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Everything posted by Empire

  1. I love the environments, but I think those character models are a little rough. A little too cutesy for my tastes. Hope it does well, just not for me.
  2. Empire


    Why do devs think they can port games like this to the switch when they have poor performace on the more powerful consoles? I played Astroneer for hours on Xbox One and the framerate was so choppy. The game has a fair amount of glitches too.
  3. looks super fun and really great. But the voice acting feels very robotic and questionable, especially the protagonists from what they showed, will probably still look past it if the gameplay is fun enough
  4. Yeah, that's what I apd for it. Β£14.99 πŸ˜‰ And you can't even play it 😞 till the release date. It's not the real deal pre-order price as it's set price.
  5. SInce the shower room is BIG, I can do πŸ˜› I mean two people can fit and dance in the shower as you are washing down. However the floor will go if I jump and dance to much as we need to replace the showerroom one day
  6. Well, it's been around for a very long time and most people use that platform more so then they do so for others. I do have my dislike about it, for start it's own my Microsoft πŸ˜› Anyway I do have three Gmail accounts also πŸ™‚ partly since Gmail is easy to setup your own domain email rather then others out there.
  7. Looks so crap and I displike it anyway, I expect it to fail πŸ˜› then again that's me right. How many people wanted this app anyway?
  8. I'd study what I'm intersted in and that's thigns that has to be dealt with regards "Fight Sims" learning the ways of how to fly and all affects that comes with it. Help and make improvements and have realism brought into it, hell have the right teachers also πŸ˜‰
  9. None, I never did got hold of a gaming t-shirt 😞 then again mostly the shirt be to big or to small on my weired body. Not like walking into the ship trying it on then buy it or get it for free.
  10. If a game has a demo, it shows a developer is honest, it may not be good, it may be excellent, but they bare it out for you to judge.
  11. Nope, I do not drive, no job, family is half not there, Girls dislike me. Death itself doesn't scare me in the slightest. What's frightening is the idea that I might die before I'm finished with life.
  12. I love to sing in the shower πŸ™‚ the water falling and the acoustics make a great sound.I pretend I'm in a really amazing music video lol
  13. Definitely coffee. I've had dozens of coffee more then soda and rather have that were coffee, like extra stronge and I would never give them up. Then again Soda is full of sweet and sagar you know that might not always be that good.
  14. I learned English almost entirely from watching TV, so probably yes. Then again English is my words πŸ˜› I mean long deep words that I might not even know.
  15. Well, the best of the best realism weather that I have seen is mostly flights sim, like P3D or even the new MSFS2020 - however, the live weather for MSFS2020 is broken. Yet ETS and ATS rain just so better more then ever. I say I dislike the live weather if it does not work well.
  16. I like the prequels. When someone gets their panties in a bunch about how "terribad" the prequels are and shits all over them I laugh. They're just games and also movies.
  17. All the Battlefields, NFSs, Star Wars for sure. I recently had EA Play added to my GamePass Ultimate subscription on Xbox and the content is really solid. Also if you want a good couch co-op shooter, go for Army of Two. Still holds up.
  18. Arnold Schwarzenegger action movies Predator, Terminator 1 and 2, Total Recall, The Running Man etc. All of the 80's early 90's stuff, never get tired of it.
  19. Empire

    Share Play

    If the difference between single-player and online games is as marked as the original comment says, it seems more likely to me that Share Play is saturating the host's connnection so that online gameplay becomes laggy. (Which should be fixable by prioritizing gameplay traffic over Share Play video quality.)
  20. Empire

    Haven Park

    I like it so far. But I am not sure I wouldn't get bored with it too quickly. I hope there is more content. Might get this one next paycheck.
  21. I think someone should just copy the Arkham formula but use X-Men instead of Batman. Have character swap points like they did with Catwoman, and open up the possibility of co-op play. Maybe you need certain characters to open up certain areas, and you need to unlock/rescue/recruit them in the same way Batman would acquire new gadgets. Instead of a Batmobile, you get the Blackbird. Shit like that.
  22. I’d say graphics are already approaching an upper limit. There’s probably room for improvement in terms of movies and tv, where you can take your time rendering all of the graphical components before delivering on a final product. But with PCs and consoles, there is only so much you can expect most consumers to afford. Unless new world of coding and tech comes, we will see what the furture be like
  23. Favorite, well there is not my favorite but rather then what I use and the best for my systems. Chrome on my laptop, for years. Saves information, has my extensions and whatnot. Edge, started using it on my gaming rig as it's not heavy on my system while gaming.Less lighter then Chrome.
  24. Not everyone is a fan, It's not bad and makes me wanted to watch it all πŸ™‚
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