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Everything posted by NightmareFarm

  1. Like seriously! Is this also a game? What's the name again.. DAE get ghostwire Tokyo. Ah! I doubt if this game will be interesting. "DAE" stands for "Did Anyone Else". You'll hear the term a lot more on reddit.
  2. I think story focused games should focus more on story than a tacked on online mode. But i'm fine with there being lots of games built mainly towards online play.
  3. I also think delays have long since became very obnoxious as every AAA company does it nowadays, it's basically the norm when it should be the exception. I get that it's important for devs to complete games properly but they should just wait until they're confident about when the game will release before revealing the release date. They always hype consumers up and then do the bait and switch and say oh no it's next year.
  4. Yeah. Being able to play games such as bayonetta 2 on the go with my switch is great. Portable gaming has it's perks.
  5. Handhelds are more casual oriented than home consoles. Nintendo generally caters more towards the casual audience so it suits them best.
  6. Microtransactions? I don't have a problem with this. Lootboxes? Meh. But if there's one thing that grinds my gears it's forcing bots into online play. Especially when the game doesn't even let you know which players are bots and which are humans. In Splitgate this drags down an otherwise fun game. Most players are bots. I'd rather just wait like 5-10 minutes or even longer for a full set of human players. If I wanted to play with scrub CPUs then I would play the offline mode.
  7. I main PS. Sony is better at making consoles. As far as making games goes I won't judge. There have been some great sony exclusives but sony has became WAY too westernized and cinematic over the past 10 years and it really makes me angry why they have taken this direction than just making fun and cool games/IPs like infamous and ratchet and clank like they used to. I haven't played any xbox exclusives though so I can't say if they are better. There are some xbox exclusives which look good however like sunset overdrive and killer instinct.
  8. Bayonetta 2: You can use items with no penalty. The magic system is a bit too skewed in favour of Umbran Climax. Also afterburner kick is broken. DOOM Eternal: Lack of quick swapping on console(all they needed to do was use one button to change the button layout on the fly then let you choose any weapon with that button + either of the face and d-pad buttons to choose your weapon instantly...). Also lack of traditional multiplayer. Apart from that I don't really have much to say. Even the comments above aren't too big of a deal, I just couldn't really think of anything worse.
  9. If they bore me or require me to get X/Y item which requires another quest or errand to complete it.
  10. No. I'd feel like i'd be playing half the game that way.
  11. Do you prefer the more wacky and fantastical arena based shooters like Doom or more realistic based shooters like Call of Duty? Personally I much prefer arena shooters. Especially the modern doom games. I find realism based shooters have a dull aesthetic to them and less interesting gameplay. Arena shooters are really fun and one of my favourite genres.
  12. I don't think I can recall any games with this feature off the top of my head besides Shin Megami Tensei V. But it depends on how good the combat is and if I feel like fighting at the time. Usually I just fight them off.
  13. That game isn't a good example. It released 6 months after launch so it's not going to have graphics representative of the generation. And i've always thought it looked like it can be run on PS4. Now, the examples above each look indistinguishable from real life besides the matrix demo which is almost there but not entirely. This alone is bigger than any generational leap besides maybe(emphasis on maybe) 2D to 3D. Why? Becuase it fully bridges the gap towards photorealism or in other words LITERALLY looks like real life. Show this to 5 people. Just the image. They will all say it's a photo of a train station. They won't be able to obviously tell it's a video game like in previous generations where no matter how graphically impressive the game is it still looks like a video game. This is the true graphical extent of next gen but developers haven't tapped into it yet because there are virtually no next gen games out besides Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart, Returnal and Demon Souls. And on top of that UE5 hadn't released at their time of conception. I mean just look at the train station demo and project mara. Unless you stare at it and very very closely try to find faults it looks exactly like real life. Meanwhile 8th gen graphics already look dated and almost cartoony: 8th gen will only look less and less realistic with age like all previous generations since it isn't photorealistic. This will become much more obvious in about 5 years time. Meanwhile TRUE 9th gen graphics like the train station demo will not age since it is photorealistic.
  14. It's going to start getting hard to tell if i'm in a game or not with VR because the graphics are so realistic. Like if you look at the train demo and project mara it looks literally indistuinguishable from real life at a glance. I didn't think it would be this soon but it appears we have reached complete photorealism. I don't know how 10th gen can even improve graphically besides bumping up the resolution.
  15. We're in for a shock once UE5 games become the norm. Imagine this + VR.
  16. FG especially are good drop in-drop out games if I don't know how long i'm going to spend playing it or when I dont feel in the mood for something more serious like an RPG.
  17. It's absolutely mindblowing when you first try it out. But the haptic quality differs with game so keep that in mind. Some implement it in very immersive and satisfying ways, others like miles morales kind of treat it like an afterthough. I'd highly reccomend Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart as your first PS5 game, that has the best implementation of it I would say. Deathloop and Godfall also implements it pretty well.
  18. Yeah. Photos with lots of tiny holes still feels a little repulsive to look at but it didn't scar me like it did back then. Anything uncanney valley gave me chills back then tbh, dont know why.
  19. Yeah, people trash on guys like low tier god and dsp who rage shout to vent but verbally venting is really the most healthy and prodcutive way to let off steam when you lose in video games. It's the better alternative to breaking controller, breaking your TV/console and smashing holes in walls. No damage done at the end of the day.
  20. Devil May Cry 3. I had a PS2 at the time so I would have been able to play that. I feel like I got into the series too late.
  21. I'm starving for a new fighting game after GG Strive(got bored of it ages ago) and it looks great so i'll be buying this. I really like the visuals, reminds me of Xrd but cleaner. The gameplay looks alright. I will probably main ghostblade.
  22. I sometimes rage and shout like i'm low tier god when im fighting an annoying enemy or something. I rage a lot more on online games(namely fighters) than single player though.
  23. Yeah, PS5 has brought about various significant gameplay improvements across the board. It would be nice if later on in the gen they bring out haptic vests. It sounds crazy but it's worth a try. It would compliment VR and Haptic controllers well for a full immersive experience.
  24. I remember having severe trypophobia back in 2017. Absolutely terrible feeling.
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