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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. And you don't know what a Milenial is.
  2. I don't know if we really should be comparing this to Watch_Dogs. The game wasn't even good.
  3. (I dare ya'll to beat it)
  4. I play Pac-Man but it might not be the version you guys think of...
  5. Blood borne? Uhhh, I dunno, it looked way too much like a Souls game to sell me. Yeah yeah, I know, that's the point but..It was supposed to stand out on its own too right?
  6. Is 120hz even really noticeable?
  7. Because they literally have nothing to announce. That's why
  8. Left 4 Dead 2. It just can't get any better and it becomes so much more better with firends. Sounds contradictory as hell but that's what "Better with friends" experiecnes are.
  9. Or, you know. Cleaning your hands before using the controller...
  10. By the way, before you talk about E3 losing relevancy, Nintendo and Microsoft have both mentioned that they still think that it's important. Not to mention the PC Gaming Show in there has basically begun to kill it as of late.
  11. People really have to keep fixing Bethesda's games huh... This is so awful in retrospective
  13. We're gonna get along so well.
  14. Yes, but building them has still been a complicated issue for some. Even as streamlined as it is. Like I said multiple times, what people hate the most is working for their entertainment
  15. I don't care about the visual fidelity of a game. I just want 1080p 60FPS and with that I am happy.
  16. I will get my stupid membership if it means I drink more Mountain Dew
  17. I'll just end with this. Nobody asked for any of this. The expectations rose because the companies who made the games wanted them to, not because the consumer did. And to be quite frank. That's something that even Jim Sterling has said. That this whole "Rising Cost" thing has happened because developers wanted it to happen.
  18. Yep, it definitely shows that Switch and PC are starting to become the strongest in the world
  19. Ah, so yer' a PC master race like me. Good to know
  20. It's... Still something you should know if you own a PS4 and Xbox One. Right now the Switch has been killing it with their censorship policies (Or lack of them)
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