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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. But isn't that supposed to be just genuine skepticism?
  2. Also, Discord is offering a 90/10 cut now. So yeah, that proposition from Epic Games fell out of the water.
  3. We deserve to see the story of Cole Phelps / Elliot Cancel-
  4. Ew, RGB. I never understood why people were so hyped about it. It's cool for like 2 seconds and then you literally try to turn it off as soon as possible
  5. if you ask me, I'll ask you :v
  6. Why not a Signature that's limited to just text?
  7. The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess. Ever since then gaming became a passion.
  8. You mean we can watch L.A. Noire on the silver screen?!
  9. Tone down the elitism bud, our console gamers are still our brethren.
  10. Glad to see you shrugged off Resonance of Fate >:V
  11. "Older than normal"? What does that mean?
  12. I believe you can learn to be evil rather than being born that way. It's been shown that society can push you in that direction more often than not
  13. FInal Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age Resonance of Fate The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky The 3rd
  14. UleTheVee

    AMD Build

    Buy me a RYZEN 5 along it's motherboard and ignore that voice in your head that says it's wrong. I commaaaaannnddd youuuuu
  15. JUST the Carlton Dance one?! LOL. Dude, there have been more than 4 lawsuits from a huge variety of angles. Epic Games is estimated to lose millions
  16. You know, saying Series is more of a copout than an entry on the list but I'll bite. The World Ends With You - FINAL REMIX - Xenoblade Chronicles Half-Life 2 Metal Gear Solid 2 BlazBlue Cross Tag Battle / Dragon Ball FighterZ Batman: Arkham City God of War LIGHTNING RETURNS - Final Fantasy XIII Moonlighter Sonic Mania
  17. That they should be more concerned abou their lawsuits and Privacy Policies which literally are against consumers and that Discord is doing it better than the Epic Games Store is. There.
  18. First off, you're wrong, it has to be 1994-2005 Second, it's Generation Z, NOT Millennials. Millennials are the previous generation THIRD, the people you're criticizing are Generation T
  19. FIFA? Overrated? I'm pretty sure only one type of gamer buys this PoS and it literally is far from what actual gamers actually are.
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