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Everything posted by Kane99

  1. The game came out a broken mess and the team behind it was in shambles so they never patched it, or at least didn't patch a whole lot. I remember playing Universe mode for a while, and I'd encounter problems where my created wrestler wouldn't show up for the scene, or my opponent wouldn't. And it'd be me or the CPU character flayling around the ring trying to find a wrestler that isn't there. It was a mess. WWE 2K22 is kinda glitchy, but it's a vast improvement.
  2. The Man of Medan series is made by the same team at Supermassive Games. They also made Until Dawn, which was their major hit that was exclusive to the PS4 and PS4 VR. I never got to play it, but I watched a playthrough and it looked like a good time. Same with the first Man of Medan game, but I haven't checked the other ones yet.
  3. I played life is strange, great game, but idk if it's similar enough. I just want a game where I can build a home, family, have a job, just like the sims essentially, but maybe with more options and modding as well. I don't much care for the graphics, they can be sims like or 3D realistic, as long as it's fun, I'll give it a go.
  4. Yeah I miss it. Wasn't there a recent Road Rash game that came out that didn't do so good? Or am I thinking of a copycat game? I remember their being a road rage type game recently, maybe it wasn't road rage. But yeah, I'd love to see a faithful reboot/remake of that series. Really miss it.
  5. I don't know. I think maybe it's because the new trailer is during the night, so maybe it didn't highlight the effects as much. I'm still really interested in checking it out, but I am going to wait until this goes on sale some more before I consider picking it up. I want to grab it, but I'm being frugal with my money these days.
  6. Aren't NFTs dying out left and right as of late? I've been heard about stories about the fall of NFTs and how they are starting to fail. I don't see any appeal in them, the idea that you can own this digital art, is dumb to me. I know there's more to it than that, but NFTs are now being used in digital game items, like with this dumb console. I get that the reason people like it, is that the NFT is supposed to be the only one like it and it can't be replicated. Which I guess is cool in gaming, but is it really worth it? A digital item that you use for what exactly? They just don't make sense to me.
  7. I know, I just hate that it may take a year or more until it drops on PC. If I'm not mistaken, I think it took like 3 years for God of War to get on PC. I think so, because didn't it come out in 2018? And I feel like it was recently released on the Epic store, like maybe a year ago tops. But yeah, I think when I can spare some funds, I'll be buying God of War on PC to prepare for the next one. 🙂
  8. I don't think have that myself. I get comfort from gaming, and relaxing in a fake world. But I don't think I have a dissociative issue or condition. idk. I looked it up, and it seems like it's more about people having issues connecting the dots on reality. That's my take on it. Because I guess people who do have a dissociative condition, are often day dreamers, or people who have active imaginations. That's what I got from a brief search, so don't quote me on any of this. 😄 But in all seriousness, I would say I fantasize about a lot in my head, but I think the issue with people dealing with dissociative disorders, is that they may believe what they are fantasizing about?
  9. I don't really talk much when I game, unless it's with friends, or I'm in a party chat with friends. Otherwise I'm mostly when I game. I'll maybe say "That's cool" if I see something cool in game. But I rarely say anything unless I'm maybe mad from playing a tough game, or encountering a game breaking glitch.
  10. Marketing is important of course, but it's not as if you need to do marketing as soon as possible. Sure, announce you're making a game, but don't market it yet, because I don't think it'd be fair to market something not yet started. That's my point really. Market it when you know it's ready to be marketed. Because if you market something before it's even started, you're posing a problem where you promise something and then it doesn't turn up in the final product. That's how I feel anyway.
  11. Give us a time limit that we have to complete the game in a certain period of time. Kinda like how Dead Rising had a time limit. I don't like time limits of any kind in games though. I noticed that some games, like RDR2 for example, if you're taking too long during a mission, your posse will complain and ask what's going on. I noticed it happen when I try to loot people and I like to loot everyone lol. But yeah. I don't think I want to be rushed in games. But I get why some games will try to rush you.
  12. I'd like to mod RDR2 somehow, but I don't know if it's something Rockstar allows. I know GTA IV and V have modding, but I swear I remember hearing that RDR2 doesn't allow mods. Is this true? I'd love to be able to mod the game, change things, add weapons, locations, etc. I just want to extend the fun factor for the game, as I've been really getting into it as of late. Do you guys know if mods are allowed in RDR2? I've seen videos of people modding it, so I don't see why it wouldn't be possible. Are there risk in modding RDR2?
  13. I wouldn't say it's slow. If anything it depends on the player. Some people finish the game quite fast if they really want to, but most people probably take it slow because there's just so much to do. I've been just taking the game slow on purpose, because I don't feel like rushing through the story or through the world. I want to ride around, find treasure, strangers, etc and get all the side quests done before the end. I've played it once before, so I'm well aware of Arthur's death. This time around I'm doing a bad playthrough, where I'm awful and kill, rob, etc.
  14. I don't get how anyone could support EA by buying yearly releases of their sports games. It's never made sense to me how they get away with releasing a brand new game each year, with barely any changes. I still play Madden from time to time, but I don't feel I need to get the newest iteration of the series when I do play. It helps having gamepass, as it gives me the option to try the newer games sometimes. I would give EA more of a chance, if they actually released live service NFL game instead of the yearly releases. But yeah, I doubt EA will do that, so I may as well just forget about them. I only hope one day, they won't be able to work on NFL games anymore. I'd love to see 2K take it back, or some other studio who did football games in the past.
  15. Do they require the base game to play? Because I remember the AC game, I think it was Liberation, the one that was recently delisted from Steam or something. But that was a standalone game that didn't require the base game in order to play. If these DLCs require the game, then I don't see it being the same. But I am curious to check those DLCs out whenever I do get to those games.
  16. As well, these studios can start by not announcing a game before it's even started development. I feel like studios often announce stuff way too soon to begin with. Announce it when it's ready or near ready. Like shagger said 4-5 months. I'd be happy if they just randomly released a game and see how it fairs. I think it'd be cool. Like rappers releasing mixtapes out of the blue without any prior announcement.
  17. Ok I think I remember hearing something about that. Wasn't there another studio recent in hot water because of some vampire game? One studio made it and I guess another was making another. I don't remember much about it, but I remember hearing something similar.
  18. I remember assassin's Creed had a few fun DLCs, sadly they were way too short if I remember. At least from the 360/ps3 days. I remember they made a couple standalone arcade games too. That weren't dlc but like smaller games in the AC world.
  19. Speaking of gta from one of my last posts, why can't they make the weather more destructive? Like let us control the weather. Give us tornadoes, earthquakes, alien invasions and more. I think GTA would thrive with more in game modding options. Give us a creative mode..
  20. Also, I think cd projekt red got a lot of hate as of late because of the issues with cyberpunk. Sounds like they're trying to make things right by fixing things and releasing dlc. But I think there is still some dislike on them that they will have to fix. A great game that's mostly big free would be a good start.
  21. Yeah, which is why I don't see it happening. To be possible, they'd have to tame it up a lot. And I don't think fans would want to see that. I mean I would, but I'm not the biggest nuke fan anyway. But I know fans love him for his humor and style. It may have aged poorly, but he still has a place in gaming history.
  22. I tried to play shenmue 1 and I couldn't get into it. Controls felt stiff and slow. I'm not used to playing games like that anymore, because it feels like a chore. Or maybe I'm just not into those types of games. I might just watch a playthrough of it. I'm too lazy to play it. Lol.
  23. I thought it looked okay, but you are right that its in an oversaturated genre. But I feel like this is something I could see myself playing, but only if it's cheap and or goes on sale. I don't think I'd want to pay full price on something like this.
  24. It's currently on sale for $18.74, but is originally $24.99. This of course is for the early access version. I'm going to assume it will go up to $30 once it meets its final release window. I don't know much about Nacon, but I do remember hearing about a dispute for a Sherlock Holmes game and the companies behind it. What happened there? As for the game, I'm considering it because it's kinda cheap right now. But I'm just too cheap to buy games at the moment. So I might still wait until it's lower priced.
  25. I've been getting really invested in RDR2 as of late. Been trying to grow out an awesome mustache and my hair out. I'm also trying to earn money by robbing shops and stealing coaches. Makes you a decent amount of money, and if you're lucky, you can get away if you're fast enough. And sometimes getting away with a small bounty. I haven't even opened up half the map and I'm leveled up decently. Already stage 5 of 10 for robbery. I want to take this game as slow as I can this time around. Just have fun with it.
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