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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. And you can play with up to 8 people in a lobby. I'm thinking of playing with some friends soon, just to see how crazy we can mess with the story. I think it'd make it more fun, because it makes it a bit more random in what the choices could be.
  2. That one sound familiar, but I don't know if it's something I'd get into. I mostly want a game like the actual The Sims game. Not traditional Simulator games, but the Sims. Where I can be a person or multiple people like a family, and then I control their lives, where they work, who they marry, etc. Simulator games are fine, but not exactly what I'm looking for.
  3. I've been hearing good things about it, but I think I'll wait on getting it until it comes down on sale. With these types of games, I usually only play them once, so I can't see myself getting it until it lowers some in price.
  4. Honestly it coming out sooner would be better, they could have taken more advantage of the Black Friday shopping season by having it drop a bit earlier, a bit before the holiday rush. Just so they can get into the stores earlier. But in December it's a bit late. Could still sell like crazy, I just think it'd sell better if it was to be released before that holiday rush.
  5. For those who have played God of War, do you think that Atreus will become the lead character at some point? I assume this god of War series will be a trilogy. I think Kratos will die and then Atreus will become the main character for a future series or trilogy. What do you guys think?
  6. My friends keep trying to get me to play fallout 76. I'm not much of a fan. It's ok, but eh. I'd rather play rdr2. I've also been playing more of powerwash sim. It's oddly relaxing, but also annoying at the same time. Talking about it is making me want to play it now. Lol
  7. For me, I'd have to say Far Cry Blood Dragon. Even though it's not DLC, I probably enjoyed it more than Far Cry 3, even though I never played it. It's a fun game, with awesome music, great voice acting and just dumb fun.
  8. I would get a PS5, but money is tight right now, and I can't spare it for a console. If I had the money, for sure I'd put money down for one, but I can't see myself playing that much right now. Plus with everything getting more expensive, I really need to save the cash.
  9. I remember A Dogs Life, always meant to play it. But I think I only played the demo for it years ago. Noice, I'll have to check it out. Trailer doesn't really tell me much about the gameplay. Is there a gameplay trailer? I'm aware of Goat simulator, not a big fan of it to be honest. I played the original Okami on PS2 back in the day, but I couldn't get into it for some reason. I'm not sure why, maybe it was the gameplay. I just couldn't get into it. Thanks! I'll check some of those out. Didn't think about GTA and mods, not really feeling GTA these days to be honest.
  10. Yeah, if you're a streamer, having more than one screen is recommended. It's not easy to game on one screen and then move to various other screens. Of course I think the most we'd really need is two, but having three makes things even easier. Last festival I helped run I had a third monitor set up so that I could easily help with the green room, help with reaching out to moderators/speakers etc. I couldn't imagine just having one monitor, I'd be lost honestly.
  11. Sadly I haven't played most of these games myself. I have a couple of them downloaded on Xbox, but have yet to play it. I kinda want to stream it to friends so we can play together and can vote on the choices. But yeah, there's a lot of games on this list I will probably never play. I wanted to play night trap before, but I don't know if I can handle playing it. Just seems like you need to be fast and know every step the game takes in order to do good.
  12. I feel like they need something like this to happen though, because they need a big hit to compete. Plus with the amount of people dropping their Netflix services as of late, I figure a big game could bring in many new subscribers. Especially if they start to release multiple hit games. Mobile games will be nice for a while, but I feel they need to advance to making big games. It may cost them a ton, but I can see it bringing in subs. Make it the competitor to Game pass and I could see them doing good.
  13. True, but isn't the new Last of Us 1 more of a remake than a remaster? I know they changed all of the character models and did some other work with gameplay and stuff. But yeah, I don't agree with it being full price. Maybe half of the original price. But they want that extra bit of money, so they will price it at the max they can. I don't think it warrants the full price anyway, but that's me.
  14. I believe it's similar in gameplay and graphics to both Until Dawn and Man of Medan series. I know they also have a cast of characters in each game that you play as throughout the game. I think it's the same for The Quarry. But yeah, I hear it's quite similar in style and gameplay. I mean it is kinda a spiritual successor to Until Dawn.
  15. I don't think anyone is stopping you, I mean, when new consoles come out, it's not like you're expected to buy them. You can play your old games on your old consoles fine. Just don't buy the new consoles and keep playing your older games. I still play many games on retro consoles, so you can still get life out of those old consoles.
  16. Idk if i'd call it feedback so much. I didn't really need to use the manual save all that much. I only used it when I was worried about dying during certain sections. But most of the time I let my auto save do the work. Of course, you're free to use manual saves as much as you need I think. If you're worried that the autosave feature isn't working, or it doesn't save proper, then I'd say switch it to manual saves, just make sure to save often.
  17. For sure. It's not like we expect people to learn just coding. It'll just be an additional option for these kids on top of the work they already have to do. I look at coding as an extra bonus. If anything, with coding, it'll help teach other things as well. I know math is used a lot in coding and programming, so there's a chance that you can learn more about that in the process. I ended up taking a computer repair class in high school. We probably had some coding classes, but it was minimal. Would like to see more school teaching this stuff.
  18. I don't know, I feel like coding is going to be a popular thing to get in for the new generation of kids and teens. I mean, I wish I took up coding, and if they make it fun and easy like this, I probably would have done it in school as well. Sadly we didn't have stuff like this when I was in school. Coding is the start to many things, and arguably is an important job these days. Pretty much everyone uses the internet, computers, phones, and other tech items. As well, new tech causes so much to change, that coding has to change with it. Code one day, won't be the same the next.
  19. Of course, this is more of a what if scenario in which one studio takes on anothers game. So like EA taking control of GTA V, but that would be awful haha. But that's just an example. I figure most of these studios would never work together anyway, but thought it'd be cool to hear thoughts on what if that did happen. I could see that, I feel like those Yakuza games take a lot from Shenmue anyway, so I could see it actually working out. Or maybe what would be even better is if Yu Suzuki teamed with the people behind Yakuza to make a more advanced Shenmue game. That'd be cool. I don't think I ever played anything from Arc System, but after looking them up, I see what you mean. I'd love to see the people behind Kingdom Come Deliverance work on an elder scrolls game. Haven't played Kingdom yet, but I've been meaning to eventually.
  20. Yeah, but they succeeded in that. Yeah there was some worry that Halo would have failed, but ever since 343 took over, it seemed to have done just fine. Yeah some of the games were lacking, but for the most part, the past and current Halo games did well and are doing well. It's because they haven't changed the formula much since like WWE 2K13 or something. I don't know how many times I've watched the same animations in most of the newer games. Even the newest game reuses some of the same animations. But with the newer game, it's actually good again. Though I still think another team should take over. It's partly to do with the WWE as well. They allowed these studios to keep producing crap games, and this is what happens. They gave 2K an ultimatum pretty much that they had to make a good game, otherwise they would be moving on to another studio. So WWE 2K22 is 2K's last chance to wow the WWE people. If this game doesn't do good sales wise, we may be seeing another studio taking the reigns.
  21. RARE doing a LEGO game would be pretty dope, I can see them getting very creative with it. Who currently owns the LEGO license to make games? And yes! A Dog's Life by the makers of Stray would be pretty dope in my opinion. I haven't played Stray yet, but I can see myself playing it one of these days. So more from this team would be great!
  22. Congrats! It sucks that it's so tough for people to get a PS5, but hopefully things start to open up soon to where we don't have to be put on a waiting list just to buy a console. But, this won't stop until we stop the scalpers from picking them all up. I'm not even on a wait list, but one of these days I'll get a PS5, I hope. 😄
  23. With the news of RDR2 online having a funeral due to it pretty much losing support. The fans behind Assassin's Creed are going to do the same, but a bit differently. It looks like Ubisoft is closing the servers for some of the older AC games that had online modes, those being Brotherhood, Revelations, and Assassin’s Creed 3. Surprised that anyone could still be playing these games online. What I found odd, is that Brotherhood had multiplayer? I don't remember them having online capabilities, but I guess they did. Either way, it sucks when an old game loses their servers. I know it makes sense considering these games are old by todays standards. Do you think that this will result in fans making their own servers to continue playing? Read more on this news here - https://www.pcgamesn.com/assassin-s-creed-iii/funeral-online-servers
  24. Has anyone here played this game yet? It's like an interactive story game. It kinda reminds me of what Telltale does with their games, but a bit different. It looks more like a story in book form, as I don't think there's any animations, or very little of it. Also, I heard someone compare it to the likes of Breaking Bad, so I'm very curious to check it out.
  25. Stray dropped the other day and it's been making the rounds all over the web as of late. It seems people really are into it and it's getting decent reviews. With that being said, I kinda hope this brings a new trend where we see more games where we can control an animal. Yeah we have a decent amount of games with animal leads, but I feel like it's less and less these days. I'd love to see more games where you're a dog, a cat, a mouse even. I'll take just about anything where you're a small animal running around in a big world. Would you like to see more games like Stray come out?
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