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The Blackangel

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Posts posted by The Blackangel

  1. I'm gonna catch hell for this one, but as a series, I would haze to say Zelda. If you look at the series over time, every game is so wildly different and the quests are so different that it seems like they're running out of ideas. I mean compare A Link To The Past to Wind Waker. Then look at Zelda 2. Now we have Breath Of The Wild. None of them have anything in common, except Link, Zelda , and Hyrule. Another wildly different one is Twilight Princess. None of them are remotely similar to another one. They are just getting worse and worse. Which is really sad, because it could have been the greatest series that Nintendo ever released. And it was. For a while.

    Also what the fuck happened to SMB? It disappeared after SNES. Mario64 was fun, but why wasn't Luigi anywhere in existence? I know Peach wrote the letter to Mario, but that doesn't satisfy me.

  2. It's a record fact that Baby has gotten the most dislikes of any video on YouTube ever. I think it's funny as hell that its gotten so much hate. Personally, while I think the kid has a good voice, I can't stand any of his music.

    Don't get me wrong on this one. Blaze kicks some major ass. I love his music. But this song fucking sucks. I always skip it.


  3. For the longest time I HATED Barbie Girl, and by association Aqua. But these days it doesn’t really bother me the way it used to. But there’s no music from the entire 90’s that I can stand with the rare exception, here and there. So it’s pretty much a moot point now.

  4. I’m talking to a couple publishers and looking into the possibility of self publishing, just as soon as I find an editor I like. One of my novels isn’t gonna be published for a very long time, because I’m rewriting a huge chunk of it. I never liked the part of the story from the moment I wrote it, and to this day I still don’t know what the hell it was that convinced me to keep it. I have 3 short stories finished but I want to get a lot more ready and compile them into a book.

  5. On 7/22/2019 at 4:02 PM, killamch89 said:

    For instance, Final Fantasy 8 - brilliant characters, a main character (squall) and side characters who show tremendous character development throughout the show and a brilliant story. I've never been certain why it gets so much hate when it is a very solid game.

    Absolutely. FF8 definitely should get one. It's an absolutely beautiful game. The story and characters are so captivating, that I feel like they are my brothers and sisters. Family that I love. Especially since I didn't have real family growing up.

  6. On 7/11/2019 at 10:17 PM, killamch89 said:

    Star Wars the Force Unleashed and the original Star Wars BattleFront 2 for the Xbox were pretty solid games but ever since EA got a hold of the license, they have been churning out nothing but garbage.

    I try to avoid games like that. Be it Star Wars, Lord Of The Rings, The Matrix, or any other game that comes from a movie franchise. It has been my experience with them that the creators were more about selling a brand than in making a decent game.

  7. 4 hours ago, killamch89 said:

    I have to constantly be giving my dogs water 5-6 times during the afternoon hours because of how ridiculously hot it gets. I'd let them in the house but they tend to start troubling everything within sight so I make them stay outside.

    I assume by "troubling everything" you mean chewing on furniture? I would personally say furniture be damned, and get the dogs inside in that kind of heat. The possessions can be replaced Your babies can't.

  8. I always go with what I feel a better connection with. And that’s always a female elf. I don’t know why I feel that connection, but it’s always the same base character. When I was a kid and played D&D I always played an elf. Never any other race. Now if I’m playing a game and elves aren’t an option, then I pick/design as close to an elf as I can get.

  9. I went to the gathering of the juggalos a few times before. The first time I went it was 120 something degrees and over 100% humidity. I was one of a lot of people that ended up in the hospital due to the heat. I almost died. The ER doctors were honestly thinking I had a heat stroke at first. Luckily I didn’t. But we went back there, got our stuff and left. The most interesting thing? This was in southern Illinois, near the Kentucky border. It wasn’t anywhere near what you would think of to be like that, like Louisiana or Arizona.

  10. If you want to play around with flash, go to BoneLand. The site is nothing but flash games and cartoons and everything will have you laughing so hard you will have to replay it more than once just to catch everything.

  11. Professional reviews are always being paid for. Whether it's  video games, movies, music, or Broadway plays. Someone is always paying for positive reviews. But amateur reviews aren't any more reliable. There you everyone's back in high school, and wanting to sit at the cool kids' table. So they all go along with the same "opinions" just to be part of the clique. The only review you can fully trust is your own.

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