give a shout out to my better half that helped me out with this. Anyway, without further a due, here we go.
  16. A few come to mind. Skyrim: This one deserves a shout for me because RPG's rarely get this right. It's usually come cliched, chosen one nonsense, but even though Skyrim does eventually lean into that trope at least some extent, it doesn't do so right away and offers a start that throws the player right into the scenario in a more daunting and exiting manner. I know the prisoner trope is something the franchise seems obsessed with at the start of thier games for some reason, but it does kind of work. A real start from nothing mantra. The Last of Us: I mean, talk about impact! Heart pounding, heart racing and heart breaking all at once. It's sense of drama and urgency, but also helplessness really leave a mark on the people who play it. Horizon Zero Dawn: It may in essence be merely a tutorial into, but it leads into the main story so well, I's also very clever that the game plays this tutorial intro with you playing as Aloy as a young child literally learning from her mentor. It's such a smart angle and the way it sets up the early part of the main game is very well stitched together.
  17. Locking this as we already have a topic on this that's been active recently.
  18. 40mb of memory (Random Access Memory to be precise) would be "not bad" for band new computer in 1998. I'm not trying to make fun of you, I just thought it was kind of funny 😂.
  19. Trick or treat, avoid the sweet, like Rachel's trifle...
  20. As this is about a specific game, I'm moving the thread to the video games sub-forum. I haven't played AC3, so there's only so much I can say, but the series as a whole I feel has always represented the history it's parallel to quite well. Obviously the games have thier own indigenous flair and the actual stories are fictional, but that doesn't take away from how the can reflect the history and show it in an impartial and accurate manner. Talking about what you said on the war of independence, I think at least most of America these days is ready to be held accountable for the mistakes of the past, but it would still be a brave decision for a game company in the early 2010's to go there and call it like was. So that is something to respect from Ubisoft, one of the very things mind you.
  21. I think that my inbox might have been full. Doesn't matter, you don't owe me an apology, I'm just glad you're back.
  22. Hey @Reality vs Adventure, great to have you back!
  23. I think I found a way to record the game on your PC whilst running the game on you phone. I found a program called APowerMirror that can mirror you phone screen onto your PC. Them it's simple case of recording you PC screen using capture software. I've just tried tried this using the aforementioned ApowerMirror and OBS to capture the footage and it works.
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