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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. You're just another blind idiot, and a whiny little bitch that won't look at the facts. Trump is flat out retarded. He's a failed reality TV star, that has had 4 bankruptcies, countless business failures, and ripped off all the people who dealt with him prior to his run for the White House.

    No president has ever had his entire cabinet quit or get fired before. More than half has plead guilty to multiple felonies and coverups. His nepotism has his idiot kids as his cabinet. 

    His favorite line is "grab 'em by the pussy". He's a sexual predator. he has never been faithful to any of his wives, so how is this country supposed to believe anything he says? Also it's a documented fact that he tells over 6 lies to the American people daily. And don't bother the whole Clinton scandal. I didn't trust him afterward either. but Trump was pulling this shit BEFORE AND AFTER he stole the WH.

    Learn a few facts before you try to talk. It's a lot easier to take your head out of your ass if you don't have your fucking foot in your mouth.

    I swear to the Gods, if people like you were hanging onto Adolf Trump's (or do you prefer Donald Hitler?) dick any harder you would be his nutsack. 

    Oh, and by the way, give me your address so I can send the DEA to your house to confiscate your entire crack stash.

    Grow a fucking brain moron.

  2. 19 hours ago, skyfire said:

    Taste each to their own. I don't like SJW stories based on what I have seen so far. I am glad they have not added that in FF recent series or so. But yeah I guess people have their own perception on what to like. 

    How the hell is FF8 connected to SJW's?😕

  3. Unless I go back several generations, looking up any extended family is a moot point. I have no aunts or uncles. Both of my parents were only children, as were their parents. So I would have to look up great grand parents, and great great grandparents to get started. And to be honest, if I have to go back that far, I don't care to find any of them. So we'll never meet. There are no family reunions. All I have to do is look in the mirror for that. So I'm it. When I die, there will be no one of my line anymore. I don't want kids, and have actually taken the steps to make sure it doesn't happen. So my bloodline is already in the car waving good bye, while yelling at me to get the hell out of the bathroom and hurry the hell up.

  4. I mean I don't have any family. Everyone is dead as far as I know. No aunts or uncles. No cousins. At least none that I'm aware of. Immediate family is thankfully dead. Grandparents are dead. I'm it. When I die that will be the end of my bloodline.

  5. It's been raining all day here. yet still it's booming all over. The thing about the fourth is that people buy so many damn fireworks that takes them over a moth to set all of them off. And I have to listen to this shit literally all night long. It never stops until the tents are down for the year, and people have blown up all their stash. Which usually lasts until the middle of August. So these days I have grown to hate fireworks, and dread the fourth.

    But I'll be in KC next weekend for Crypticon, so hopefully it will die down a bit after that.

  6. I was taught how to fish when I was 3. I went to the pond with, I think it was my drunk piece of shit father, and had an interesting thing happen. I have one of those little 3' long snoopy poles. He told me that what you do is push down the button then throw it in. he didn't say anything else about how to do it, so I pushed down the button then threw the rod in the pond. I was standing there wondering how you catch fish when you do that. I looked at him and then he threw me in the pond and yelled at me to find my pole. I'm not getting into what happened after that.

  7. I was never into skateboarding, but I was a pro-am snowboarder. I competed in several competitions. I usually did pretty well, and the guys competing were always super cool to each other. I was the only girl, but that didn't really matter to anyone. One guy tried to pick me up once, but I was spoken for at the time.

  8. My computer is an all-in-one, so all I really have visible is the monitor, mouse, and keyboard. I use computer duster on the keyboard, and a simple wipe on the screen when I feel like they need it. that's as far as it goes for me.

  9. On 6/4/2019 at 11:04 PM, kingpotato said:

    Call of Duty 3 and Modern warfare (cod 4) have been one of the best portrayals of a movie about war , I have never been on the army or war so for me those games looked like most of the war movies I have seen.

    The thing with that, is that movies and games portray war in a glorified way. They don't show what is actually happening on the front lines. They don't show what the soldiers go through during, and after their time is up. The emotional strain on a soldier, lasts for the rest of their life. Some are so damaged they spend the rest of their life doped up. Many end up homeless because they can no longer hold down a job. That's my main reason for absolutely despising those kind of games.

  10. 3 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    Final Fantasy 8 is a good shout although some other Final Fantasy fans don't like this game for some reason. I personally love the game and Squall is my favorite main character from the entire series as he started out as a detached individual but he underwent significant character development.

    It's weird as hell. FF8, from what I understand, is the most unpopular game in the entire Final Fantasy franchise. It has what people are usually calling a "cult following", but that doesn't stir the Kool-Aid for me. I just can't understand why people hate on it so much. Some have said it's nothing but a video game version of a soap. I can kinda see their point with that, but there's a lot more to the game than those people are giving it credit for. In my opinion, it's the absolute best game in the franchise, hands down.

  11. GnR was a train wreck from the beginning. They have 1 or 2 decent songs, but not much else. Metallica was ok in the beginning, but yes, they are puke now. They haven't recorded anything worthwhile since the black album. Their music flat out sucks. They can't even play their old stuff anymore. They should all retire. Why the hell do you think Jason left the band? He knew they were a worn out band. He went on also to do some other projects, because James and Lars weren't letting him.


    Stick a fork in them. They're done.

  12. 10 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I do not look for underground artists - at least not actively. I just happen to come across their music along the way. I do listen to a bit of mainstream music every now and then but the music tends to lack creativity, passion and is just promoting the typical stereotypes like sex,money and drug usage.

    Mainstream music is just the same thing puked up over and over again. There’s no individuality. The aim is to make money, not art. If it’s just another break up song, there’s nothing to it. If your song doesn’t have a story to tell, then it’s not worthy of being recorded. That’s why I stick to underground virtually exclusively.

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