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  1. Past hour
  2. If you could change one thing about how all future games are made, what would it be? I would want developers to make sure that all their future games do not cause seizures in people prone to them.
  3. Lately we are seeing some really solid TV adaptations of video games. Do you think that will lead to any changes in how video games are developed in the future?
  4. Are there certain types of NPCs you are sick of having to kill in games? I get tired of having to kill dogs and wolves. I just don’t enjoy it.
  5. Do you ever get attached to NPCs that you can’t collect as followers or such, but for some reason you struggle to walk away from them? I.e. cause they are in a bad situation in the game world, and you just sort of feel sorry for them? What’s the most over-the-top thing you did because of it? I couldn’t adopt Sophie in Skyrim on a playthrough, and ended up spelling her name in food in front of my door so I could headcannon that she’d see it and move in while I was away.
  6. Today
  7. The USB port will either work or not work. It's not the sort of thing that's prone to the kind of failure you describe whare it can do one thing but not the other. You really need to find another cable to try it with. This systematic approach that has really left only two possibilities now: It's as you suspect @BlazeNinja22 and it's an issue with the internal circuitry connecting the charge port to the battery. It's as @Ravenfreak suggested and there is an issue with your cable. Of the two, I feel the charge cable is far more likely. Internal circuitry isn't very prone to wear or damage, especially on modern, compact devices like a PS Vita whare the electronics are almost always connected through a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). The only realistic ways to damage them is with moisture or overheating. The same is not true of external cables. The get bent, stood on, twisted and stretched all the time as well as exposure to moisture and heat. So don't give up, I think there still a chance for a happy ending here.
  8. The second cable I have is broken, and that reboot thing didn't change anything, so it was probably an internal thing all along.
  9. Do you have another charging cable you can use? This would help rule out if it's the charging port or not. I've looked on Google and people are saying that the charging cable might not be giving the Vita enough power to charge properly. Someone on ifixit's community posted this solution below, give it a try and see if that fixes your issue. If this doesn't work, it could be something internally causing an issue.
  10. I know there is a thread that was posted here talking about a rumor going around that Sonic was getting a Fall Guys inspired title. Well, that leak was true and we're getting a game called Sonic Rumble this Winter! I was one of the lucky people who got selected to beta test the game a few weeks ago, and I thought I wouldn't enjoy it that much but I had a blast playing the beta. In Sonic Rumble, there's three game modes. The first one is a race to the finish line, only the first 16 people who make it to the goal can proceed to the next round. In the second round, you have to survive and be one of the last of 7 standing. You need to collect as many rings as possible to continue on to the final round. In the last round, Ring Battle players need to get the most amount of rings in order to win. There is one level that needs to be tweaked in the final release, because it made it way too easy to win if you were already in first place. The levels in the beta were Green Hill, Seaside Hill, Chemical Plant, Starlight Carnival, Silent Forest, Frozen Factory, and Lava Mountain. I thought Frozen Factory's Ring Battle and Survival levels were too difficult and need to be adjusted. Starlight Carnival Ring Battle is easy to beat if you're already in first place. I'm sure the devs will fix all of this before the game gets released. Here's some gameplay footage courtesy of the Sonic Stadium. (Also if you look close enough at 40 seconds into the video, you can see my username lol.)
  11. If they're done right they're fine. However, this wasn't the case for The Sims 4 in my opinion. They didn't bother to update the controls to work with a controller, making menu selecting very difficult to do on console versions. Back when EA was good, The Sims ports to console were great. (Well if you don't count those bizarre spin off titles they came out with on handhelds...) I loved The Sims 2 on Gamecube and thought it worked well for the console version.
  12. Ravenfreak


    Have you ever seen the film Creep before? It's based around this guy who hires a man named Aaron off Craigslist to simply just film him doing every day tasks. He goes by the name Josef, and he explains that he's dying from cancer and wants to make a video memory for his unborn son. He's a little unhinged at first, but Aaron continues to follow him around and hang out. When night falls, Aaron tries to leave the house but Josef doesn't want him to. Eventually Aaron does get to leave and go home, but Josef starts stalking him and sending him DVDs in the mail. I won't give away anything else, but it's a great movie. If you enjoy thrillers you'd like this film. There's also a sequel as well and there's supposed to be a series coming out based around the movies. (It was originally going to be a third film.)
  13. I definitely would not spend this kind of money on a skin in a video game. Even if I had the money, that would be a huge nope from me. I'd rather spend that kind of money on physical goods and not digital ones. Heck imagine what you could do with that money, you could give it to charity or help family members out. I know everyone can spend their hard earned money on anything they want, but I think this is too much.
  14. Yesterday
  15. I need to boot up my Xbox 360 again and purchase some games that aren't backwards compatible on the Series S. I assume physical Xbox 360 games that aren't backwards compatible are going to go up in price now since the store is closing. It sucks that the store is closing, but at least Microsoft kept it up for a long time, much longer than Sony and Nintendo.
  16. I was born in 1990 so nope I'm younger than what we consider is the current internet. There were only a few universities that could connect to an early version of the internet in the mid to late 80s, but the average computer user didn't really get online until the mid 90's since it was much easier to get connected to the internet once services like AOL came to the market. I didn't have a computer growing up, but honestly I wish I did. I would have loved to be able to interact with users on forums when they were more popular in the early 00s. I didn't start using the internet daily until late 2008 after I got my laptop for graduating high school, forums were still popular but shortly after unfortunately social media started to get popular and take off.
  17. If you keep up with Windows news, you're probably already aware of a upcoming feature being added to Windows 11 and this feature is called Recall. What exactly does Recall do? It helps you "recall" what you've done on your computer within a set period of time. It'll essentially record what you've done within a certain amount of time and replay your actions. Many users are concerned about this new feature, because it can and will cause a huge privacy issue for those who use Windows 11. It's essentially an officially marketed keylogger. Keyloggers are malicious tools that keep track of your key inputs, which makes it much easier for hackers to gain access to your accounts. The encryption used to protect the files that Recall produces isn't too secure. This is definitely going to cause more users to jump ship to another operating system. What can you do to prevent it if you want to continue using Windows? Well once the newest update rolls out and enables the feature, immediately disable Recall in your settings. Or simply turn off updates, but that's not recommended as it could cause other security issues. You can see how this can become a huge issue by watching this video:
  18. I always go back and replay through Sonic 3 and Knuckles. I also love going back and replaying through Legend of Legaia as well as Digimon World 3 from time to time. I tend to do this more with games I played as a kid and have nostalgia for. I've also been going back and replaying the Generation 1 Pokemon games too, which is odd since it's not even my favorite generation of Pokemon Gen 3 is.
  19. It has been 6 months since my PS Vita's battery died (or at least since I made a post about it), and I finally got a new one. After replacing the battery with some help from my dad, I realized it still doesn't charge. The USB connection still works, as far as I can tell, but when it's charging, the PS button's light is orange, then turns blue and turns off. I'm assuming that's in the moment it would add 1% to the battery. I'm starting to think the problem wasn't the battery, but rather the USB port, or something connecting the two. I've been waiting for a new battery so it could last, not slowly die again, so I really need this fixed.
  20. When I said “in the beginning” I meant thousands of years ago. When people knew nothing about the world around them, and started looking for something to explain everything. That is when religion began forming. The result is a downfall of civilized man. Everyone then and now wage wars and genocide all because of a different religious title. Religion is one of the worst plagues on this planet. To get to true morality and compassion, religion has no place in our lives.
  21. Sorry, even if I was unreasonably rich, I don't think I would ever spend $1M on a skin in a video game. Even if it's the rarest skin around and everyone wants it. The skin in question is the The StatTrak Factory New AK-47 Blue Gem – Pattern 661. You can see an image of it below: What's crazy is that the CSGO market is worth upwards of over $3 billion, crazy I know. You can view the full story here - https://www.videogamer.com/news/someone-has-just-spent-over-1m-on-a-cs2-skin/ What do you think of this? What's the most you'd ever spend for a skin? What is the most you have spent on skins or dlc? I can't say I've spent more than $10-$20 on skins in my lifetime, unless you count getting the battle pass in Fortnite, which I really don't.
  22. Kane99


    I had no idea there was a new Rocksmith game coming out from Ubisoft. For those who don't know, Rocksmith was a popular game that allowed you to learn to play guitar all the while playing classics from the past and present. I've never played the game myself as I am not musically inclined. Though it would be fun to play the guitar and I imagine playing Rocksmith+ would be a good way to learn. Anyway, it looks like the new game just dropped, yesterday in fact. And it looks to be completely free to play. My guess is that they will be making money on the songs they have in the game. It's currently available for PC and PS5, but looks to be coming out for the PS4 and even mobile as well. At least according to the trailer as it shows Google Play and Apple stores. Check the trailer out below:
  23. Let me make this clear. Religion did NOT give morality. Religion has many beliefs in human history. Morality came from our natural instinct as humans. We have intelligence. We have sympathy. We can learn from mistakes. We can identify suffering. We don't need religion to teach us right from wrong. Religion attracts people who are abusers. People who want to hide behind a code of ethics, to swing their fist in the air, to act moral, to act superior, at the same time they incite hate. That is religion. True morality doesn't need a book written by man. True morality is natural. It's intelligence. Morality is intelligence. The less intelligence people have, the more immoral they become. I'm not talking about IQ. I'm talking about pure human intelligence. Religion is not intelligence. It's irrational, unintelligent. Religion attracts the unintelligent, people willing to give up their rationality. Religion is the opposite of intelligence. People willing to bow down in weakness instead of having an independent mind. Religion takes that independent mind away we are born with. Religion make humans completely stupid. Intelligence is not book smart, it is not ambition, it is not an evil genius, it is not power. Intelligence is morality, NOT religion. Intelligence allows us to have the greatest ethics. Religion is the dumbing down of intelligence. The dumbing down of morality. It's funny every time a religious person asks the question, "where do you get your ethics then?" I was born with ethics until religion took it away. You can propose the 10 commandments, then worship a guy like Trump that breaks all 10 commandments. I ask religious folk, where do you get your ethics from? A book you read? A brainwashed parent? You had ethics before religion tainted your mind. You were smart before religion brought you irrationality. Religion does not teach morality. Religion teaches evil, to hate others, to let go of morality, to let go of your intelligence.
  24. I am most excited in the morning. That is when I am super energized and focused on achieving my goals for the day. At night, I am more focused on sleeping and just having a quiet time alone.
  25. I am one who has always enjoyed playing the Assasin Creed series, and I know that the storyline of Assasin Creed Shadows won't disappoint. I am excited and waiting for the release in November. Hopefully, I can buy the game in January next year.
  26. I will be giving the franchise another opportunity by playing the game. The earlier series of COD were good, but recent ones have not brought the satisfaction that I desired. However, I will aim to play this one and see how good it can be for me.
  27. I don't like doing that. I don't see the need to buy import games. For most of the time, all you have to do is to exercise a little patience when the prices of new games drop and you will buy it cheaper.
  28. The time is still far. What you can do is get to understand what new feature is coming with the latest Windows and discover how to utilise them to your own advantage. This is what I do with some of the softwares that I work with and it has been going smoothly for me.
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