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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. Tired, weak, fatigued, and sluggish. Just a normal day, no different from any other.
  2. I got @Rain Dew a laptop at best buy a couple years back. It was $4,000, but worth it. It's more powerful than my desktop. Both of them are gaming PC's, but her laptop has me beat. She is happy with it, and I'm happy with the desktop. Actually, I hate laptops. So if you have the money, you can get some great PC's at Best Buy. I don't know jack about building your own, so I can't comment on what is better. I've always had prebuilt computers. I did special order a custom PC about 20-21 years ago, before @Rain Dew and I met. But since then, I just go with ready to go computers. I even have an all-in-one somewhere around here. If you're happy with a prebuilt computer, then go for Best Buy. They'll have the best PC's. Expensive, yes. But they have the highest quality.
  3. Does anyone else sometimes feel like you have too many games? Sometimes I do. Out of all the systems I have that I still play I probably have at least 2000 games. Hell, I have 125 DDL's on my Switch alone. I have 23 physical carts, most of which are multi-game carts. The Systems I Play: Atari 2600 NES SNES N64 Switch Game Boy (GBASP to be specific so as not to have to keep buying batteries) Sega Genesis PS1 PS3 PS4 PS5 Xbox One Of those 12 systems, I know I have at least 2000 games. Also I'm not counting our PS2, PSP, Xbox, Xbox 360, Game Cube, Wii, and Series X/S games as that would increase the number quite a bit. Of those the only ones we even play are the Xbox Series X/S. The others are retired. So I know I have too damn many games. Many of which I have multiple copies. For example I have 8 copies of SMB3. The reason is that I buy game bundles a lot, and I've just ended up with them. I have 2 systems CIB. An NES, and a Sears Home Video Arcade. Interesting to point out is that until I got that Sears, I had no idea the machine even existed. Another interesting thing I would like to point out is that there's only one game franchise that, since its inception, I haven't found a single release that I didn't like. Mario Kart.
  4. For me it's probably a tie between SNES and PS4/5. I got kinda burnt out on the SNES towards the end of the year, so I hooked up my N64 and games on my PlayStation. I did play a lot on my Switch and PS3, but nowhere near the extent of the others.
  5. I know I have learned things from gaming. For example I learned a lot more than I knew previously about swords from playing Castlevania SOTN. that includes seeing many that I previously had never heard of. A good example of that would be a shotel. Mario Is Missing is another one. But I think it's specifically designed to be educational. An old one from when I was a teenager is Operation Weather Disaster. I know it's educational. But it's so damn much fun, you don't realize you're learning. Skytrip USA is another one. Amazing games, both.
  6. This is a hard one. Mainly it's due to most systems not having any kind of actual mascot. The only two that even remain in gamers' minds are Mario and Sonic. neither Xbox nor PlayStation ever elected any character as their representative. The systems before NES (Atari 2600, Colecovision, etc.) had no mascots either. So it basically boils down to do you like Mario or Sonic better. I have no real preference, but considering that I am a Nintendo fan, I'll just say Mario.
  7. Dante's Inferno is another game that never got the recognition it deserved. It is masterfully written, the graphics are beyond what you would expect for a PS3. It just feels like not many people even knew about the game, which is a damn shame. I never see anyone mention it. I'm just hoping that at some point it will be rereleased for the PS5.
  8. Now for a couple of my own. ******************************************************************** Whether or not I am evil should not be the concern. Whether or not I show you, should be. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Don't dance with the devil if you don't know the steps. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The nothing that fights is the something that wins. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Wrath. The response of the true. Fear. The response of the false.
  9. There are many who would take my time. I shun them. There are some who share my time. I am entertained by them. There are precious few who contribute to my time. I cherish them. ******************************************************************** "When you think of how few people have killed and destroyed in the name of the devil; and how many have done so in the name of God; it makes you think." -Janet (Mrs.) Asimov ******************************************************************** "First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me." -Martin Niemoller ******************************************************************** The rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight. The tears fall because the heart can no longer handle the pain. ******************************************************************** I am in competition with no one. I run my own race. I have no desire to play the game of being better than anyone, in any way, shape, or form. I just aim to improve, to be better than I was before. That's me and I'm free. ******************************************************************** Stand up for what you believe in. Even if it means standing alone. ******************************************************************** I'm close to very few people. But those few mean everything to me. ******************************************************************** When the blood in your veins returns to the sea, and the earth in your bones returns to the ground, perhaps then you will remember that this land does not belong to you, it is you who belong to this land. ******************************************************************** Damaged people love you like you are a crime scene before a crime has even been committed. They keep running shoes beside their souls every night, one eye open in case things change whilst they sleep. Their backs are always tense as though waiting to fight a sudden storm that might engulf them. Because damaged people have already seen Hell. And damaged people understand that every evil daemon that exists down there was once a kind angel before it fell. -Nikita Gill ******************************************************************** Depression is like living in a body that fights to survive with a mind that tries to die. (I can definitely attest to this one!) ******************************************************************** Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. -Edgar Allen Poe ******************************************************************** When your daughter gets rubella when pregnant, how are you going to explain that you chose to leave her at risk? What will you say when she calls you and tells you that she has cervical cancer, because you decided that she wouldn't need the HPV vaccine? What do you tell your son when he breaks the news to you that he cannot have kids, thanks to the mumps that he got as a teenager? And what do you say when he gives influenza to his grandma? How do you explain that she won't be coming hope from the hospital? Not ever. Do you tell them that you didn't think these diseases were that serious? That you thought that your organic, home cooked food was enough to protect them? Do you say sorry? ******************************************************************** My existence doesn't require anyone's approval. ******************************************************************** Who knows what you might learn from a chance on conversation with a stranger? Nobody comes into your life by mere coincidence. Trust your instincts. Do the unexpected. Find the others. -Timothy Leary
  10. Your dogs should do fine. Let them meet her/him from outside the cage before attempting to introduce it outside. I have 6 dogs and they all do just fine. But remember that hedgies are nocturnal, so if you try to play with it during the day, you will make it mad as it's trying to sleep. You can buy pellets to feed them, but since they're insectivores, I recommend dried meal worms if you choose a cage enclosure. If you go with a tank, you can use live. You can also feed them cat food. But remember they have small mouths, so you wouldn't want anything bigger than cat food or meal worms. I highly get one that has been handled since birth. They will be more accustomed to being handled, thus they will be friendlier. You'll have to get used to their spines when you pick them up. They're extremely sharp, which leaves a lot of people unable to handle them. Also they love being tickled on the belly.
  11. Anyone interested knowing more about me?
  12. It seems Darth Maul is your favorite Star Wars character, so who is your least favorite and why?
  13. Is VGR a semi-large company with employees in an office, or are your employees strictly online? Also, what kind of work do you do with VGR when not online?
  14. Wario and Waluigi were never particularly popular characters. If I remember correctly, Wario's first appearance was on Game Boy in Mario Land 2 The 6 Golden Coins. Gamers were less than impressed. Most wanted Bowser back. Waluigi was simply made to balance out the adversary. The only place you're going to see them nowadays is Mario Kart. Due to their lackluster appearances, and the minimal attention they got, it would make no sense for Nintendo to make a game based around them. It's already shown to not sell well.
  15. Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope A great game so far. It's a psychological horror game, which is my favorite kind of horror games. You and 4 others are trying to figure out how to survive after your bus crashes. They end up going to the town of Little Hope. And in true DPA style, every single choice you make influences the entire game. If you're considering trying out the DPA, I highly recommend getting Little Hope first. If you don't want that one, then get Man Of Medan. the entire franchise is awesome. How shocking is it that I haven't played RDR2 for a while instead? LOL😋
  16. Disc drives are already a thing of the past. If you want a disc drive for your computer, you have to buy an external. Mine is a Blu-ray writer and it plugs into 2 USB ports on my computer. I have burned a few music mixes, but never a Blu-ray. The blanks are too god damn expensive. So it's already a thing in the computing world. Gaming will no doubt follow suit shortly. We already have systems that offer no physical support. Xbox Series S is a good example. Also the vast vast vast amount of Nintendo games are DDL's. I personally have 125 DDL's on my Switch. I only hace 23 carts, but many of them are multiple game carts. So purely digital is already showing it's ugly head. Another thought is that it would hurt retail stores like Walmart, because they wouldn't be able to sell the games. They would only sell cards with download codes, but could never match the amount available through the game store on said console.
  17. I don't know if this one really counts, but any of those gem type games, (think Candy Crush) where you have to match certain gems together to clear a section. They're fun, but if you can't beat a level for whatever reason, then you start buying extra moves and turns. Before you know it, you have spent $50. And I truly believe that some of the levels are designed to not be beaten without having bought the extras.
  18. Despite how fast technology is moving, I would say it's still a ways off. Sure there are things like the Oculous,(SP?) but true AI is something that a lot of people are afraid of. They get things like the Terminator in their head, which makes them apprehensive about it. True full fledged AI is coming, and sooner than we may think, but is still a long time away.
  19. The first AC game I tried was actually AC1, and it's what turned me off from the AC games entirely. Simply because of the training sequence at the beginning. It never ends. So for a long time, I just hated the game. Then I got others (I believe AC3) that changed my mind about the series. I had decided to give it another chance. And my mind changed. I even got Assassin's Creed The Rebel Collection (AC Black Flag, AC Rogue) on my Switch. They're great games and I enjoy the hell out of them.
  20. It depends on which system you're asking about. In total, from all the systems we have, I would say at least 40.
  21. I have a simple question that I haven't been able to find an answer to. Is Dishonored playable in third person instead of just first person?
  22. There's a snowboarding game I missed???? Sonofabitch, I have to pay more attention. I have a ton of snowboarding games, but am always on the lookout for more. I was a snowboarder as a kid, and with a little more practice I could have gone pro. Damn I miss it.
  23. Repetition. Do it over and over until you find your style, and know how to use it. For example, with FF8 most people are either magic users or rely heavily on their GF's. Me, the way that works for me is physical attacks. I can kick some major ass doing that. I also know how to junction magic and abilities to the point that I'm almost invincible. So experiment, and repeat until you have your style down. It's what works for me.
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