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Reality vs Adventure

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Everything posted by Reality vs Adventure

  1. Warning- video has them in it, not much though at around 50 sec and 1 min. mark. This is an example of what 8-bit rendering in TLOU2 looks like. Maybe it's something you can handle.
  2. It's gonna take a couple days to download the latest update and I reinstalled it. I am rebuilding the database in the ps4. But I had like 10 saves on it and all are corrupted. I'll wait till the update is installed and try again. I have the save files saved on a few different drives so I'm not worried. But damn. Aint this a bitch
  3. A game is interesting and most people aren't. A game doesn't judge and most people do. For me it's aggression when someone is face to face talking to me. And it's funny because I try to turn or look away, and they think I'm not listening and move back right in front of me. And it becomes even more aggressive and I face the other way, and still they get in my face. It's weird. When I think about putting myself in their shoes, and I see them look away, I'll naturally try to change my tone or make the conversation more interesting or just say something funny. But to get back in front of someone while I'm talking and to pretty much force eye contact is just not in me to do unless I'm angry and arguing. For the most part, people are just lame. lol. No humor, no personality, nothing interesting. Blah blah blah. So don't beat yourself up over it cause if people can't get your attention, then it's them.
  4. That is true. So amazing how an enemy turned friend like Lev, helped Abby in her 'reckoning'. Which I think ultimately helped Ellie in her 'reckoning'. I'm gonna be thinking about everything for a long time. This game will have that impact.
  5. Spoilers Where to begin? That was a freakin rollercoaster. In every situation, I can easily put myself in their shoes and justify their actions. But damn, vengeance just leads to more vengeance. I was real angry with Ellie when she had it all at the farm. Everything! I wasn't so sure if her intention was to kill Abby or warn her. Did she feel she owed Abby or wanted to fix her own PTSD?
  6. I wish you were able to play TLOU series, but I know you can't. I just finished the second game and it unlocked some screen rendering capabilities. Maybe your friend can play through it and unlock the screen rendering to see if that can help. Some of the rendering is you can play in water color, low pixels like an 80's game, and all sorts of others. I think that may be bearable. And the first game they are remaking so maybe after the first play through that will unlock screen rendering too!
  7. We are living in a very dark age, and those from the dark ages would be laughing at the world today. Teachers are getting beat up by parents for wearing masks. These people belong in the dark ages. They have become far right extremists and religious/cult extremists. Misinformation campaigns is being pushed from Russia and there is evidence of it. But they aren't the only ones to blame because it takes a willingness to deep throat garbage that so many are lined up with their mouths agape. Why their own aren't dropping dead like flies from the pandemic is beyond me because it looks like that's what they want. Some probably have gotten vaccinated and hide it to push for this chaos. A doctor in Missouri says some people go in to get vaccinated in disguise or want to be anonymous because they are afraid what their peers would say. I personally don't like vaccines and in my college years I had to get legally exempt from any vaccinations while attending the university who had mandatory vaccinations in their policy. I got all my shots I was supposed to get as a baby/child. But we are in a pandemic and even I had to put away personal beliefs for the greater good in fighting this thing. These extremists are hostile so learn how to defend yourselves and your children. Their purpose is chaos. They are inside the government and using it to create chaos. I encourage you to get your children doing homeschool. We are fighting two pandemics simultaneously, one from a virus, and the other from a dangerous mental health pandemic. Protect yourselves from both.
  8. I just finished the game and definitely would like to talk about it. So much on my mind.
  9. I like that idea of staggering damage. I don't see how it would be any more controversial than a protective shield, or any other ability. A good player would know how to defeat a foe with any ability as part of the challenge.
  10. It's a pretty good game. I played it on ps3 and it went above my expectations. There is a lot of shooting involved. Not sure if that is a pro or con for you. I didn't experience any glitches or anything. Overall, it's a fun action adventure game that takes you to different locations. There are some puzzles. I'm no fan of puzzles but they weren't that bad.
  11. I've got to say Naughty Dog and Bloober Team for their brilliance and Ubisoft for their amazing open worlds.
  12. I like both of those!!! This is the first I've heard of it. Looks like both techniques are used so enemies underestimate them. Brewmasters 'absorb and stagger damage.' Yep, that's about right. I would like to see those styles in action. lol
  13. That's a failed situation in the span of 20 years and 3 administrations. Both sides want the troops home. Every administration talked about bringing them home and nobody did. If Afghanistan forces haven't been built up enough to defend themselves by now then they will never be. It's a failed state. And every administration says they kneecapped or destroyed the taliban. That obviously isn't the case. I'm sure every citizen there wants to leave. Are we supposed to evacuate an entire country? There is no right way to end this without staying there another 20 years. What would be the right plan bringing the troops home from that mess while protecting its citizens? Can't do both without staying there forever. The problem is a failure of forming a solid Afghan army over the years to defend its country. And trump has no room to talk because I remember him withdrawing troops from Syria and abandoning Kurdish allies to be slaughtered by Turkish forces. Trump had a plan to withdraw troops in early 2020 over a two year period. 1.5 years later, it doesn't look like there was much progress.
  14. I agree, I was just stating a proven fact through history that men are always considered a threat in a hostile situation and often executed. As far as bandits, anyone with a gun has fear factor regardless of man or woman. The question was why are there fewer women in human enemies. Maybe it is the fungus. Maybe because men are always trying to be alpha dominant. Maybe because men are threatened more at the zones. Maybe we just didn't see the women as enemies.
  15. I would travel the world for a year; it's definitely worth more. That's if I didn't have pets. 40,000 will fly out the window, but since I can't abandon animals I would buy a boat and jet ski, and motorcycle. Or beef up my collection.
  16. Maybe they could. If they had actual actors that had all their movements saved for the game, you could have real life faces and body and you control them in the game. And they could have actual clips of nature that they record over an extended time and somehow incorporate that into the game.
  17. In times like that men are usually a threat and get executed for anything, so maybe that's why the majority of fireflies and bandits were men while females stayed at the zones.
  18. I was looking up this alignment test cause I never heard that before http://easydamus.com/alignmenttest.html That test wouldn't work for me because a lot of questions has to do with your community or village. But since I can't associate with those around me because they support what I'm against, then I would be something like chaotic neutral too. But if I lived in a community with like minded people then it would probably be neutral good.
  19. Misinformation and skepticism is one of the features of the game to allow it to spread. You can directly correlate that to hot spots in today's world. Because those things allows the chance of the pathogen to evolve. (Plague Inc Evolved) Not every place is because of disinformation, but simply lack of preparedness or supplies, so I don't want to discriminate against every place that had it bad. But since this is worldwide, we are all in it together. So if one area is protected and another isn't, then that also allows the mutations and spread. China actually banned this game. I don't know the reason why. But the game obviously is a threat to them and maybe too real or offensive during this pandemic. I actually think the game is useful to learn from as education material. You really can't do anything about sociopaths. They will do what they do regardless of the game.
  20. Then you sing eeny meeny miny moe again. 🤷‍♂️
  21. It rained only a few minutes and was windy and cooled everything down through the night. Maybe we got the good end of a tornado.
  22. Yeah, a battle hatchet forged by dwarves. I'm missing everything in real life, I lost it all. Most of my games are apocalyptic and horror so I can't say I would miss anything from those in real life.
  23. Not yet, if I see it on sale I'll get it right away. It is top of my list right now.
  24. Art and entertainment always reflects the society and culture. The gaming world is a mixture of ideas because the industry is spread out globally. You can grab any game from the shelf and most likely will have been developed in another country. But the westernized world has a big influence in its themes too. Besides the obvious things going on in the world today with different movements, growing hostility, and a pandemic, all of which will be reflected somehow; and I think a lot of that is reflected in TLOU series. There will probably be less defined villains as there becomes mass confusion in the world. It was always easier to have that specific villain that we all can agree to destroy but as the waters get muddied, the villain becomes less defined. That will probably be a growing genre, but probably won’t ever replace the typical ‘boss’ approach to villains. We can sure expect lots of apocalyptic games which I love. I don’t see why that would slow down anytime soon. Escapism will become even more prevalent. That will bring a lot of fantasy, probably dark fantasy.
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