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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. I like all of them, whether it being 100% accurate, alternate history, or having an accurate historical setting and throw in some fantasy. I'm leaning more towards the games that have a historical setting, but with added fantasy. Or is it fantasy? If we think about all the things mankind has believed in, and we show that lore in games, then it's a real portrayal of history. All the game is doing is putting an image there of the lore they believed in and immersing you in that setting to help you believe what they believed. It doesn't make the lore real, but it makes the cultural history real regardless of events. And the Assassin's Creed games does a good job of that.
  2. I had no idea they made cards since the 1800's! I had to look that up. There should be a post about Nintendo's history. https://www.businessinsider.com/history-of-nintendo-130-years-video-games-super-mario-zelda-2019-9#after-years-of-selling-its-games-made-for-devices-designed-by-other-companies-nintendo-released-its-own-game-console-the-nintendo-entertainment-system-worldwide-in-1985-13
  3. I can see how AI can be used for remasters, because it can fine tune things what the AI interprets in its built in memory. It's kind of like how the brain fills in gaps of images that aren't even there, but the brain recognizes it as being there as part of its stored memory. So the brain creates that image for us to interpret. What would be cool is if the AI can use a real world data base of architecture/blueprints/scenery etc. and integrate that into games. Then they can go in and tweak what they want to change it up for creativity. You would be able to build whole environments in however much time it takes for the AI to make it. If tech is fast enough, they can build a city in a day. That is where maybe actual architects come into the gaming world. Because games are getting more and more realistic. I do see problems with AI creating faces because it might actually make a face that looks like someone and that real world person can sue, if the person with that face was some evil villain or something lol.
  4. Are there actual museums for gaming? It seems gaming would be a section in a museum dedicated to computer technology or something. Other than that you would have to wait for the next gaming award show to come to town. All those old arcades have to be sitting somewhere though. Probably in somebody's hoarding garage in no man's land. It would be cool to see a display and comparisons of all the consoles over its history.
  5. I gave Greedfall another shot this weekend and progressed to the island. I have really enjoyed it. It has pleasantly surprised me. I was so close minded the first time I played it. It came off cheesy at the beginning. But once I got to exploring and doing quests and finding out what's going on in the story, I'm now hooked on the game. I can't stop playing it now. The atmosphere is incredible. The first major fight was awesome. I do take issue with the movement of the character though. The camera is extremely sensitive and moves too fast, like each turn you almost spin. But I'm getting the hang of it. The stories and setting, tone, captures my imagination and puts me in that fantasy where I just can't wait to explore the island and all the tales. It's becoming an underrated gem so far. So a lesson to be learned is to always give a game a chance.
  6. There is bound to be a connection between music, math, and gaming. People that are good at music tend to be good at math (not the other way around), or the Mozart effect; but of course there is always debate. I was looking up that correlation and found that it's because of spatial temporal reasoning or 'the ability to think ahead several steps' and 'transformation of images in space and time.' Here is an article about neurobiology of music and math. https://serendipstudio.org/exchange/serendipupdate/correlation-between-music-and-math-neurobiology-perspective So I was looking into spatial temporal reasoning and gaming, and I haven't found scientific articles, but many sites do indicate that gaming also increases spatial temporal reasoning. So if that's the case, then gaming helps people become better at music. Might be something worth looking up some more.
  7. I agree with that rather than the build of a warrior's physique. And what exactly is a warrior's physique? Big muscles? A person can fight every day, but muscles don’t magically grow without having enough calories to build them. I’m sure there have been plenty warriors in the world all through history that had scarce food. So a person in Senua’s mental state and being solo would realistically be a warrior of her size because I doubt she has enough motivation to eat a pig and a bucket of nuts everyday to be muscle bound. And I think given a person of her stature and her ambition and the internal struggles, makes her seem stronger to me than to slap on some muscle to portray a warrior. And we have to remind ourselves why warriors are born, and that is many times out of situations that aren't the cream of the crop living conditions and so we shouldn't always expect one to be well fed with gold flakes sprinkling from their halo.
  8. I really like the combat in the first one and I hope the second has more combat and less puzzles. But maybe being puzzle oriented is what they want so if that's the case it isn't my cup of tea. I like everything else though. I wonder if it's a direct sequel. I might have to try Hellblade 1 again.
  9. I would think gaming helps with music and things that are timing based. Music requires tempo, and you learn a lot of proper timing and tempo in most games. I also think gaming can help in controlling unmanned mechanics in medical procedures and military technology.
  10. I guess Santa will bring gifts to all the orphans of war. Or maybe the gifts are a cartridge of bullets and full automatics. I guess Santa can do a fly over and drop gifts of bombs! Nothing like Santa getting mixed up in war. Whatever happened to cookies and milk? Santas gone rogue. The elves are making weapons. Ok I'll stop before I get too carried away.
  11. The owner of Dallas Mavericks basketball team bought a town called Mustang which has only 23 people and 77 acres. I know, rich people can buy a ticket to Heaven and all that, but it got me thinking about how it's possible to own a town. What would you do with a town that size? What attractions or businesses would you bring there? What vibe, architecture, culture do you want it to look and feel like? Would you want it to grow or stay small?
  12. I thought Layers of Fear was an excellent masterpiece. Layers of Fear 2 actually had some pretty good jump scares and maybe it's because I was so much into the game. But RE7 had jump scares that shivered my spine. Evil Within has this creepy invisible guy that pops up and strangles you. I hate that enemy. All I can do is set a shock bolt trap and hope it hits it to shock it then burn em good.
  13. It's hard to believe they would add a gambling feature in games. Most likely they will have an outside account they have to register for in order to gamble, but able to see betting stats in the game, which won't show up in the game if you aren't registered. That way kids will have nothing to do with it. They are just plain crazy if they don't with lots of lawsuits.
  14. I don't know how they are going about it and I'm sure there will be consequences for something like that. And imagine the greed that will confiscate this technology and use it for war to black out whole cities to starve them out so they can't grow food. All it takes is a little tweaking. Way to go mankind for another bandaid while industry is free to cut some more. Besides cutting back on chemicals that destroy ozone in industry, the best solution I see that should be researched is to recreate ozone into the areas that are destroyed. If that means building a tower that gets close to the ozone layer and spray some damn ozone there, then f****n do it.
  15. Looks interesting to me; think we are past due for what looks to be aliens!!! I hope they get this one good and not just have a ship show up once and never see it again till the end.
  16. It sucks having to buy things twice, but for gaming collectors, if you can buy a rare copy brand new and keep it mint unopened, and have a collection of those; may be worth something later. Think about that while it’s available. One thing I collect is not made anymore, so I wish I could go back in time to buy doubles.
  17. Nothing like displaying something you are passionate for that you collected. I don't collect games, but do collect other things. Does leaving game cases stacked on a table count as displaying them? Cause that's what I do. Maybe the rise in online download purchases will increase the value of physical games, since eventually they will maybe become obsolete.
  18. It's just an irony piece on how science is portrayed as religion. Don't take it literal.
  19. Have you been living under a rock? He has no short supply of enablers and democracy is now a 'backsliding' democracy because of him and the republican party. This is no longer about hating trump. He is a real threat to democracy. Is Russia in a full blown war for Putin to remain in office for another 20-30 years? No; democracy dies when you no longer respect elections and use the law to make it harder for certain populations to vote and just have fake elections. Yes he is a destroyer of democracy and along with his enablers. What does it take for people to get it? But you are right. I will calm down. Matter of fact I won't get involved with political discussions anymore. I've said my peace. The world would rather remain passive and live in ignorant bliss.
  20. He is above the law. "I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose voters" said the bigot. Criminal investigations: Taxes Jan 6th coup attempt Abusing power trying to pressure Georgia official to find votes And he has a whole sleuth of civil cases But there won't be any accountability. It's all thrown out the window when he runs again. All he has to do is postpone the courts till he runs and wins. And he will win because of the voting restriction laws and and corrupt people put in place to oversee voting. Biden is our last president. It's not just pessimism. It's looking at things realistically and a democracy can't win over so many enablers that want to destroy it. You can't survive while constantly being attacked with no plan of offense or defense, which is the biggest failure of democrats when faced with protecting the country against a hostile takeover by republicans.
  21. The way I see it, is that you can’t pick and choose what life you want to be moral about. Those who want to ban abortions also has the tendency to not respect the environment and not respect health protocols during a pandemic in the country where I’m at. A person simply cannot be pro-life for a fetus/embryo and not for every other aspect of pro-life. I understand why they want to ban abortions, because every fetus/embryo has the potential to become a human. The fetus/embryo has the ‘potential’ for the higher consciousness that humans possess. Does that consciousness grant us the right to determine the population of wild animals? Decide what animals to take off an endangered list or reduce it’s population because they are a burden to us? What about the parent’s situation that may actually cause harm to the child if its born? Would it be morally right to raise the child in a broken home or toxic environment which could give them a lifetime of pain and suffering? In this case of whether determining the morality of abortion, does the ‘potential' of a fetus/embryo outweigh the ‘reality’ of a dangerous living environment? An abortion should be a choice. Would you eat eggs that has the possibility of being fertilized if hens and roosters all grazed together in a natural habitat? Would you give your dog an abortion if you couldn’t handle an unwanted litter? Would you force a person raped to have a child? Would you let the law determine a person’s risk of life if they were to have labor? Is a fetus/embryo more important than an animal hunted for sport? Pro life should equal all life. So banning abortions isn’t a morality issue when those that want to ban it are far from being pro life. If vegetarians and environmentalists and human rights activists wanted to ban abortions, then I would say that makes more sense than those currently claiming pro life. The abortion itself should be up to the parents depending on their living situation and health. If parents have the right to spank their children or discipline them how they want and make their health decisions, then they also should have the right to decide whether or not to bring one into the world. And I don’t hear anyone complain about China’s one child law. And to even consider imprisoning an innocent mother for aborting a fetus/embryo is completely insane. You might as well start burying females alive for losing their virginity like Romans did to the vestal virgins, or imprison them and starve them to death. This is why church and state should be separated and abortions is clearly a religious issue. And the same people who want to ban abortions, in my country, are gun rights activists and stand your ground activists. And these politicians that are against abortions love the death penalty and even recently made the firing squad legal in some states in the USA. The hypocrisy runs deep when it comes to abortions. And I simply can’t stress the point enough that if a fetus/embryo has the right to life, then all other animals have the right to life. Point in conclusion is that banning abortions is a religious issue getting mixed up in government. And if you bring the issue to the seat of lawmaking, then you MUST protect all animal rights/environmental rights/and human rights. So banning abortions is complete hypocrisy to those who claim pro life. That is the truth of it that even God would agree. Those who do actually respect all life and support leaders who respect all life, then I respect you. If a leader wanted to ban abortions with the exception of rape and health issues; as well as protect animals, human rights, and the environment, then I would reconsider my opinion on banning abortions. Until then, it is a religious hypocritical doctrine inside the government.
  22. It’s more than just a vote recount. They will once again waste tax payer money and create this atmosphere to completely distrust elections. They have access to people’s personal info. The cyber ninjas went door to door to interrogate voters. They have access to machines and those machines have to be replaced. They are intimidating voters. This is our damn right to vote and have our votes respected!!! People were passive enough to let the cyber ninjas get away with everything at the tax payer expense and take all their voting info to a private location in another state, and not allow any media access to anything at all, then enough is enough for this 5th time.
  23. That's really scary. After the Cyber ninjas fiasco whom confirmed Biden won, and now this? Those people in Arizona need to start yelling. If democrats were doing this to republicans, there would be guns in the street. But I guess democrats like to be abused. This is the beginning of the end for elections.
  24. The International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance based in Stockholm, Sweden just released a report that the United States is one of the democracies that is backsliding and the world as a whole is turning more authoritarian with the number of democracies in the world being at its lowest in years. “Democracy is at risk,” the report’s introduction begins. “Its survival is endangered by a perfect storm of threats, both from within and from a rising tide of authoritarianism.” “The world is becoming more authoritarian as nondemocratic regimes become even more brazen in their repression and many democratic governments suffer from backsliding by adopting their tactics of restricting free speech and weakening the rule of law.” And foreign imposters are using social media to 'amplify' right wing voices. The Rittenhouse trial and pro Rittenhouse supporters is an example of how foreign accounts are posing as Americans while celebrating Rittenhouse's acquittal. "Frank Figliuzzi, the former assistant director for counterintelligence at the FBI, tweeted that of 32,315 pro-Rittenhouse hashtag tweets from Nov. 19-20, 29,609 had disabled geolocation. Of them, 17,701 were listed as “foreign,” and most of those were in Russia, China, and the EU." There isn't much to say anymore for me. It's obvious that republicans will destroy democracy and that republicans as well as powerful countries in the world are attacking Americans like myself. I remember when I voted in 2020 it felt like a vote against the world. And now even more so next time I vote. https://www.thedailybeast.com/the-visible-deterioration-in-american-democracy-is-just-the-start-of-what-the-gop-has-in-for-us https://news.yahoo.com/united-states-authoritarianism-120135679.html
  25. It has also come to light that Georgia District Attorney Jackie Johnson has been arrested and is charged with violation of oath of a public officer and hindering a law enforcement officer relating to this case that delayed justice of Arbery's murder and she is facing prison as well. These are all obstacles people of color have to face in a country that is in hard lined denial of systemic racism; citizen's arrest of a black man jogging in a white neighborhood; murdered if they didn't comply; District attorney trying to hinder justice; lawyers demonizing the victim to the jury; Kevin Gough defense attorney tried to get the judge to not allow any black pastors in the court room and complained that 'Bubba' and 'Joe Six Pack' are underrepresented in the pool of jurors, meaning there weren't enough of the southern white men type, or the red neck type to be the jury. These are the types of things that needs to be cleaned out of our justice systems. I say there needs to be mandatory diversity in all jury for all cases. When do you ever hear an all black jury and a white man as defendant? Umm never. This case would have set three killers free in a different court room in a different town. At least there is three less thugs off the street and possibly four if Johnson is found guilty.
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