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Everything posted by NightmareFarm

  1. FF9R is leaked. Even if it turns out to be bs I think they'll do another one, FF7R is selling well and they are able to milk it out and split the games into individual chapters.
  2. For those who don't know, it's this mechanic in a game which dropped this month called shadow warrior 3. The mechanic is like glory kills but much better imo. When you finish an enemy the animation plays out where you rip something out of them and then weaponise it. Like against the ice demons you can take out an eye and then throw it to freeze enemies or you can use an enemys sword and go nuts with it, you can turn the strongest demon inot a machine gun and just go to town. There's even one which lets you somehow turn one of the demons into a black hole which sucks in every enemy near its radius. It's crazy! You have a finisher gauge with 3 segments, some enemies can be finished with one bar, some need two, one of them needs three. But the gore tool is stronger depending on how much bar it takes. I would highly reccomend buying this game, it's about £40 in the UK and $50 in the US. It's a short game but other than that it's a blast especially if you enjoyed DOOM Eternal.
  3. In what ways was it boring? Too much slow walking or something?
  4. Yeah theres also a psychological advantage to it.
  5. Since the patch i've considered getting it. It's unplayable on current gen consoles which is a good sign that it properly takes advantage of next gen hardware. The game itself looks nice and I haven't played too many open world games. Has the patch made it a great game? Before I hear it was unplayable so i'm kind of sceptical.
  6. I troll all the time in online games lol. Teabagging, troll spinning(like in the naruto storm games), using troll tactics to win, etc you name it. It's part of what makes online gaming fun. Deathloop is a really fun game if you like trolling scrubs since it's designed to match you up with them if you play as Julianna and theres lots of ways you can mess with them like teleporting them into mines, stacking trip wires behind doors, using telekenises to throw them off cliffs etc.
  7. If you were forced to choose one of the two would you rather play games in locked 30fps or a game which targets 60 but dips below it sometimes(like often dips to 40-55 fps). Imo i'd still take that over 30fps. Ever since I got my PS5 30fps has become basically unplayable. At least even if it's inconsistent I would get 60fps like half the time. I've played games where the frame rate dips below 60 a lot and its still better than locked 30fps.
  8. Absolutely crammed with bugs and heavy frame stuttering. I could tolerate it for the first few hours but when I got to the second boss I gave up. I really wanted to like this game but I couldn't. But maybe they've patched it for PS5.
  9. No I prefer health packs or self sustained healing like in the modern doom games. Regenerating over time encourages you to just hide like a chicken every 5 seconds when you get hurt.
  10. I think the biggest technological gameplay revolution is probably with horizon zero dawn. It's one of the very few games that actually felt like "next gen". I can't picture it running on a PS3 with downgraded graphics at all. No way 7th gen consoles can handle massive dinosaurs in an open world running around with like a 100 individiual body parts that can be chipped off which can even destroy parts of the map.
  11. My list: DualSense > DualShock 4 > Switch Pro Controller > DualShock 3 > DualShock 2 > WiiMote with nunchuck > WiiMote > Switch joycon controller Anything else I either don't remember playing with well enough to judge(like the GCN controller) or didn't own.
  12. Just started two hours ago. I really like it so far. It's like doom but in an ancient chinese setting and instead of never talking the MC keeps yapping all the time. He has much more personality than most main protagonists nowadays. It looks gougeous. I would highly reccomend getting it if you like arena shooters, there aren't many to go about these days.
  13. I rarely feel anything during emotional scenes in video games like death scenes. Maybe it's an immersion thing but it doesn't do much for me. I only see them as fake people in a virtual universe. I can't truly empathise with them like they're real human beings.
  14. Going by the matrix demo and project mara, I think photorealism will become the standard either late 9th gen or 10th gen.
  15. If this changes your mind, the battle system is really a hybrid turn based/action based combat system, not just action. Also I think it's possible to just stick to purely turn based but maybe i'm misremembering.
  16. I'm playing it on a PS5 and it looks like zero dawn for the most part besides the cutscenes. All these intricate graphical tweaks are barely noticeable. There is a lot of flaws like clipping with aloys hair and the bow for example. I mean it looks good for 8th gen standards but it doesn't look like next gen.
  17. Like 20+ nowadays. If we're talking about finishing I would say about 10-13
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