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Everything posted by killamch89

  1. Popeye's biscuits are really freaking dry - I'm not even joking and they tend to be a bit on the tougher side. When I swallow it feels like I'm swallowing a small stone or something 🤣
  2. But where do you eat it though? I used to love McDonalds until we found they were preserving chicken for over 100 years (Needless to say, I'm not a big fan of eating chicken older than my great grandparents.)
  3. That's a pretty hilarious story - I once got drunk at a party when I was 15 and got up the next morning with some girl in my bed at my house. When I told you I was stone cold drunk, it is one of the few times I drank so much that I couldn't remember anything. I had so many questions like how'd we even get to my house because I took public transportation to that party and was my only means of getting back home. I had my wallet with all my money and everything so I wasn't missing anything. I was rather fortunate though because my parents were out of town for the weekend because I'm not sure how they'd have reacted to me carrying home some random teen girl from a party.
  4. That sounds like me from my high school days - I used to do a lot of sports such as athletics and soccer( we call it football) and my mom used to complain how comes she bought one month's worth of grocery and it's finished within a week.
  5. I do extra large pizzas - large isn't large enough for my bottomless pit of a stomach. I have maintained a high metabolic rate since my teen years and the only reason I haven't gone for 2 extra large pizzas is to exercise some kind of self control.
  6. It must be really good then for people to try and pay you for it - How did you come by this recipe?
  7. The problem is it won't be saving you money over the long term and on top of that, you don't officially own any of the games so it is a very bad deal. I really want it to crash and burn because if this catches on, we the gamers will never be able to own games again.
  8. Don't try to force the jokes, just make it flow and practice becomes perfect. Although, for others like me, it is second nature but I grew up in a household of jokers. My mother and father are very good at cracking jokes and I picked it up from them. You can learn what stand-up comedians do as well and try to incorporate it.
  9. It does help in competitive games like FPS but I certainly don't prioritize it a lot either. I just want a very smooth, enjoyable experience.
  10. Star Wars the Force Unleashed and the original Star Wars BattleFront 2 for the Xbox were pretty solid games but ever since EA got a hold of the license, they have been churning out nothing but garbage.
  11. As I said, you have to make your content more unique than other streamers by adding comedy among other things.
  12. Actually, there are studies out basically proving that the regular blue light from monitors can disrupt our sleeping patterns.
  13. killamch89


    Not only that but their stuff are ridiculously overpriced - Like, for instance, the monitor stand that costs $1000 US. I'm not sure what they are smoking but they need to cut it out.
  14. I'm glad that they are making a comeback in the gaming market because I feel that Nvidia and Intel have been sleeping for far too long.
  15. keeping the laptop in cool conditions is a great idea as it won't suffer from heating issues in addition to no dust gathering on the laptop.
  16. If my character can't make the major decisions in terms of his own personal goals, it'd put me off quite a bit. However, If another character is affecting the world around me, I don't have any problems with that because I feel a lot of games fall into the cliche of you the player determining the fate of everything.
  17. The Caribbean in general is extremely hot during the summer months - so hot that you may avoid going out in the daytime and wait until the evening.
  18. Actually, mobile gaming on a hold has started to be on the decline except for platforms like the Nintendo Switch. i think it has to do with the fact that aggressive monetization in mobile games is turning away a good portion of gamers.
  19. Link: https://www.cdkeys.com/xbox-live/games/shadow-of-the-tomb-raider-xbox-one-cd-key
  20. I can only imagine - I mean, that totally came out of left field. My dog is looking at me funny for laughing so hard 🤣
  21. Link: https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/kingdom-come-deliverance-royal-edition-steam-pc
  22. "There's Semen on Everything!" XD - that's a really good one - I can't stop laughing. I just watched a video of it and the british accent is what makes it even funnier.
  23. Link: https://www.cdkeys.com/pc/games/final-fantasy-xv-15-windows-edition-pc-steam-cd-key
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