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Everything posted by Boblee

  1. I have already considered the option of having it borrowed from a friend even if it means paying him for it for the time being I'm going to use it.
  2. Something like this shows exactly what rage can cause. It's really not a healthy behavior.
  3. Wow, that's nice. Initially, I used to see that course as mostly female exclusive but had to change that view looking at prominent men that's are in the media industry like CNN, BBC, SKY NEWS etc.
  4. My Twitter account was hacked for long now and I don't have the energy to create a new one. I have been off Twitter for at least 5 months now and I'm not even bothered.
  5. Boblee


    If it's about their marketing strategy, they are very good at that. In fact, they have the very best when it comes to professionals working for them.
  6. I have been playing God of War III Remastered for a while now. I even played a few hours this afternoon already. I can't wait to get God to War Ragnarok to be released soon.
  7. It's how it is my friend. There is no relationship between one's sex and one's attitude or behaviors when it's about being toxic or a nassarcist. It can be a man or woman with no discrimination.
  8. The guy was just overtly foolish in my opinion. How would an adult man behave in such a way unless he's still a kid?
  9. The last time I checked out my game play stats log, it was God of War that's taking up more of my time this year with over 160 hours of gameplay.
  10. Among such games that did disappointed me is Battlefield V. How the company wanted to mess up the game series was surprising but they were quick to correct it immediately.
  11. Playing or following your character names with such pattern will make the game less stressful for you by all means. Sometimes, gamers stress themselves unnecessarily.
  12. It's the very least thing that we can do in support of the forum. It's not like we are being asked to pay or anything, it's just the use of our data and that's it.
  13. Some games are too hard than others to play. It's my experience with playing Dark Souls. I don't think getting into play playing Ghost of Tsushima was that hard like DS.
  14. I'm checking it out right away. What happens if I decide not to rescue the Stormcloak from the Thalmor? Would it make any huge difference for my gameplay?
  15. They (EA and Ubisoft) will offer you one good thing and offer 10 crap that's not worth the money you paid for it.
  16. I keep asking myself why it's only in their soundtracks that they work very hard to maintain consistency? Why not in their games or bugs fixing?
  17. Haha, that was very hilarious if you were to ask me and I loved how the YouTuber added the audio (Help) from him. FIFA and bugs are 5&6.
  18. Prince of Persia series games and Devil May Cry are hands down spot on great series. God of War is among them great games too.
  19. I find chess very interesting to play as well. It's not the kind of thing game that you will be in a haste to play otherwise it will beat you hands down.
  20. All these are down to their greed which cost them to the extent of not wanting to pay for using other games platforms to sell their games with their pay to win strategy.
  21. Although some games can be really annoying and frustrating especially with how difficult it gets in passing one simple stage.
  22. Jackie Chan's fights looks more fun and relaxing for me to watch back then but Jet Li is always too serious with his fights.
  23. Recently, I'm beginning to think that their testing doesn't include bug fixing most of the time. They just check if the game is playable and if yes, they release it immediately.
  24. Mixed sex is always fun. During my junior college, we had both boys and girls and it was very entertaining most times. We even had one football tournament between boys and girls one time.
  25. Boblee


    Yeah, it's why most of their customers don't want to leave them irrespective of how costly their products have been for years.
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