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  2. It’s hard to say what we can do for the future. What we do know is that technology always progresses and the good comes with the bad. Technology is a gateway, those who invent it and use it need morality to invent and use it; it’s heaven and hell. Everything we have created is a double edged sword. So if I came up with a solution to solve a world problem, that solution will be used to further create problems. For example, we utilize electricity for all our modern basic necessities, but at the loss of simple freedom and human relations. The Bronze Age, the Iron Age, all were useful to push humans forward, but also to kill everything. Travel, land air and sea, polluting land air and sea. Going to space looking for a habitable environment while caring nothing for Earth. Medicine to be abused. And don’t think for a second the anti science anti progression religious fenes are the answer. Because just like everything else, their creation of religion was supposed to be for good purposes but instead creates wars, oppression, and every form of bigotry. What I would create is a fucking house next to a waterfall and live my life and not be bothered by the human parasite.
  3. I watched this 80's slasher film called Just Before Dawn. These movies kept George Kennedy employed, at the very least. 😄
  4. Something that has become popular over the years are season passes in mobile games. Some of them offer some great incentives whilst others are quite plain and not worth the purchase. I never used to buy season passes in mobile games but I found that I was playing Farmville 3 a lot and realized they have a season pass and figured I would purchase it knowing that I would complete it each time without issue. Do you buy season passes in mobile games?
  5. This past week it has been announced that the next game in the Call of Duty franchise will be Black Ops 6. Over the years we have had some Call of Duty games that have been quite lack lustre and it has put people off the game, many even turning to other games. Black Ops 6 so far, whilst it is looking good and it also being announced that it will be on Game Pass on Day One, some people are still not eager to run back to Call of Duty just yet. Will you be playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 6?
  6. I got my kids the Oculus Quest 2 as a Christmas gift this past Christmas and they have enjoyed playing a lot of the games but the one that has been popular with them is Beat Saber. Since December up until now, I believe we have bought around 20 songs altogether either in a pack or individually and I know they will want more in the future. How many songs have you purchased on Beat Saber?
  7. There are many different mobile games available, some of which may be a lot of fun and others which you regret downloading and have instead uninstalled from your phone. I don't tend to download too many games on my phone, not like I used to but I remember downloading a game once which was a match game because it looked interesting and like something I would enjoy playing, it was ruined with ads so I uninstalled. What is the worst mobile game you have played?
  8. Whenever I play a game and find myself hitting a difficult part or struggling to get past a specific area, I always find walking away from the game for a few years, doing something else and then coming back and trying again helps me. I feel if you spend a lot of time going back when you are frustrated, you will never get past the part you are trying to.
  9. I wouldn't say that gaming has affected my social life at all. I have always been someone who has suffered from social anxiety and being around people and interacting with them always made me nervous and really anxious. Gaming has helped to give me a social life without the need to be around people but to also be in control so that on the days where I know I will not be able to socialize, I can hide away so to speak.
  10. I have only had one set of joy cons which were the ones that I got when I got the Nintendo Switch and they started getting stick drift in 2020, about a year or so after I got the console brand new. I need to get some new joy cons and hoping to do that very soon and also hope to avoid stick drift again.
  11. When I first saw harrypotter game I was like, what? I concluded that it will be the most boring game ever, because I didn’t know how swinging wands and murmuring Avada Kedavra could keep anyone interested. I played to prove my point, though it was not as bad as I thought. But it was not exactly great either.
  12. You got that feeling too? Before my dad bought the PS 2 I used to play at at the game house with money. The excitement I had when we eventually had it in our house was heavenly.
  13. I've watched quite a few South Korean shows. My favourite was Extraordinary Attorney Woo, which I could really relate to, due to the main character being on the autistic spectrum. I also enjoyed Squid Game and All Of Us Are Dead, even if the latter was longer than it needed to be!
  14. When there was no modern technology, that was what they made use of in the olden days. I’m sure it did the job too, but thankfully we have more effective ways now. I surely don’t think I will have the patience for a bird to relay a message. 😅
  15. Kyng

    Last Game Played

    A Pictionary game on Discord.
  16. Yes, and there are players that you have not seen too and probably won’t see. When I play online I chat with them and we banter ourselves. I also have those that I play multiplayer with physically. It makes me associate with those that have the same interest as me.
  17. Tough levels don’t frustrate me, before it gets to that I would have quit. It is usually hardware problems and glitches that frustrate me. If it is the game that is hard, I just consider it a challenge that I should overcome and put more effort.
  18. Difficulty makes the game much more worth it, so I don’t quit when it happens. I can take a break from the game and engage in other activities. By the time I’m back to it I’m with a fresher perspective. But if it is proving too hard, then I’ll pass.
  19. Game chats can make the game much more interesting, provided it is not abused. Imagine the banter chats that you could be having. But once I discover that the other person is causing nuisance with it, I disable it.
  20. There is nothing to report. Humans try to find the easier way out of a lot of challenges, not only gaming. Bypasses will definitely exist, no matter how much it is frowned at.
  21. Silent hill. Though I have never played it, but I witnessed friends do. Scary games are not my thing, the last thing I want is a game I’m playing giving me chills.
  22. I do know that I am not a seasoned gamer. When the gurus start talking about gaming, I feel like I don’t know much. So I can say I am intermediate, not a pro gamer but not a novice too.
  23. Outlast is the scariest game I've played. It was a long time ago, although. It's an amazing game, and the best part about it is that there's been a sequel to it. I still need to play it, as I haven't yet. What about you? What's the scariest video game you've ever played? Did you enjoy it?
  24. Video games nowadays usually don't come complete, and developers offer the option to purchase additional content (DLC) for them. That's a way to make more money from one product. Do you always purchase all the DLC for a game that you've bought? Why or why not?
  25. Thankfully, on digital platforms, you can refund a game if you don't like it. That's, of course, within reason. And with that, how many games have you refunded because you didn't like them? I've refunded only two games, as far as I can remember. I thought I would enjoy them, but I was disappointed.
  26. When you play an online game and see a cheater, do you take your time to report them? I do that always. I feel like it's my duty as a part of the online community to report the cheaters. They're killing the fun for everyone.
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