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  1. That’s one hell of a deal. I would be interested in the trip, but being that I’m a classic gamer with a slight handful of exceptions, the gaming part of the prize would be more or less wasted on me. But my girl might be interested, as she is on FF14 all the time. I’ll give her the link here and have her come to the forum to check it out. She’s not the biggest poster on forums. Including the ones I’ve built and run. But I’m thinking she would see a lot of rewards by joining VGR. I know the returns were immediate for me.
    2 points
  2. How does 5 days of uninterrupted gaming sound? How about doing it in an amazing luxury retreat in Palm Springs? That’s exactly what Duracell Optimum is giving to one lucky gamer. It gets better! The contest winner will be flown first class to Palm Springs and whisked to the “Duracell Estate” where they will be able to game distraction-free for 5 glorious days. Seriously. No chores - the winner will have their own housekeeper and chef! And who needs to work since they will get $2,000 cash. And no worries about a dead controller, since a stack of Duracell batteries will be ready and waiting. Duracell Optimum batteries are designed with gamers in mind allowing for them to Game Longer with less distractions. Optimum batteries actually deliver longer life in the leading alkaline battery powered wireless controller. You know the pain of getting into the meaty part of a game and then getting distracted. And so does Duracell. That’s why they want to help one gamer to get away from it all, avoid those distractions, and just game. Entries can be submitted through Twitter, Instagram or Reddit. All of the details and official rules can be found at gamelongergetaway.com.
    1 point
  3. Rain Dew

    Rain Dew

    Hey everyone I’m Rain Dew, @The Blackangel girl. Rain Dew is my character’s name on Final Fantasy 14. I’m on Goblin server. I’m 36 and live in Missouri. I have several pets: Two Chihuahuas, Clover our oldest and miracle baby, Caoimhe @The Blackangel‘s puppy, a rescued Pit Bull Lady who is the live of her life's @The Blackangel‘s, and my baby Bella an English Bull dog. I got the name Bella because the night before we went to pick her up @The Blackangel and I were watching the remake of Beauty and the Beast. Which is where I got the name Bella from. I also have a parakeet named R2D2 and 5 rats: Sprocket, Chop Chop, Shroom Boom, Drobot, and Trigger Happy. One question I know people are curious about is “What is it like living with a sociopath?” I have been with her for so long that I actually forget that she is one. She says she is hard to live with but I don’t really see it that way. Living with her and being in a relationship to me is just like any other normal persons relationship. We have our ups and downs like anyone else. There is one big difference. A lot of couples will say they would do anything for their partner but the way I see it is that in reality there are limits what they would do. Not with The Blackangel. She will LITERALLY do anything for me and do anything to protect me. Some examples: let’s say I might go to jail for something, she will step in and take the rap for me and go to jail in my stead. God for bid if anyone hurt me, especially if they physically assaulted me. She will do whatever it takes to protect me. With all of this said she is Not controlling at all. She does not tell me what to do or what to wear. She knows that if she tries to control or tell me what to do in any way that our relationship would be in big jeopardy and it will possibly end.
    1 point
  4. Shagger

    Rain Dew

    It is an honour and a pleasure to welcome you to VGR. @The Blackangel has been one of my favourite things about this community. She's spoken about you and I just know you enjoy being here at least as much as we will enjoy having you
    1 point
  5. The latest Call of Duty Vanguard that would be out soon is definitely filled with lots of propaganda in game government acts written all over it with the game picturing the World War 2 battle systems.
    1 point
  6. I wouldn’t necessarily call them followers, but my favorite gang members in RDR2 are Lenny, Hosea, and Charles. You do several independent jobs where it’s just the 2 of you. And I wouldn’t want anyone else. They’re the best men in the gang, and the game as a whole. I still think Hosea should have been the head of the gang instead of Dutch, but that’s just me. They would have fared so much better if they were the Matthews gang instead of the van der Linde gang.
    1 point
  7. RDR2 has some in it. The Pinkertons were a real government agency to hunt down outlaws and other major criminals. There is also mention of the president all around. They also drew inspiration for some of the legendary outlaws from real life. The goofy guy in Valentine that is writing the book about Jim “Boy” Calloway that asks you for pics and stories from other gunslingers gives you names of several outlaws. Some were real, like Black Belle. Others I’m not sure about. I’d have to look into it. There’s also a lot of Army involvement in the game, and a lot of references to the American civil war. Some of the language they use in the game didn’t carry the same connotation then that it does now. There’s a lot of propaganda in the game if you just take the time to look for it.
    1 point
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