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Everything posted by UleTheVee

  1. I use eBay/MercadoLibre. A lot of people underestimate how effective secondhand markets can be and thus they miss out on great offers.
  2. I don't drink and my morality is extremely high alongside with my journalistic integrity.
  3. Then what are you waiting for? MP Can easily be emulated
  4. https://www.chrono.gg/?utm_source=site&utm_medium=notification&utm_campaign=rogue_legacy
  5. Why can't we be friends?
  6. Oh come on dude! You can be better than that! There are plenty of games you can choose from. Even the slightest one. Uhmm... Let's see uhh... Metal gear rising, how about that?
  7. I would feel really ashamed if it weren't for the fact that I did the exact same thing when I assumed that a random guy on the internet was an EA employee..Oops.
  8. I mean, look at that trainwreck that is Mass Effect Andromeda. The models already looked extremely awkward and scary. Do you want those abominations to have sex? Ew
  9. That challenge has died quite recently with the fact that Sony has been found to be censoring games from Japanese developers, even more so than Steam and the freaking Nintendo Switch XD
  10. Keep ignoring it, just don't complain when Warcraft or Starcraft get the same treatment.
  11. Uhm, that's the way it's been going for years now. Hearthstone players already got the shaft and Blizzard is developing DIablo Immortal. Not to mention several developers are commenting about how Overwatch became a curse due to the fact Activision wants games like that from now on.
  12. This happens like every week in Mexico so you already are wrong m8. But the crux of the argument is that you shouldn't take save states for granted. Like me with the (Enhanced by me) PC version of Silent HIll 3. When the power outage happened, I literally lost the progress I have done over half of the game,
  13. I wish I had a ban so Ic ould promote myself as a bad boy. Sadly, I don't.
  14. We literally have The second coming of Jesus Reisdent Evil 2 Remake coming our way in a month and a few days and you make this question dude? Come on.
  15. And then Reggie killed the rumor too
  16. Resident Evil 2 Remake. COME ON GUYS, ITS A GOOD ONE!
  17. Activision continues to seep into Blizzard's affairs and they will keep shutting Blizzard down as long as those goddamned investors aren't happy.
  18. If i had a multi-monitor setup I would be using a big screen for games and then a small one for work/stream purposes.
  19. Mostly because it abuses freedom of expression.
  20. Steam or HUmble Bundle. Maybe even the Discord Store.
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