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Everything posted by mont86

  1. Plus I kept biting my cheek.. That was annoying. Big teeth..
  2. And checking in here.. lol The work take most of the weekend ?
  3. Yeah about the same as above. Worth it in the end..
  4. This is pretty much it in my opinion .. Sorry to say
  5. Weekend again... What's on the agenda for everyone.. I'm working this weekend.
  6. Bravo, good answer.. lol
  7. Do these same people act that way in public ?
  8. Baked beans in tomato sauce.. interesting your recipe or one that's common.. Baked beans out of a can?
  9. How many hours a day do you play ?
  10. PC mostly , Will smart tv on occasion .
  11. Been years since I've had oatmeal.. I know it's good..
  12. How long did it take you to finish that game.. And a game in general?
  13. mont86


    LOL It's true.. I remember when Atari came out and people scoffed at it..
  14. My game had a glitch in .. had to exit and restart , then I was able to continue. Thanks
  15. I get that, but sometimes quick fixes work well.. lol I have found I enjoy watching youtube tutorials on gaming..
  16. Worked all weekend.. What kind of conference ?
  17. Have your parents learned to use computers ? Me just pretty much the basics.
  18. You said u finished resident evil in 2 days . how long for ghost recon ?
  19. I figured as much but I'm just learning where the controls are on the Xbox and watching tutorials they talk about using keyboard.. I don't see any advantage for me..
  20. Really.. Ok It takes a little more work to always use the keyboard ? Or maybe now you don't even notice it .
  21. How long did it take you to finish GHR ?
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