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The Blackangel

What do you want done with your body when you die?

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What I always wanted done was my body laid out and burnt like several cultures did in the middle ages. A funeral pyre. But the only place that is currently legal here in the states is Colorado. It came up before the state senate here, but Parsons rejected it and the senate agreed with him the last I knew. So my only options are burial or cremation. So I want my ass cremated. I'm claustrophobic beyond belief, and the idea of being locked in a box, dropped in a hole, and having 6' worth of dirt and rocks piled on top of me is something I can't stand. The mere thought of it gets my anxiety running on overdrive even now. I know I could leave my body to science, but fuck that. I'm not even an organ donor. So unless Missouri legalizes a funeral pyre before I die, cremation is where I'm headed.

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Bury me with my treasures, my crystals and gems, so that people in the future find my bones and think I was a pharaoh or something. 😀 And if there is an after life or reincarnation, my stones will protect me, guide me, and bless me for the next life. Shoot, maybe I was reincarnated. That’s why I’m so connected to my rocks. Sure didn’t protect me much. And if a grave robber takes my stuff, I’ll become awakened and start haunting. I will live forever either way. Or maybe my bones will mix with the rocks and form new specimens in a million years. An alien will see my partial bone as a fossil embedded in quartz and pyrite. The alien beings will place me in a museum and say I was a super valuable being. They will research my DNA and try to place me together only to find I’m mixed with every continent. They will think I’m godlike and created all humans. WTF hahaha. 

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Have not even thought about it, I mean people at my age group would not even think about it till 50 years alter, then again anyone can die at any age. I would love to send my remains to the people that do that body worlds stuff, no idea if the logistics behind the idea are workable though.

HELL - Take anything that can be used and then bury me in the dirt with no coffin. Needs to be done without any chemicals or preservatives, I wan't to rot naturally back into the earth.

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