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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I saw commercials for several different Colecovision games on TV, and wanted to play it. I don't remember how, but we ended up with one, and my love of gaming was born. It and the Atari games were gifts from the Gods. Space Invaders, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, and Dig Dug were the greatest things in existence. Colecovision had its own version of Pac-Man however. Ladybug. I played Ladybug so much, my thumbs were still moving for about an hour after turning the system off. They were the greatest systems and games ever. I'm still looking for a working Colecovision. I have the flashback, but the idea of playing it makes me want to puke. I didn't buy it. It was a gift.

  2. The SJW's are also out in full force. Anything that doesn't suit them is the most offensive thing on earth and has to be stopped right then and there. They're egocentric narcissists. I say round them all up chain them to the back of whatever you drive, and take a 2 hour long road trip.

    The sad fact of the matter is that people's skin is now about half as thick as a sheet of paper. Smiling at a woman is equal to rape, asking "How are you?" is equal to stalking, and handing someone something they dropped is equal to stealing. We are living in a pussy whipped world of pathetic little bitches that can't handle the simple fact that, NO, you are not special. No one means anything to people they have never met. Someone in my town died, was born, graduated, got a trophy, got married, divorced, farted. They don't mean shit to me.

    You. Are. Not. Special.
    Get. The. Fuck. Over. It.
    Get. The. Fuck. Over. Yourself.

  3. In the area of super chain stores, Walmart is the bane of existence. Granted we would most likely end up in another depression if Walmart went bankrupt, but it would almost be worth it. I've hated the store since I was a child, but you're almost forced to shop there. Sad as it is, they do have the best prices, and it's the most convenient since they carry almost everything.

  4. When I was a teen the biggest system in the world was SNES until the N64 hit the market. PS1 was trying to catch N64's run, but didn't quite reach it. I put down the controller for several years, (didn't have a choice on that one. Military) and when I got back into gaming, I was so horrible at all the games I had been into previously that it seemed that all I could do was die over and over and over again. Even now there's games that I was the goddess of, but today I suck at.

  5. All Assassins Creed games. I tried several of them and that bullshit tutorial at the beginning of the game NEVER FUCKING ENDS. With no end in sight to it, after trying 3 different editions to the franchise, I learned quickly that the game is to be hated in my house. I can't stand it. And it looked so promising. I thought I would love it. Nope.

  6. It depends. If it's a long standing series, like Final Fantasy or the Legend Of Zelda, then typically it doesn't need much hype. The series speaks for itself. But if it's something entirely new like, say, Dante's Inferno, then it will probably need a lot of hype. Something that hasn't been seen before will need more than something that has been around for a while. Final Fantasy started out on Nintendo (NES), and look where it has gone now.

  7. 15 minutes ago, killamch89 said:

    Alien Isolation's opening sequence is about 30 mins long and it is just a bunch of tutorials along with a bit of story which progresses very slowly in the beginning.

    FF8 is like that. The first half of the first disc the characters are constantly stopping you to explain everything. And a lot of it even continues into the second disc.

  8. Blaster Master (NES) - Trying to find the entrances to several levels. many of them aren't in order. For example the entrance to level 4 is hidden in level 1.

    Legacy Of The Wizard (NES) - Playing the game. The object of the game is to find 4 crowns to awaken a dragon so you can kill it. I've been playing the god damn game for 30 years and have still only found 1 fucking crown.

    Marble Madness (NES) - Don't get me started. this game is impossible.

    T&C Surf Designs (NES) - I know it's an LJN game but I still enjoy it. But in all seriousness has anyone ever been able to do the surfing part? I always just go straight down. The skateboarding part is no problem, but that surfing is impossible.

    1080 Snowboarding (N64) - Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love this game. But the moves are almost impossible to get down. It was a lot easier to actually learn them when I was competing than it is in the game.

    Mario 64 (N64) - Tick tock clock. That stage is a bitch. I hate it. And the time on the clock when you enter makes all the difference in how everything moves inside.

    Zelda OoT (N64) - Crossing the haunted wasteland. That part is such a pain in the ass. Following the flags to the shelter thing, then chasing a damn poe. Ugh. I would say the lost woods as well, but that's extremely easy to learn and memorize. But the worst part is that fucking owl. Kaepora Gaebora. I want to kill it and whoever created the god damn thing.

    Zelda Link's Awakening (Game Boy) - Finding some of the keys that open the dungeons can be a major bitch if you're not all that familiar with the game. You'll search the entire map trying to find them.

    Zelda Oracle Of Ages (Game Boy) - This one is just plain hard. At least to me it is. I enjoy it, but it sends my blood bursting out through the top of my damn skull.

  9. It started as a kid. As for what triggers is, literally any time I see a group of holes. I can't handle it. I can't even look at shoes much because so many of them are designed like nets or lattice patterns. I have to stay with tennis shoes mostly. I hate pumps so my heels have to be block or wedge (which isn't a problem). But I have to be careful to find any that are solid material. Looking at anything that is a bunch of holes sends me into a full blown panic attack instantly. I had one last night that was so severe I passed out. This shit is really getting dangerous for me.

  10. I’m helping my niece get ready for her first day of college tomorrow. I just need to get some thumb drives to her. Other than that I’m doing a whole lot of nothing. I’m seeing my psychiatrist Tuesday morning to try to get something done about my trypophobia. It’s crippling and seriously derailing my entire life.

  11. I played Halo on the first Xbox, and was instantly soured on both. I hated the controller setup, and the game (in my opinion) was just worthless. My girl has both an Xbox 360 and an Xbox One X, and to be honest, I haven't seen the slightest bit of improvement. I guess that's why I hate the system. I'll stick to Nintendo and PlayStation, thank you very much.

  12. Online gaming. Everything is online. I see all physical games, and consoles being phased out. Everything will be digital downloads. It's already started. It won't be long before that fully takes effect. There may be a box for a while, where you download any system you want, then download the games. But that will only be temporary before everything is purely digital in some other, more "advanced" form.

  13. 4 minutes ago, NuclearElephant said:

    Could we have a moderator remove this post?

    He's posted this in the 'news' section incorrectly 😛

    👍🏻 at being a backseat moderator. I’m sure DC will appreciate your help running the forum.

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