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Everything posted by Debashis

  1. It depends on personal preferences and habits. Gaming has grown in popularity and can provide interactive experiences, but television still remains a widely consumed form of entertainment for many people. Both mediums have their own unique strengths and appeal to different audiences.
  2. Personally, I've never done rage quitting lol but I love to see people doing it. xD For those who are not aware of the term, rage quitting is the act of abruptly leaving a game or activity out of frustration or anger. It is often done in response to unfavorable circumstances or perceived unfairness. While it can provide temporary relief, it is generally not a constructive way to handle frustration.
  3. Any game with a good plot catches my attention always. I love to play games which have missions that walk me through a beautiful story. Reason why I love RPG games. I play the games, complete the main missions and the game ends. I stop then and there. I don't like to play repetitive games much like CS GO.
  4. There isn't a definitive answer as it is subjective, but some popular choices for the best video game mascot include Mario, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Pikachu. These three might definitely come in any person's mind whenever they are asked to think of the greatest video game mascots of all time.
  5. There is no set minimum size for video gaming, as it depends on the specific game and the device being used. However, most video games can be played on devices with screens as small as a smartphone or as large as a television.
  6. In 10 years, gaming will likely be more immersive with advancements in virtual reality and augmented reality. There will be further integration of cloud gaming, AI-driven gameplay, and seamless cross-platform experiences. Esports will continue to grow in popularity, and gaming will become even more accessible and mainstream.
  7. Remasters and re-releases can be great for introducing older games to new audiences or improving their graphics and performance. However, sometimes they can feel like a cash grab if not done with care or if the changes are minimal. It ultimately depends on the quality and effort put into the remaster or re-release.
  8. Yes, video games can provide a healthy distraction during difficult times, allowing individuals to temporarily escape and focus on something enjoyable. They can provide entertainment, stress relief, and a sense of accomplishment, helping individuals cope with trauma and regain a sense of normalcy.
  9. Aliens would likely find it puzzling that humans spend so much time and energy on simulated activities, but might also see the value in video games as a form of entertainment and cognitive stimulation. They may wonder why humans aren't spending more time exploring the universe instead.
  10. I pick a game and play it continuously until I'm done with all the main missions. Once I'm done, I stop playing it. So, I won't call it an addiction. I've never been addicted to any game. At least no RPGs. But yeah, I remember I used to spend a lot of time playing PUBG Mobile with my friends. The reason was not addiction but the drive to reach the highest rank "Conqueror". None of it ever impacted my life negatively in any way.
  11. The placement of sticks at the top may not be as ergonomic or intuitive for most users, and it could potentially lead to discomfort or decreased precision during gameplay. Additionally, the traditional placement of sticks at the bottom has become a widely accepted standard in the gaming industry.
  12. Many people enjoy playing video games based on movies, especially fans of the films. It can be a fun way to immerse oneself in the story and characters and experience the world in a different interactive format. One of my all time favorites are Assassin's Creed. But I guess it was more of a movie based on a game and not the other way around hehe.
  13. Consistent practice, analyzing gameplay, watching tutorials, studying game mechanics, and seeking feedback from skilled players are effective methods for improving gaming skills. Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset, staying focused, and learning from mistakes contribute to progress.
  14. Open world games often struggle with enemy variety problems due to the sheer size and scope of the game. Developers must strike a balance between creating diverse enemies and ensuring they fit within the game's world and lore. This can be a challenging task, but when done well, it enhances the player's experience.
  15. Yes, many people feel overwhelmed with a large number of games and struggle to find the time to play them all. It's a common issue among avid gamers. But personally, I don't face this issue at all since I download a game only with the purpose of completing it before moving to another one.
  16. I would bring Lara Croft from Tomb Raider to life because she is a strong and intelligent character who embarks on exciting adventures. It would be fascinating to see her skills and resourcefulness in action in the real world.
  17. Wow, what a steal! The Metro Saga Bundle for PS4/PS5 is an incredible deal at just $11.99 for all three games. If you're a fan of immersive, post-apocalyptic experiences, then this bundle is a must-have. Don't miss out on this amazing offer to grab all three Metro games for such an affordable price!
  18. If I ever get a chance to join an e-sports team, I would want to be part of Team SouL, a renowned Indian e-sports team that competes in PUBG Mobile tournaments. The owner of the team is my favorite PUBG Mobile YouTuber as well. I've seen him growing right from the beginning. He is a game changer when it comes to the gaming scene in India. He has brought a lot of awareness about e-sports, mobile gaming, PUBGM and battle royals, how people can have a career in gaming etc. Today he is one of the biggest gaming YouTubers in India. His name is MortaL. He started by posting clips from his PUBGM matches, one of them went viral where he won a match with almost no health left. It was just awesome! He is a true inspiration for all gaming enthusiasts in India.
  19. Yes, I feel the battle royale genre has become oversaturated with numerous releases, diluting its originality and allure. This deluge of games has led to a lack of innovation, with titles blending into a sea of similarity. Player bases are fragmented, impacting the overall experience, and developers often rush releases, leading to unpolished gameplay and an overreliance on microtransactions. Despite these challenges, the genre can still evolve by introducing fresh mechanics, unique settings, and fostering community engagement. With creativity and a commitment to quality, developers have the potential to rejuvenate the battle royale genre's appeal in the competitive gaming landscape.
  20. It's unfortunate to hear about the layoffs at Epic Games. While investing in the future is important, it's crucial for companies to maintain financial stability. It's always tough to see employees lose their jobs, especially in such uncertain times. However, it's crucial for businesses to adapt and make necessary changes to stay afloat. Hopefully, Epic Games will be able to recover from this setback and continue providing innovative experiences for gamers worldwide.
  21. Yes, gaming can help sharpen memory skills by requiring players to remember complex game mechanics, strategies, and patterns. Regularly engaging in gaming exercises the brain, improving cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving. Additionally, certain types of games, such as puzzle or strategy games, specifically target memory and require players to recall information or make quick decisions based on memory. However, it is important to maintain a balanced approach and not rely solely on gaming for memory improvement, as a well-rounded approach including other cognitive exercises is recommended.
  22. While the focus on multiplayer online gaming may divert resources and development efforts from storytelling, it doesn't necessarily take away from it. Many multiplayer games incorporate immersive narratives and engaging storylines that can enhance the overall gaming experience. However, some games may prioritize gameplay and competitive aspects over storytelling, resulting in a less prominent narrative. Ultimately, it depends on the specific game and the intentions of the developers.
  23. I cannot really answer this because I've not been into console gaming apart from my early days in gaming during my childhood when I was in Grade 1/2 lol. I've always been a hardcore PC gamer and even today I am. Maybe if I get into console gaming sometime in the future, I will come back to this thread and post about the one which I liked the least. 😛 But if I have to pick one without really experiencing gaming with them, I would say the handheld ones are my least favorite because I think people can get the same experience in their smartphones as well. Correct me if I'm wrong. 🙂
  24. I've never played a harder and more challenging game than MotoGP 2022. It is extremely difficult to master the game. I took months to master the handling, braking, acceleration of the bikes in the game. The hardest part is to master the timing of braking and turning. If we fail to do it at the right moment, other bikers will go ahead of us for sure. Once you have good grip on the game, you are going to love it just like I do. Its an awesome game but initially requires the gamer to put quite good amount of time and effort into it.
  25. I've never played a Call of Duty game (surprising right?) so I googled to find out the best rated CoD of all time. Found that Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare (2007) is the best rated game from the franchise till now. Although I know its an old game, I still downloaded and got it installed. Will start playing it soon and hopefully if I like it, I'll play the new ones as well. 🙂 Any suggestions on which one I should play next?
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