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Everything posted by NightmareFarm

  1. It would be cool if they implement a co-op mode where another player joins your overworld(or you join theres) like how NPCs can join you in the overworld in some games.
  2. Finally beat the game. To be quite honest, I found Zero Dawn better. I know it's an unpopular opinion but it felt underwhelming.
  3. Never played TLOU games. I've beat the game and have an entirely different perspecitve now. The melee combat feels like a step forward in fluidity but on the other hand I don't like how they nerfed heavy attacks and made you have to charge heavy to get the same results as a tap in the first game.
  4. Sony is much better when it comes to the gaming scene imo
  5. Agreed but DualSense is in a league of it's own imo. It's ergonomically the best, visually also the best imo and then has haptics and adaptive triggers on top of that. DS4 is also nice then I would say Switch Pro is around the same level then the rest which either feel ergonomically dated to me(like the DS3 which feels really small now) or genuinely uncomfortable.
  6. Yeah, that's the series that I grew up on. And it's still my favourite as werll. The games seem to have better plots and characters than the other JRPG's i've played generally.
  7. To each our own. I can handle inconsistent frame rates as long as it isn't too inconsistent. Like if it rarely dips below 45 fps. 30fps is barely tolerable to me nowadays. I usually play on PS5, when I played SMTV a few months ago it looked like it was stuttering.
  8. The spec requirement is higher but it definitely takes advantage of the hardware needed to run it.
  9. I'm about 2 hours in and just unlocked the water power but i'm loving it so far. The city feels alive although it's a ghost town. Lots of things to do. Gameplay is fun although enemies are a little spongey. Wire pulling is addictingly satisfying, the animation for it feels so crunchy. The graphics look top notch. On youtube it's hard to tell if a game is going to look as good when you play it on your TV but this game holds up extremely well, must be because of next gen hardware. The actual plot is ok so far. I like KK(the spirit inhabiting the main protagonist body).
  10. That's what I mean. They're milking them out by doing this at the expense of it's pacing.
  11. A Playstation 2 which I got for my birthday in 2006
  12. I just saw on the PS store that it's the current monthly free game if you have PS5.
  13. $29.99 or £24.99 if you live int he UK. Imo, it's worth like $80 It's in my top 10.
  14. I dont mind a remake, I just don't like how they're splitting them up into episodes to milk them out when it fucks up the pacing.
  15. There there's a bit of it, you can choose which upgrades you get and your sword cosmetic. The gameplay is very unique. Ok picture this. Doom Eternal, but cyberpunk, your only weapon is the crucible blade(although you get 4 cooldown special moves), you die in one hit(you can instantly start over from the checkpoint though rather than load screens) and it has mirror edge parkour.
  16. Yeah, gaming has been part of my life since I turned 6 and has always been there for me. I listen to music every day but idk i dont think about it as much. I'm not as passionate about it like I am with gaming.
  17. Gaming. I love music but I can go without it.
  18. Ignorant of what exactly? Me having a preference. That's like saying i'm being ignorant because I said I prefer vanilla ice cream to chocolate and then you proceeding to go on lengthy rants about how chocolate ice cream is objectively made better and getting butthurt when I refuse to argue back. And at this point when i've made it crystal clear that it's a preference, you're STILL trying to argue with me. Right. I think what would be best is if you don't click on my threads anymore. And I won't click on your either. I don't have time for this petty squabble with touchy people like you. Bye.
  19. You need to chill out. This isn't an english exam it's a gaming forum. People like you need to learn how to loosen up and stop being so argumentative, you're ruining the atmosphere. If I don't feel like giving essay replies to explain why I prefer something then I don't have to. Yes 30fps is borderline unplayable to me. We all have our different experiences with games. I mean, before I got my PS5 I found it ok to deal with just not ideal. And some others think 30fps is perfectly smooth. And some others think even 60fps is unplayable and 120fps should be the norm. We're all entitled to our own opinion. No, i'm not going to respond to your points because you're just acting really uptight and obnoxious. You don't get replies by being passive aggressive. I mean my statement doesn't even need an argument to back it up, it's literally a preference anyway. 30fps is extremely inconvenient to me. Maybe I was exaggurating about unplayable but it still feels very rough. That's my preference, I can't change how I feel.
  20. >Even if that weren't the case I, like most people here, would still have a constant 30fps over a fluctuating 60fps which you weirdly seem to refuse to accept. It's not that big of a deal, get over it! Excuse me??? I'm respecting peoples opinions. Boblee was asking me why I would choose uncapped 60fps so I was telling him why I would prefer that to capped 30fps. How does that equate to me trying to make him change his mind or anyone elses. I've never tried told anyone their preference is wrong on this thread. You have though to me. You're being really passive aggressive for no reason and need to calm down.
  21. I'm not saying it's good. But it's still better than 30fps which is borderline unplayable. Unless the inconsistentness is really bad where it shifts like 10 frames every seconds.
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