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Everything posted by Demon_skeith

  1. Wasn't it Witcher? 😛 But good clip, I like to see more.
  2. Pretty sure no game out there comes close to what Myst had going on.
  3. The first one my family got was the NES, the first one I was given was the N64 and the first one I ever bought myself was the PS3.
  4. The game is well worth it, it's a real fun and hack and slash game though the story can be hard to follow.
  5. I'm hoping they will fix a lot of things that were done wrong or went unanswered in the manga.
  6. Rejoice for the final arc shall get its long over due anime! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-03-20/bleach-manga-thousand-year-blood-war-arc-gets-anime/.157678 Kubo's follow up one shot manga Burn the Witch is also getting an anime which is set in the same Bleach world.
  7. I think people still want some kind of gameplay, it's why many say Xbox's recent presentation flopped.
  8. Not really, its just the story they want to show and for me to experience which I'm fine with.
  9. Looks fun and a good way to catch fans up to the new upcoming anime finale.
  10. The second and third is my favorite, with all the action packed battles and interesting characters doing their thing.
  11. I don't mind, even if its a game I really want. A delay means better quality, plus I have plenty of backlog to keep me busy.
  12. Hahah, indeed that got old fast. The one thing I enjoyed about velvet was that she did have unlimited use of her demon arm.
  13. Didn't do much for me, but every cent during these times help, as hard to say where we will be later in the year.
  14. That seriously looks like a screenshot from a live action movie.
  15. I know MS has thrown money around, and its barely kept them in. I mean anyone can get in, if they have good enough software.
  16. I managed to play and beat Berseria, but I felt it was more of a chore to play and beat it mostly.
  17. I'm just really glad it has an SSD in it, could care less about anything else.
  18. Demon_skeith


    Anyone here a fan of her songs? She mainly resings a lot of popular anime songs into her own english style.
  19. Yeah I played this last year, really fun game and another great entry in the Tales of Series. A bit outdated in its looks but a enjoyable game none the less.
  20. Started playing this on the PS4 tonight, already a fun and awesome game. Anyone here a fan of the Shantae series?
  21. I do enjoy games like this, you think you got everything figured out and a major climax happens and flips everything on its head.
  22. Eh I don't know, Pac man really hasn't aged well if you ask me.
  23. I'm pretty plain and basic to my outfit, so I would just stick with my usual t-shirt and jeans, pretty perfect unless it gets freezing out.
  24. I'll avoid youtube as it will be too easy to see a spoiler and ruin the plot for me.
  25. yep, they help me decide if I should look more into the game or kind of being the deciding vote based on what I've heard. Though these days trailers tend to be a bit too flashy.
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