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The Blackangel

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Everything posted by The Blackangel

  1. I never played Super Punch Out, but I played the hell out of SMW and B&B. But I have to say that Beavis & Butthead was a lot better and more fun on the Sega Genesis.
  2. Was free speech a thing? I can't seem to recall. Also how long is it going to be before the government tries to charge @DC for running VGR and in turn being forced to charge to use the site? He would never go for it, and probably tell the government to piss off, but I can unfortunately see them trying. Despite it being a video game site, they would probably lose their shit if any games they didn't approve of were mentioned. No more GTA. No more RDR2. No more COD. We would be limited to sports and bible games. If that.
  3. My grandfather received 5 bronze stars and some other kind of medal from the army. He was a medic in WW2, and was part of a unit that liberated Auschwitz. Aside from him, I don't know anyone else that received any kind of medals or special honors.
  4. Ave You should be able to get answers to just about any question that you have. Just make sure to read the Rules & Guidelines of the forum, and you should be just fine.
  5. The Blackangel


    A lifetime ago. I don't even remember being 32. With the exception of a couple major events, I don't remember anything from my 20's or my 30's.
  6. Just remember that with the Model T, you could have any color you wanted as long as you chose black.
  7. The conure I have had since she was a baby. We got her from a breeder in Springfield Illinois. Before we had even walked out the door, she had bonded with me. I didn't pick her, she picked me. She's a really loving bird as long as you're not trying to play video games. Also, I'm the only one she likes. She attacks everyone else. She tolerates @Rain Dew because she knows she has no choice. She loves to groom me. Or at least she thinks she is. She picks at freckles and my tattoos. She knows the tattoos aren't natural, and she probably thinks the freckles are dirt or something. So when I have her out, she's always picking at them trying to get them off me. It's cute as hell. Here's one of the best pics I have of her.
  8. I played RDR2 for a couple hours last night. I didn't do anything extravagant. I just hunted and killed O'Dricscolls when I found them.
  9. My choice would probably have to go to RDR2. It delves into things like racism, crime, loyalty, honor, and the struggle one faces outside the law. It may be the wild west era, but the same things are happening today that happen in the game. It's just the technology (including the weaponry) that's more advanced.
  10. I would go back to the 80's. It was a simpler time when technology didn't rule our entire lives. The internet hadn't been invented yet, the music attained perfection in 1986. Scientific fact. And the world was a lot more laid back. No Karen epidemic for example. It was simpler, and just a better time all around. I miss it.
  11. It varies for my pets. Loud noises scare the shit out of a pitbull, so I tend to keep the volume low. My conure on the other hand, absolutely hates video games. If she's out and you pick up a video game controller, even if it's just to find something on Netflix or Hulu, she will viciously attack your fingers. And I mean viciously. You will bleed. If you want to play a game when she's out, you have to hide your hands under a blanket or something. This is literally what she does. I don't know why.
  12. Obviously for me, it would be Arthur Morgan. I feel such a connection with him that I couldn't pass up that opportunity.
  13. I would create a game that would address the political situation here in the states. It's beyond volatile, and has actually become life threateningly dangerous for some people to even leave their homes. Specifically, the LGBTQ+ community. More often than not, it's the transgender community that's in the crosshairs. This country is about to implode, and we're going to end up in a full on civil war again. There have already been mass murders. As of December 20th, last year there were 300 school shootings. This year there have been there have already been 71 mass shootings. Two of which happened only 2 days ago. This link here shows a list of the shootings we have had. I'm a gun owner, but we need to do something about it. But the right wing will fight it, and then ignore any laws passed anyway.
  14. It was just Pong. Final Fantasy is one. I took this from Wikipedia: "Though often attributed to the company (Square) allegedly facing bankruptcy, Sakaguchi explained that the game was his personal last-ditch effort in the game industry and that its title, Final Fantasy, stemmed from his feelings at the time; had the game not sold well, he would have quit the business and gone back to college."
  15. I've never heard of it, but after seeing that trailer, I'm looking for it. Going by eBay, most copies are around $75 and up. I saw a couple that were about $60, but the vast majority were $75+.
  16. I thought the acquisition was finalized last year and that Microsoft already owns it?
  17. The Meg 10/10 Also, we went to a 3D showing of Titanic a couple days ago. It was interesting seeing it in 3D.
  18. People need to understand that Mother Nature knows what she's doing. The only exception to your thought that I would have is if it's something that went extinct as a direct result of human actions. Typically it's either over hunting, or poaching. But there have been other animals that went extinct as a result of human interaction that weren't hunted or poached. If that's the case, I would be interested in seeing what the end result would be. Hopefully, it would be a positive thing. But then again, Mother Nature may have used us to do her work when she wanted something gone.
  19. With me it was when my father died. He was an abusive drunk that literally beat me every day of my life. He also told everyone that I was nothing but a pussy. But when I found his body in our barn lot, all I could think was that it was finally over. No more beatings. No more being labeled a pussy. I was free. I'm still glad he's dead.
  20. Ditto. You can trust me all the way, with one exception. You can't trust me with gummies. I will eat them all. I absolutely love gummies.
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