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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I think they are going to have TLOU remake and TLOU2 together for the ps5 around the time for the show. But I don't see how very many people will buy it and beat the game before the show especially when most of us still have to get the ps5. It's marketing the show, that's for sure. For those new to the series, I think the game package and show is pretty exciting. They can get a new system, one of the best games (2 of them), and a show to go with it. Not bad if you think about it. It sounds stupid remaking it, but we have to give them some credit that they know what they are doing since both their games were GOTY. I don't expect the remake to even be nominated for GOTY, but if all goes well, then maybe the show will have more seasons and more sequels to the game. If only leaves fall straight.
  2. Maybe Microsoft currently has a better business model, and of course we are going to see some changes with the new XBOX Microsoft transition. For me personally, I've got Microsoft under a microscope for any and all donations of their money to politics. Because even though they have backtracked on bad political decisions, still doesn't change that Microsoft once upon a time supported republicans in claiming election fraud. I can't forgive them right now. And in this country, this is who we are now where we judge corporations on where they stand with democracy since they want to donate to politicians. And I hope this won't take away from your topic; but just my thoughts as all. Microsoft currently has changed their stance on that issue, but let it be known is what I say. Sony has more competition now, so maybe they feel the need for some make or break moves. It's hard to tell in the early stages where both XBOX and Playstation came out with new consoles.
  3. I didn't accept the money for Ciri. I remember the look on her face, and I couldn't do it. It wouldn't have mattered I don't think. If you reject the money there is supposed to be a new horse you get, but I never seen it. Just for conscious and because she is a freaking beauty you don't want to piss off, reject the money. But it's money!!! You could take it to the brothel 100 times. If you explore a lot you can easily make up the money if you reject it. Funny how we still can stick to a moral compass even in a video game. Sleep with Morinth in Mass Effect 2? I haven't reached that point yet, but will have to remember not to. Or should I? 👀
  4. And I think art and entertainment can change in society. Are we really that far away from the gladiator days where they would have to fight to the death? Just change some laws depending on who is the leader and boxing or martial arts can easily be a fight to the death. Sculptures in one culture could have foot long schlongs and another culture could find it a warrant for arrest. A porn movie could be a work of art for some and an abomination for another. Our cultures determine what is art, entertainment, or propaganda. I don't think it's really set in stone at all. But when you watch a Super Bowl, with all the commercials advertising, then throw in a political advertisement that is propaganda, then how exactly are we supposed to distinguish between the two, entertainment/art vs propaganda? So whatever it is we believe is only societal and can always change. That is something to be cautious of.
  5. Nicely put. But maybe art itself can be used for propaganda. Art is used for advertising, which would be for entertainment. But propaganda is the advertising of a philosophical belief. In their minds, art is a tool that is torn away from its entertainment purposes. Advertising itself needs a closer look. It is definitely an art by its design, but there are also hidden messages in advertising. The color schemes can make you hungry. It could instill fear that if you don't buy, then something bad can happen like in insurance commercials. Or financial security in credit cards. Advertising could also demonize characteristics such as fat, old, or bald. Is there really a difference in advertising and propaganda? Is advertising on tv the same art as advertising on the radio? The tv physically displays a message by design. The radio has to use emphasis on the demonization or use a whole bunch of adjectives to get its point across to sell something. I want to agree that art that isn't used for entertainment is propaganda. But who is to say what art is? Is a serial killer displaying bodies art? We see it as murder. The killer sees art. Maybe entertainment is art, but art isn't always entertainment. Martial arts is used in so many ways without entertainment value, but at the end of the day we watch it for entertainment.
  6. One thing I have been dealing with in AC Odyssey is when I tame an animal and wonder around in a village, it really gets in the way. I wish there was a way to make the animal wait somewhere. Sometimes I have to just set it free then kill it when it attacks. In AC Origins the tamed animal always turns on you if you climb a roof, enter a cave, or just get too far from it. AC Valhalla, the raven takes too damn long to perch on shoulder. Witcher 3, the character movement is kindergarten b.s. Try and open a box and you have to stop, pivot, go to box. Oops too much. Run 5 feet from it. Stop, pivot, take a couple steps towards it. Stop. Oops you slid right over it. Run away and try again. Better yet, just run to the side of a cliff and slide right off. 1st grader character movement. Only damn thing I really hate about such a brilliant game.
  7. I don't think entertainment always has to be art. Talk shows have no art at all to it. Most on the radio are political nonsense. But maybe hate, lies, and manipulation is an art. After all, there is a book titled The Art of War. Is strategy art? What about martial arts? With respect to video games, it started off as entertainment. But now it is becoming more recognized as an art and awards being offered for story and picture etc. And I think games really should be artistically recognized just as much as a movie would. I don't think they contradict each other yet in video games. If the game has a specific purpose granted by the government for education or simulation, then the entertainment aspect would contradict the art because then the government banks off of it which is a conflict of interest.
  8. Just a robe suitable for all occasions.
  9. That's hard to say. If the expectations were high with all the advertising, then the creators are gonna get lots of blame even if they weren't the ones advertising it. High expectations muddy the waters. If it is a message the game did a poor job of getting across, then that should fall on the creators. But if it's a message open for debate, then one side or another is gonna blame the creators if they don't agree. Even the mechanics and design may suit some, but not others. If they are gaining success when you don't like something, then you may be a minority in the fan base. But the creators ultimately hold the responsibility even if assholes rush them. Unless there is something obviously awful in the game, then blame should not be completely placed on the creators. That doesn't give them a free pass though. You better make a great game damnit or I'm coming after you!!! Aghhhh. I'll get you my cretins!
  10. One of the realms in the latest God of War. Picture explains itself. And I also have to say one of the maps in AC Valhalla is completely magical. I don't have my pics copied yet, but I am taken by it. And not only that, but to be a viking in a new land with ancient ruins scattered about, reminding of a great civilization beyond imagination of the smaller viking villages. To me, it's pretty magical. Cause if you think about it, what is magical to us are things we simply don't ordinarily see or beyond our reasoning and comprehension. Someone raised in a fishing village may think NYC is magical with all the skyscrapers. And it is if you never been there.
  11. There is a leak saying the next game will take place during the Crusades in Europe. Sounds interesting, and I don't doubt there may be some controversy with that type of setting. I was looking forward for them to venture East for their next game. I don't know why Asia is such an uncharted territory for the series, especially when it is the perfect backdrop. But I'm excited either way. Let them tickle the western world some more. When they are ready for the challenge, I'll see you in the East.
  12. As a kid I would always get a pack of Garbage Pail Kids at the ice cream truck walking home from school. It was super cheap to get a pack with whatever loose change you had. GPK still sells today by TOPPS online for a limited time usually at $20 a set or box. So I think the time based selling of this stuff is very similar to loot boxes. You feel pressured to buy the items before time runs out. I think that itself may be the real issue, time limited sales. Because if time wasn't an issue, the gambling addiction may not be as profound since the mystery box will still be there a year from now.
  13. And another thing to add is sports card packs. Isn't that the same as loot boxes? You buy a pack and keep buying till you get something good.
  14. What??? Is this a late April fools? They really are going to trying to carve a gem out of a gem? Maybe they feel they have to make changes for the coming show. I guess they have their reasons.
  15. Speaking of addiction, I had a problem with alcohol and I don't see the world doing a damn thing about banning alcohol. But loot boxes? Oh fucking no. We must ban those for gambling addicts. Drugs and alcohol abuse demonizes the abuser. Gambling demonizes the casino. And the state lotteries also get a free pass even though gambling is illegal. I can see the harm in loot boxes. But if they were to ged rid of them, then all forms of gambling should be banned. You can't have the stores ban the sell of alcohol and have local bars still sell it. Sure, they won't pass the aisle in the store and be tempted anymore. But you can still drive by the bar on your way home. My point, is that I just wish society gave half a damn about alcohol and drug abuse as they do gambling. This is a start though, to shine the light on a potential problem in gambling addiction. So anything helps. Especially since the gaming loot boxes exposes kids early to a form of gambling. And with that said, how many toys have a mystery toy inside where you want to buy more to get the one you want. Fast food used to do that in happy meals, not sure if they still do. Some toys in stores used to have that, not sure if they still do. Candies used to have that, not sure if they still do. We were exposed to all that when I was a kid and I was born in Vegas to top it off. For me personally I stay away from gambling for the simple fact I was exposed to a lot of that stuff growing up. I've seen all kinds of crazy stuff. I was an athlete as a kid and we had a lot of activities where we had to stay in the hotels of the casinos. And its not just the casinos because everywhere you went in Vegas, there were slot machines. Grocery stores were filled with smokers playing slot machines as soon as you walk in. It's all you smelled and heard. But if someone has a potential gambling problem, then they more than likely will be exposed one way or another if all forms of gambling isn't banned.
  16. Ahhhaahahahahahahahahahahaha I was all in serious mode till I read this. My laugh for the day.
  17. I get that problem all the time and I still throw my hands in the air on what to do first. The rule is to go for closest level you are at first and closest distance first. I try to see a pattern where quests are laid out to see if they guide me a certain direction. I try to make sure a quest I picked up that is around my level, doesn't sit for too long cause then I'll forget who is who and wtf is going on. It will break immersion if I pick up a simple quest that should have been done that afternoon (game time) and instead do it 2 months later (real time). Cause then it's like nothing happened and everything is the same, except I'm all geared out and 10 levels higher with blood stains all over me. All in an afternoon's work I guess. 1000 kills for brunch. Then drink blood wine for dinner. And slurp down some salty eye ball olives. Then pitch up the human skin tent and tattoo another victim's mark across my arm. As I stare into the camp fire, I ponder which direction to head to at dawn. I ponder all the lives I will take that stands in my way from conquering this land. My land. And everything in it. I claim it. One soul at a time. One monster at a time. One village at a time. I won't stop until the only thing flowing anywhere is beautiful bright blood. Flowing blood straight from arteries. Watery red that will never dilute. It will never wash away. Everything is stained. Now it's time for bed after I set my traps. Even in my sleep, my traps will feed me souls all through the night.
  18. It's either games or spit wads, or burn the girl's hair in front of you.
  19. Ahhhh! You ruined it! Many of us don't know we all die!
  20. I'm perfectly content in the present with gaming. If I traveled to the future, then the gaming experience might ruin it for me in the present. Only the atmosphere would make me want to go to the past, where I can have a wad of bubble tape in my mouth playing Golden Axe at 7 Eleven, then gulp down a slurpee. Then steal some Now n Laters and kick someone's ass in the back alley and shake em down for some jolly ranchers.
  21. I guess there are two types of loot boxes. The one I was referring to were the ones that show the available gear for a specific time if you can garnish enough resources to get it, whether the resources being what you collect in game, or bought. The other is a mystery box which for a limited time which you would purchase or find the in game resources hoping to get something good from the box. That would seem more like gambling, and the other more of OCD because you just got to have the gear on display. Either way, it's ridiculous to think about spending $20 on some gear when you can buy a whole game for that much. For the first time ever I was the knuckle head and spent that $20 to get a couple outfits a couple weeks ago. The strategy really works offering those boxes. I don't buy a damn thing though if it's a mystery box and don't show what you can get. I never thought about until now, that buying a game really costs around $100. That's if you get it brand new, get the DLC, and some gear or resources. I can only suggest getting the game a few years old with bonus stuff added all for $20. That's what I've done until now. I see the traps now playing newer games.
  22. Even without the orange guy? LOL Social media needs facial recognition so that it can see facial moods and won't let anyone post when they got crazy face on. Think that can temporarily weed out the cesspool, till their eyes aren't twirling in circles and recede back into their sockets some more. Cause if they are in crazy eye mode, they shouldn't post. 🤪
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