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Rain Dew

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Everything posted by Rain Dew

  1. I could see this really happening. I absolutely love this series and am glad the newest season os finally out.
  2. If I’m playing ff14 I’ll watch tv while I play. If RDR2 then I’ll listen to YouTube
  3. For me it would be the final fantasy universe. I would love to be able to switch places with my character on ff14.
  4. When you reach the final boss, die, and decide to return later to play and the saved file in your memory card got wiped clean/doesn’t recognize the save file. The one and only time I got to the end boss on ff7 on ps1 I ended up with a bad memory card which corrupted my save file.
  5. Trick or treat. Squash was originally used instead of pumpkins.
  6. I admire the dedication that people who game for a living on YouTube have. I especially admire TheRadBrad. He hate’s first person games but for his fans he plays them anyway.
  7. I’ve never made any money from gaming. Heck it wasn’t until recently I even did a talking playthrough. It would be nice to earn money from doing playthroughs but with me not being on any ADD medications and with my OCD grabbing hold of different games for only so long before I just jump to a next one, it is practically impossible for me to do that. Even just finishing a game playthrough is hard enough for me. Just look at my and @The Blackangel’s gaming channel. I have only posted 2 videos so far and have slacked off sense.
  8. Yeah. Heres my source. https://www.history.com/.amp/news/halloween-trick-or-treating-origins
  9. When you are playing in first person and not expecting to counter any enemies when all of a sudden you get attacked and killed from behind. source: playing my very first first person game on pc which was dinosaur hunting. Was hunting herbivores when a raptor attacked me from behind. With the attack the game went into 3rd person mode. Scared me from 1st person gaming sense. I always used a flying and invisible cheat when playing that game.
  10. Trick or treat “October 31, in 1920, Anoka, Minnesota became the first town in America to celebrate Halloween”.
  11. One important thing @The Blackangel forgot to mention was you have to get spotted by the law before going back to Bronte’s. I do the glitch for the trapper pelts. It’s perpetually night, same music is always playing (lol), and you cannot pick any plants. You can buy items in New Auston. You MUST stay out of Blackwater or you will get caught. Also if you die before finishing Bronte’s mission you lose everything you got in New Austin.
  12. I rarely gamble but when I go I go with a set amount of money and if I am ahead/winning I know to stop amd not keep going.
  13. Second part of playthrough os now up on our channel
  14. @Kane99 I haven’t played the ps1 tomb raider but I have played the other ones on ps4. I’m thinking of doing a play-through of those games along with evil within and resident evil.
  15. @Kane99 I did not realize you had made a post about that bug.
  16. Here is a fun article I just found about rdr2 “Red Dead Redemption 2 bug means even NPCs are leaving Red Dead Online” https://www.pcgamesn.com/red-dead-redemption-2/bug-red-dead-online
  17. @The Blackangel for getting two animal shots in one, what I have recently found was when you use dead eye and are not using a scope the gun automatically marks x’s on the various targets so you can multiple shots. I know you already know this but I never really noticed till a recent game play.
  18. I’m not sure yet. I’m open to suggestions.
  19. @PlanetNateGaming I will definitely check your YouTube channel out.
  20. There was a news article about it and it was saying you can trade your copy in for a fixed one lol. Just never bothered.
  21. @Withywarlock I love the Spyro series. Spyro was the first game I played on the ps1. Somewhere I have an original copy of one of the games that has a glitch in it which makes it impossible to get 100%
  22. My first playthrough of tomb raider is uploaded https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCDZym3HBNhZR6CGNiKCl9GA
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