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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Can’t say I agree. I thought it looked amazing and once you go out into the frontier areas with the forest and all maybe you would see a better comparison there. Besides the graphical comparison, the game itself I thought a lot of effort was put into it regardless of the remastered or original. And I don’t see how it’s not more popular than it is. The main story, the animus story, the dramatic ending, it all really brought some emotions that not many of the other games in the series has done. I mean, even certain battles at times they caught the emotion of characters. Even at one point Conner told Washington to basically fuck off. And it’s like, wow, no he just didn’t lol. The story had a roller coaster of emotions. Getting caught in the middle of a war, trying to take down templars, trying to protect his own people, the struggle with his father who actually is the son of Kenway in AC4. Then Desmond’s story and the relationship with his father. The creepy ISU Juno. 2012. It really was a big game. One of my favorites of the series.
  2. This game is old but goes down as a legendary game
  3. Now listen to the above song without the video. Tell me you don't grow a patriot in your heart. Fucking tomahawk. Legalize scalping mother fuckers. Tomahawk; run through the field for freedom. Protect your land. Who taught the British to fight? Natives. Who taught the patriots to fight? Natives. Guns won. Powder over blades. Ride them horses and dodge them bullets while you throw you tomahawk. Leap off your horse, if you managed to steal one from the colonizers; fucking scalp the mother fuckers. My tomahawk is my gun. I will bear arms with my tomahawk. You come and get me. I will ride through a field of bullets because I believe in up close strength. But you mother fuckers don't. I will jump over a line of red coats and do my special attack. Then I will scalp you while your compadres watch. You fucking took my land. I have all the right to kill you. To scalp you. That is my mission. I will get you. The war is never finished as long Tomahawks are still legal. The unamendment right.
  4. It was awesome playing as a Native American wearing the Animal Spirit outfit. Even the default Assassin outfit for him looked good. My favorite weapon was the tomahawk with the Animal Spirt gear. This first video shows fighting rampage while he's in the Native gear. The fighting mechanics of the game are bad ass. It's worth watching the whole video. The second video here is in the DLC. You get new animal powers abilities which is shown in the video. I think all AC games should have these new abilities. One ability you turn into a ghost eagle and you can fly from rooftop to rooftop. Another is an invisibility ghost mode which was real fun to use and just creep up on people. Another is you call a pack of wolf ghosts who attack your enemies. Then there is the bear ghost which destroys everyone around you. You can see them in 2nd video.
  5. I’ve been looking into this more and kind of gathered pieces of information here and there and I’m not claiming to be 100% correct, but just bringing info to the table. Supposedly languages have evolved a lot over the centuries in relation to gender and is still changing today in a natural evolution of language. Centuries ago some authors used gender neutral words. And even the past decades some countries have been changing words. Most recently that I know of being Sweden in 2015 added a gender neutral word to their dictionary, (hen) pronoun instead of using (hon or han) which means he or she. The Latin language vs Old English: Old English used a grammatical gender language using masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns that do not describe a natural sex. Latin differs in that it uses both grammatical and natural gender using masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns. Old English eventually evolved into modern English in the 1200-1300’s by dropping the grammatical gender nouns and that is why English is not a gendered language. The evolution of the Latin language actually dropped the neuter nouns and kept the gender nouns giving way to Romance Latin languages like Spanish. Which brings us to today where the language continues to evolve in the USA and Latin America and the USA is caught in political crosshairs but it supposedly was not the whites who promoted it. “White people did not make up Latinx,” he says. “It was queer Latinx people... They are the ones who used the word. Our little subgroup of the community created that. It was created by English-speaking U.S. Latinx people for use in English conversation.” https://www.history.com/news/hispanic-latino-latinx-chicano-background Also in this article from History Channel, says that the movement could have started in the early 2000’s and became more popular the past decade, but still only 4% of Latins use LatinX. With today’s political divisions and inclusivity, brings about exclusivity. So what I believe will eventually happen is some words will be changed in the dictionary, and the exclusivity types will want to ban dictionaries if not outright ban non gender conforming people themselves. I thought LatinX was ridiculous at first, but we are seeing the natural evolution of language. A huge problem however, is that Spanish is not Old English or Old Latin. It's a highly gendered language. The whole language will have to change. And if it does change, they would have to bring back (neuter) nouns and Spanish would reverse back to Old Latin or something??????????? And drop the natural gender nouns while integrating the grammatical gender nouns. So maybe in the next 500 years Latina America will be speaking a New Latin non gendered language. Never know. These things have happened before over a span of hundreds of years.
  6. Here is a small crossover trailer with WD Legion and Assassin's Creed. Once you unlock the Assassin Darcy, you can play her and use her skills as much you want in the game. I believe she is part of a DLC. It works really well. It definitely can be done to integrate a bit more.
  7. I was hoping for a new city but looks like it will be in Vice City. If they keep the satire then at least representing Miami would have lots of material to flavor the boiling pot. I hope we will be able to keep any vehicle we want and not worry about losing it.
  8. I think the word Latin in of itself is inclusive because it could be any gender. That's the way it's always been. You do make a point about people who want to label LatinX as inclusive are making it exclusive. Think about the English speaking territories in the Americas like the USA, Canada, and parts of the Caribbean. We don't call it Anglo America or Germanic America. Nobody is saying AngloX or Anglo, Angla, Angle. And of course nobody ever says Anglo America. But it is a region of English speaking territories from England. So I don't understand why Anglos want to make Latin inclusive and not Anglo. ??? lol
  9. Great review! When I played the first game, I just wasn't expecting it to be so good and ended up being one of the best underrated gems. And now that you mentioned the difficulty level has increased for the sequel has actually boosted my excitement. There were some pretty challenging moments in the first one, but fun challenges. Fun strategy. And I can't wait to use the ability of pushing them into the rats!!! Does Hugo get any abilities in the sequel? That looks like the best one. I do have to say that walking downhill kinda sideways like that looks fine to me because that's actually what I do if I'm moving downhill at a fast pace. I kind of sidestep and hoppity skip...or something. Get more balance that way and don't go tumbling head first if you trip. It's definitely inspiring when you review games. I wonder if this sequel got more attention than the first? Because the first game deserved more attention than it got. This game is a must play for me, but won't be for a while cause I don't have a ps5 or xbox series. Can't wait!!!
  10. The Evil Within 2 is a really good one. The character is struggling between two different worlds and facing self blame to what happened to his daughter and he faces all kinds of personal hells. Even when you boost your ability levels, he sits in a crazy chair and talks to an entity. And there is a psychotic villain threatening his family showing him scenes of serial killings so as to torture his mind. Another is The Suffering. A guy goes to prison for the murder of his family and he has no recollection of it. Monsters take control of the prison and he has to fight his way out all the while having psychologically visions of torment. An ability he has is to turn into a beast and go on a rampage which is like a struggle of his own personal demons and rage.
  11. Actually, I think what defines Latin is the language spoken but it's up for debate. Spanish language has it's roots in Latin and is part of the Romance languages like Spain, Italy, Portugal, Romania, France. All came from Latin. Latin evolved into different classifications such as Romance. Spain would be Ibero-Romance. Romania is Balkan Romance. France is Gallo-Romance. Here is a wikipedia link to Latin Romance languages https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romance_languages When it comes to the Americas and Latin, as based on Romantic Latin languages, every country south of the USA is Latin. And the majority speak Spanish except for Brazil and I think Paraguay and Uruguay. LatinX I don't even know what it means and I'm not concerned with it LOL. It's supposed to be a gender neutral term I guess. But when you look at the entire Spanish language it is very sexist as it has masculine pronunciations and feminine pronunciations. When you want to complicate gender neutral terms, you would throw the whole Spanish language into the abyss. But if Spain is not considered Latin then that is news to me and you guys may be right to a certain extent as language and nationality could have different meanings. Here is a good link to the difference between Hispanic, Latino, and Spanish https://www.goodhousekeeping.com/life/a33971047/what-is-difference-between-hispanic-latino-spanish/
  12. The Tyranny of King Washington DLC was just crazy. A person who Americans have the greatest respects for, who was a leader in the Revolutionary War, and our first president, and to be seen as a tyrant is shocking for an American. Ubisoft really gave us a what if scenario that bent patriotism backwards on its head. But, something I didn't know which the game touches up on is how in real life Washington became known as the 'town destroyer' or 'destroyer of villages' because he went around and basically destroyed towns of Native Americans. In the DLC, he gets a hold of an apple of eden and becomes a full tyrant hell bent on destroying everybody who doesn't bow to him as king. And other founding father patriots were under his control like Ben Franklin and others who became villains. That was a crazy situation to see. Imagine everything you thought you know, played out in a dystopian nightmare who are supposed to be the greatest symbols of freedom and patriotism. That DLC is a must play LOLOLOL
  13. I can't wait to play Watch Dogs 2. WD 1, I can't see how it gets better than that, but if it does then I'm in for some more fun. Maybe a future Watch Dogs game may integrate AC more. WD Legion had a few Assassin missions which blew my mind when I found out. Something I noticed with Ubisoft games is they usually follow a similar format, liberate regions and get rid of the corruption, templars, gangs, or people who want control through a regime and rule with an iron fist. It's always fun to topple those villains.
  14. AC3 has a really important storyline for the whole Assassin's Creed series and it's a must play. The fighting mechanics was pretty fun too. Make sure if you play it, play the remastered version.
  15. Oh, the developers definitely treated the game and event of time very impartial. It kind of shocked me at first and I thought maybe they were being biased or something. But I listened more and more, learned more and more. When characters pop up and storyline missions happen, a summary is written describing the events and characters. And I have the handy internet for more information as I seem to use now while playing AC games. But things all came together and I feel like the war wasn't so extravagant as Americans claim it is. It's important to make sure you are represented through taxes and voting obviously, but do it for all or else it's really meaningless. Our constitution is great and highly intelligent. But had to be revised to include all which is a big hypocritical eye roll for me.
  16. I was really surprised by this game. After the top 3 Assassin's Creed games, Odyssey, Origins, and Valhalla, I think AC3 comes as next best. I've played most of the AC series and AC3 is the most story oriented game out of the series. AC3 actually is probably the most important game because of how it defines the animus storyline. Playing as a Native American was just awesome. I took a lot of things to heart in this game because it takes place during the Revolutionary War and independence between New England USA and England. As Americans we always see that war as a great revolution against tyranny. The thing about AC games is it's important history. And they mix history into the game's philosophy. Meaning, it changed my perspective of the war. It basically was a civil war because it was English against English. Of course Natives and the French got involved. But I'll get to that later. And the Tyranny of King Washington DLC touches up on that part. To summarize the war and politics of it, I will reveal a spoiler. SPOILER ALERT!!! Skip paragraph. At the end of AC 3 when independence was won (I guess this isn't a spoiler) LOL... at the end the English were leaving on their boats (as in real life) and the crowd on the docks cheered for their freedom. Meanwhile, slaves were up for auction....................... So what independence? Slaves didn't get their independence till 100 years later. The new constitution didn't even include them. This game gave me a whole different perspective and I actually learned a huge important piece of history from the game, because I just never thought of that. Or maybe pushed it in the back of my mind. Things like this is what I love so much about the Assassin's Creed series. And the characters talk about this stuff in game. In the animus storyline, present day, you walk up to your counterparts and talk to them and you get a bit of wisdom. A bit of dialogue. I'll discuss the DLC soon...my fuse ran out.
  17. Actually, I want to surprise you how awesome the story the AC series has with the animus and ISU civilization. No doubt I have the intention to summarize the whole animus storyline. It's awesome
  18. I passed it up on sale a while back. But I don't know, I think I might get a cheap thrill from it!
  19. Did you play Mind of Doctor Dekker? That is something unique that I've never played
  20. All Hispanics are Latin but not all Latins are Hispanic
  21. Watch Dogs has become one of my all time favorite series and I seriously think my fascination with AC and WD are on a level of awesome that I have to say are rattling my brain in a complete symbiotic relationship.
  22. NO Fill the bellies of my pets and leave me alone...in the dark...with a little light...not so dark for the eyes...unless it's SCARY!!!!
  23. I'm glad because I really have a shit load of gaming yummies I want to talk about. And I can't bottle it up lol
  24. It says unavailable not just you but also DC, all of you
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